Month: June 2005

Jenny and Benny married!

I must say, that I am very happy that Ben and Jen got married. As many of you know, Jennifer Garner is my absolute favorite actress, and I am glad that she is happy. I am not totally bitter that she divorced that hottie Scott Foley, but that is the past. She has a baby on the way with Ben… which I must state that I am just very glad that this child won’t be a bastard… whew!! Seriously… congratulations Jen and Ben, many happy years!!

Bobby Brown’s 16th minute

As if the Britney and K-Fed show wasn’t bad enough, we must now be subjected to the Bobby Brown “career-clean-up” special. And boy, it should be special. Poor Bobby Brown, he is so desperate for good attention, that he needs a crew to follow him around to prove that he isn’t the “bad boy” the press believes him to be. And honestly, I want to know how he is going to prove that. I am thinking that there will be no long car rides where the crew smokes pot, and Whitney does a line off of the dashboard. I am also assuming there will be no in-depth footage of Bobby beating the hell out of Whitney when she neglects to cook dinner, cause she is as high as a kite and singing about “Allah”. Chances, are, that stuff will be left on the cutting room floor.

seems I am always a few steps behind, or is it ahead?

I just read that the next line of ipods will all have color screens, *gasp*!, and the 20 GB model will still be $300 *double gasp*!!! Now, I know that I should be grateful that I can have two ipods, and yes I have two, but I can justify having both of them. I bought the first one like two years ago, when the 2nd Gen 10GB model was $400 freaking dollars, and was bigger, bulkier, and did not hold as much music. Just in case you are keeping score, it was really before they had caught on… see, there was no USABLE interface between ipod and windows. After being pleased with my purchase for a while, I held out as long as I could, and then bought the 4th Gen 20GB, as more of an upgrade, to hold all of my music.

Atlanta Pride 2005

I just wanted to post a quick post, to be expanded later, about the wonderful Pride weekend that I just had! As many know, to all those under a rock, listen up, it was Pride weekend in Atlanta this past weekend, and to celebrate, we participated in many of the festival’s activities. On Thursday, we saw Mommie Dearest. On Friday, we saw the Indigo Girls, live in the park, followed by going out. On Saturday, we went to the park and then went out late, late, late. On Sunday, we dragged ourselves to the parade, where it rained the entire time, and then hung out in the park, until we were so tired we had to go home and crash. Sounds like I need a weekend to get over my weekend.

Tina! Bring me the axe!

last night, we all went out to see Mommie Dearest at screen on the green, in Peidmont Park. Not only did I have a kick-ass time, but I was really astounded to see how many folks showed up for that. I have always loved the movie, but I have been made to feel weird for liking it, in the past. But no longer! Now I can shout from the rooftops that I love that movie!

the downing street memo; pay attention!

it seems like, in this day and age, that when something like the Downing Street Memo comes out, people would be like, “What the hell is that??? I want to know more!!”. Why, you ask? What is the Downing Street Memo? Well, it is a document contain meeting minutes from the July 23, 2002 meeting with Tony Blair. Why is that important? Well, it pretty much spells out that the Bush administration lied about “invasion as a last resort”, and actually detailed plans to convince the people and congress that an invasion of Iraq was necessary. It hints at the fact that the Bush administration manipulated evidence and intelligence on Iraq (i..e., blatantly “hyped” the activity in Iraq and of Saddam Hussein, in order to convince officials that action was necessary), and expresses Blair’s concerns about what the invasion of Iraq could mean. It shows a president hell bent on war and invasion, and doesn’t seem to highlight any sense of the repercussions.

revival of the smashing pumpkins?

Now, as I read this morning about Billy Corgan’s ad in the paper to “resurrect” the Smashing Pumpkins, I must say that I felt a little dismayed. See, the Pumpkins were my absolute favorite band in high school. I still love them. I have most of their CDs, and even listen to the ones I have quite regularly. But unlike other bands that I really like, I have no desire to get the albums I do not have. There is a good reason for that. After Mellon Collie, they released the Aeroplane Flies High, which was essentially more Mellon Collie; and, to be quite honest, they should have ended at that. Now that may sound mean, but most can agree that the music they produced went sharply downhill after that. The following record, Adore, and subsequently MACHINA/the machines of God (two albums which were not on their major label, Virgin, might I add), pretty much took the Pumpkins into an area that not only alienated some of the fans (namely myself), but made it kind of strange to think that it was the same Smashing pumpkins that had made Siamese Dream that were making that crap.

still updating… still switching (*sigh*)

Well, I am still switching my old entries into this blog, and let’s say it is taking a good bit of forever. My pointer finger, you know the one I click with, is totally numb. That cannot be a good sign. But, At least I have gotten through April, cause there were more entries in April, May, and June, than probably the whole past year (which just means I need to post more). But I cannot wait till this blog is fully up and running!!!

I will post something fun soon. I promise.

weezer bender

Given that I have been slaving over “learning” CSS and whatnot, I have had time to sit back and listen to a lot of music. In particular… Weezer. Now, we all loved Weezer back in the day (keep in mind the blue album came out over 10 years ago), and I know that I loved that disc in high school… but their new CD is simply wonderful. Pick it up, if you haven’t already. I have found myself buying other cd’s of theirs that I didn’t have before now, hence, the Weezer bender that I profess being on.

I know this really isn’t of any relevance to anyone else out there, but I figure that if I can spread the word of good music… then perhaps I can inspire benders of my own… and here’s hoping that happens!!

Also, let me know what you think of the new site set up kids!!!