Welcome to the photos page. I decided that they old way was, well, old, and I needed a better interface for people to enjoy photos that are posted here on my site. While looking at a "friend's" website, I noticed that he was using a program called SimpleViewer to showcase all of his photos; and low and behold, it is a free, customizable flash application!! So, I downloaded it, and here we are!!! New photo galleries will be added in alphabetical order (since I am a stickler for organization), and will appear from time to time. These appearances will be accompanied by updates on the updates page. Click on the thumbnail or title of the gallery to open. Galleries will open in a new window, where you will be able to peruse and download pictures for your printing pleasure. The descriptions and example photos on this page are to point you in the right direction. Enjoy!

I have a 4MP Canon Powershot A520, and it takes great pictures. Also be sure to check out my flickr site.

-- all photos by duane moody. if any are needed, email before using. thanks.--

Amicalola Falls: In this gallery, you will find photos that were taken at Amicalola Falls, in Dawsonville, GA, at James and my one year anniversary. We exchanged little promise rings, and it was wonderful. There are some very beautiful and scenic pictures in this gallery.
Around Atlanta: April 2005: While roaming Atlanta, I like to capture photos that are inspiring, beautiful, or just plain fun. The ones that were taken during April of 2005 are here. If you have a question as to where something is in Atlanta, just ask!
Around the House: October 20, 2005: I decided that I needed to find some inspiration for taking pictures, so what better place than to start, by looking around at what you have lying around in your home!! I found some stuff that was pretty interesting to me, and I hope that you enjoy the pics that resulted. I may even do this again!
Atlanta Pics: This gallery consists of various photos that have been taken since I moved to Atlanta. Most of these are just random, and came from the original photos 1 page.
Birthday 2003: These pictures were taken at my 25th birthday "get together", which was at Commune in Atlanta.
Birthday 2004: These pictures were taken August 21, 2004, at my 26th birthday party; which was a surprise party held at my house, hosted by James and Josh. It was a suprising night!! (I know, aren't puns, fun?)
Botanical Gardens Feb 2006: James and I decided to spend President's Day (or at least part of it) checking out the orchids at the Botanical Gardens. Needless to say that it was WELL worth the $12. Check out how many orchid species I caught!!! WOW!
Bunny Adventures: Since the initial response to the bunnies when the Around the House pictures went live, I have decided to dedicate more time and attention to this pair. I also thought it prudent to give them their very own gallery! Enjoy the bunny adventures; expect more to come... who knows what they will do next.
Christmas 2003: The Christmas party for 2003 was held at Jason's house. Unfortunately, most of these pictures were taken after most of the people had gone home.
Daphne's 30th Birthday: Also known as "the night of drunken debauchery", Daphne's 30th was a blast. As the night goes on, you can actually see us getting drunker. And it is all captured here, on film.
Dogwood Festival 2005: The Dogwood festival took place over the weekend of April 8-10, 2005. James, Laura, Josh, and myself enjoyed the festivities on the 9th. Here you will find pictures of our fun, including never before seen, limited edition photos of Baton Bob, aka the Ambassador of Mirth.
ECU Pics: These photos are photos that were taken during the time I was at East Carolina University (ECU). These photos were originally from the photos 1 site.
Ella and Grace: These photos are of my friends Deb and Anne's kids, Ella and Grace. They are the cutest! Whenever I snap some photos of them, I will add them to this gallery.
Friends 2003-2004: Here are various pictures of my friends and I that were taken throughout 2003 and 2004. These weren't really special occasions, most were just hanging out, so I wanted to make an ecclectic collection of these pictures. There are also several pictures of James and myself here.
Georgia Aquarium Visit 12/23/05: Here are the sometimes blurry photos of our very first trip to the Georgia Aquarium, right here in Atlanta. It was more than packed on the day we went, so I will blame some of the blurry photos to pushy people and crowd overload. Overall, I did get some good shots in there!
Glenwood Train: There is an old abandoned train back near the mining facility on Glenwood in East Atlanta. This train is over near the new Glenwood park development. It is so amazing, and rusted out, it looks incredible; so I had to get some shots. I am going to try and go back several times and get lots of photos... it is beautiful. Now I see why people like trains so much!!!
House: Click here to access the site for our house. This site is comprised primarily of photo gallery(s), and a few stories, so the link works best here. This will not open in a new window, so use the link you used to get here to get back here. (Or just press 'back', silly!)
Housewarming Party: Just after we moved into our house in June, we had a very large housewarming party. I believe that everyone that I know in the 404 area code was there. It was amazing.
James' Birthday 2005: Adventures at Sweetwater Creek. For James' birthday, not only did he get lots of great Le Tigre shirts, we went exploring on a beautiful hike at Sweetwater Creek, which is just off of I-20 west near Atlanta. It was a beautiful site, there were remains of an old factory there, and it was amazingly hot. We were going to go canoeing, but never made it. We will have to go back for that.
Joe and Emily: This little gallery is for my good friends up in Charlotte, NC, Joe and Emily. Hopefully we will be able to add many more pictures to this soon! Miss you guys!
Little Five Points stroll, 1/7/06: Deb, Byron, and I took a little stroll through little five points. It was a lot of fun, and we got the chance to look at the area in a different light. It is amazing how different something can be, if you just take the chance to look at it differently.
Mike and Eric's Birthday Party 2005: These are pictures from Mike and Eric's Birthday party, which took place on March 26, 2005. It was a blast. It was good to see all the boys and girls back together again. And, I must say I especially enjoyed dancing to "Since U Been Gone" with Eric, like 10 times. That was a "highlight".
Mr Fangs: I spotted this lovely ghost a while back, and it has become a mission of mine to find as many as I can throughout Atlanta. Check out the official site: mrfangs.com. Enjoy the pics, new ones will be added as more sightings occur!
Nature, April 2005: One of my goals, when getting a new camera, was to be more observant of the world around me. One way I have chosen to do this, is by taking more pictures of nature. These pictures are ones that I took during the month of April, 2005.
Nature Bin: A place to store some nature pics! Basically, I take lots of pictures of nature, and sometimes I feel the need to place them somewhere. In an effort to keep them more organized, and make me feel a little more sane, I have created this first nature bin to place pictures that are related to (or are of) nature. Once it gets too big, we will see what actions should be taken.
NC Friends: These are photos of my good friends that I made while I lived (for a very short period of time), in Raleigh, NC, after I graduated from ECU. I miss ALL of you.
NC Thanksmas 2005: Welcome to my photos of North Carolina when I was home for Thanksmas 05. Enjoy. Many of these were chosen as banner inspirations.
New Years 2004: Partying at Jason's on New Years. Good friends, good champagne... fun! James may look mad in some of these, but that is because his car was towed, and we had to deal with that before we got to the party!
New York February 2005: For Valentine's day, James and I decided to go to NYC. This was the first time either of us had been to NYC. I was REALLY sick in ALL of these photos, and it felt like it was 2 degrees warmer than absolute zero. Other than that... the Big Apple was fun!
Photo Of The Day: On March 23, 2005, the photo of the day page was created. This page was created to challenge me to use my creative side, and be more artistically sound, by forcing me to focus on the world in different ways. What better way than with a camera, right? And, well, I get to just take pictures of things, and sometimes, strange things. NOTE: Photo of the day has been discontinued until further time when I should decide to reinstate it. Until that time, the current photo gallery that WAS photo of the day will remain in its glorious, unchanging form.
Rayne and David's Wedding: September 4, 2004. What a beautiful day. The pictures that were taken during the wedding were taken by James.
San Francisco, August 2005: I went on a little work related trip out to San Fran, and managed to have a pretty decent time. I captured lots of photos of the city (at least where I was walking around), and even took a boat tour of the bay. I definitely want to go back some day!
Shannon and Jeremey's Wedding: June 26, 2004. This was the wedding of my little sister. Again, the pictures taken during the wedding were taken by James. I do believe that this was the hottest day in North Carolina history. I almost melted.
Sydney: Click here to access Sydney's site. This site is comprised primarily of his photo gallery(s), hence, the link from here. This will not open in a new window, so use the link you used to get here to get back here. (Or just press 'back', silly!)
Thanksgiving 2003: Instead of going home, all of us boys got together for a wonderful Thanksgiving feast. Now THAT is something to be thankful for.
Urban Life (still, or otherwise): I take a lot of pictures in and around Atlanta, and sometimes I don't feel like I have a place to put them. Now, I do. Here's the first urban life gallery. All things randomly urban will probably end up here. At least, here's hoping it does...

-- all photos by duane moody. if any are needed, email before using. thanks.--