Alright Best Buy people, listen up!!

This is an open letter to the employees at the new Best Buy, that just opened in Edgewood; and well, to any Best Buy employee really. This weekend, I was in there, and I realize that this was the first day that you were ever open, but come on. I was looking at DVD’s, trying to let the pure power of consumerism take me over, and persuade me to buy yet another DVD that I didn’t need, and possibly didn’t even want, but still, nonetheless, I was there, and was probably going to get one.

So, in the like 20 minutes that I was there looking through the shinny packages of delicious capitalism, I was approached by no less than 8 employees!!! That is simply ridiculous. Many of them claimed to media experts, which I neither believe, nor care about, to be honest. Seriously, you should talk to each other, because 8 people coming up to me is a bit much? I felt like I was at the GAP!!! And we all know about that? well, at least you should know. Those people at the Gap just don’t take, “no, I don’t want to add a belt, or get the corduroys, or the denim jacket”, even after you tell them that you don’t want it or need it. You have to be mean and just walk out empty handed sometimes. And that is what I did this weekend. I didn’t even get one DVD. So, it is almost like you un-did your job. You made me put unwanted and unneeded merchandise down, and NOT buy it. And I don’t think that is why they pay you the $10 an hour. So, next time you see me looking through the DVD?s, let me be, because only I can decide whether I need “In Good Company” staring Dennis Quaid and Topher Grace, or “The Merchant of Venice” starring Al Pacino.

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