Month: April 2005

Marc Broussard concert… a great time!

Last night, we went to see Marc Broussard, but were met with a wonderful surprise. Sara Bareilles opened, and let me say that she is simply wonderful. Check her out: You can download several mp3’s from her site for free, including a FANTASTIC version of Aha’s Take on me. Get this now, you will not be sorry. Also, make sure you get the CD, cause I bought it at the show, and it is great. Can’t wait to her more from this wonderful singer.

Oh yeah… and Marc Broussard was great! LOL. By the time he came on, an obnoxious and loud ass band (Will Hoge) had played for like an hour and a half before him, so I was wiped out. But, he was very good, and is extremely talented. I recommend you get everything he has out, and get it now. You will love it. Who knew that a 22 year old white boy could be that soulful? Well, now you do.

A random series of thoughts…

Last night’s TV:
This message is for anyone who helped in any way on last night’s episode of Alias: THANK YOU. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! Seriously, that is what I am talking about. That is Alias. That is what I have been missing. I hope that this season finishes with more of last night, and less of that before. Finally 2 great episodes!! ALIAS IS BACK!!!!
As for Showdogs: we went from funny to super drama, interesting. I have one thing to say to Brandon: Honey, you don’t need to call the cops because he is “holding your dog hostage and all you want to do is train the dog”. Give me a break. Don’t be so melodramatic. It is ok to be somewhat dramatic, it makes life more interesting, but not that. That was just ridiculous.

Moving on…

As many of you know who have seen my links page, I thoroughly enjoy the website Very interesting concept, and honestly I cannot help but feel super guilty for reading, but that doesn’t stop me. I usually run into some good ones, most of them are people that are just whiners really, but last night, I ran into one of the best ones I have seen. It wasn’t really a confession, per se, but it was really funny, and makes you think:

684724940 I think humans should have a natural predator.

Love that.

And finally, I have tomorrow off, I am going to see Marc Broussard tonight, and I am in a pretty good mood, even though they eliminated the ability to IM at work today. But, I am going to have a great weekend, and will let you know more about Marc next week!!!

Paula, honey, we need to talk.

Paula, Paula, Paula. What is going on honey? I watched you last night on AI, and honestly, the only thought I had in my mind was, “What is that crazy biatch on?”. No seriously, what are you on? Is it meds, is it drugs, is it alcohol? WHAT? Now, I must admit Paula, I am a bit distressed, simply because I care. I really do. I have liked you since back in the day where it was ok to like ‘Cold-hearted Snake’ (the first CD I ever got was Paula Abdul’s Shut up and Dance: the Remixes… no joke) and it actually was adorable to watch you dance with a cartoon cat, because hey, opposites do attract. But honestly, I feel like you may have lost it Paula, and I am here to shake some sense back into you (picture Greg shaking Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest, getting her to admit that she is indeed crazy… wait for it, because she says it). I can honestly say that I want to work on things Paula. Stop the hit and runs. Stop the crazy dancing whilst AI contestants are performing, just sit there and enjoy it like the rest of us. GET OFF Simon. Let them do a Paula Abdul night on AI (hey this is a long shot, but I gotta throw it in there… I know you want to see one of those kids up there dancing and singing to ‘Forever Your Girl’, don’t lie), where you actually do a number. Give us something to believe the old Paula is still in there, and that you are not just anesthetizing her with booze. Your behavior has become noticeable, and while it is ok to drink, and sometimes even down right be a drunk, it is not okay when other people can point it out. So now that we have had this little talk, straighten your hair (remember the shaking), sit in your chair, and be the Paula we all grew to love. Because, Paula, it IS the way that you love me that knocked me out, and together, we can build the promise of a new day. PROMISE! Promise of a new day… PROMISE!…

TV tonight, Wednesday April 6.

Tonight looks promising:
Alias seems to be back on track, and even Jack is sneaking around! I seriously hope something good comes out of this (and by good, I obviously mean evil) and this season can end with a bang!

Also… Can’t wait to watch Showdogs Moms and Dads. I am addicted. I cannot wait to see what happens with these crazy people.

Side note: Two posts in one day??? Holy evil sucking vortex that leads to an alternate universe where zombies rule, Batman!

Marc Broussard Live 4/7/05 Atlanta, GA

It’s now official… I just found out that Marc Broussard is coming to Atlanta this Thursday, and hurriedly, I bought tickets. I absolutely never get tickets to see anyone, but I couldn’t pass this up. (I know that I gushed earlier about Kelly Clarkson tickets, but that too was rare, and come on it is Kelly!) In case you haven’t heard about him before now, Marc Broussard is fabulous, and you should run out and buy his CD right now. I think that I even reviewed it on my cd review site. Seriously folks, this guy is the real deal. There aren’t too many people out there that are this talented, so do yourself a favor and listen up! You won’t be sorry. I will speak about the concert after Thursday… I cannot wait!