Month: July 2004

Debbie does Dallas… in Atlanta!

Last night, while the debate was tivoing at my house… love you tivo… I was at Dad’s Garage in Atlanta watching Debbie Does Dallas: the musical!! It was funny, with fun acting and lots of singing! If you are in Atlanta, and have the chance to see it, you definitely should! Thanks to my friend Steve who got us the tickets!!! I loved Donna too Steve… well maybe a little more Tami… YEAH!

A little piece of bliss… at least for me.

I have been trying desperately trying to get this damn website of mine to Google when you type in my name at You know, that would make logical sense that my site…… would be the first thing to Google for duane moody… but alas, no. Until recently. Now when you Google my name, at least as of this moment, you get my website as the first choice!! So that, my friends, has provided me with a little piece of well-deserved bliss, at least in my mind. And if you don’t like it, I would be glad to stop by your house and step on your throat. No seriously. NOW GOOGLE ME!!!

Just a thought…

I am sure that there are many people out there that are noticing all of the crazy natural disasters that are happening in our country, i.e. the four back to back hurricanes in the southeast and now earthquakes and volcanoes in the northwest. Well, there are plenty of people, I am sure, that believe that this is all crazy, and cannot believe that all of this is happening, but hang on to you hats… Cause here’s my theory:

God is pissed off, and wants us to pay attention to this election. He is trying to get the signal to Florida that they need to shape up or, in this case, get washed out. Even God must recognize that there is a need for regime change… and that is my two cents on the subject.

The Debate… dun dun dun….

Last night I believe that Americans finally got to see some of what Kerry is made of. He showed intelligence, confidence, and the ability to “get the job done”. I completely feel confident in my vote for Kerry as president, because he would A: make an awesome president, B: try to fix many of the things that have gone wrong with the current administration, C: not knowingly and willingly lie openly to the American public over and over again, and D: do everything better than Bush has, because he has a different stake in things. And by this, I believe that as a senator for 20 years, Kerry does have the people in mind when he makes decisions. He does not have money, oil, and leverage making his decisions for him. That is something that we cannot truly, without a shadow of a doubt, say about the current administration. There are too many things that people write off as coincidence that just aren’t, my friends. Come on… the biggest PUUUULEASE is the Halliburton involvement in Iraq and the middle east. That is a big Ding Ding Ding on my radar… should be for most everyone else too.

But now I am starting to ramble. And we don’t want to do that. But seriously, Kerry would rock as president.