Click on the links below. Do as I say... NOW!! (Links listed in alphabetical order, for the most part. That's right folks, bringing method to the madness!) Also, there are links that are not on this page, but are referenced in my fact file. See that page for those links, as many of them are not repeated here. I don't know why they aren't they just aren't.

  • [13 Roses Tattoo] -- Wow. Best tattoo parlor ever doesn't really give it enough credit. All of the artists are simply insanely amazing, and the place is so nice you will forget you are in a tattoo parlor. If you are looking for a great piece of art for your skin, then this is definitely where you need to head. Russ Abbott is my guy, but the other artists will also blow your mind. Trust me.
  • [Air America Radio] --In these uncertain times where the media is controlled by the conservative party, and who knows what is real anymore, it is very important to have a reliable news source that provides listeners with facts, not just opinions. The Air America radio station does just that. It is hard to have a wrong opinion about a sound bite folks, especially when it comes out of the horses' mouth, or ass, whichever you so choose to define it. Listen up, and let yourself be educated as to what is really going on in this country, not just what the conservative media says is going on.  
  • [All Music Guide] -- Utterly anything and everything that you would ever want to know about practically any artist can be found within this domain. It is the most comprehensive music guide that I have ever found, and YES, it is a good thing.
  • [Birthday Alarm]-- For those of you that have a really bad memory for dates and birthdays, like I do, comes the best way to remember! Birthday alarm. They keep up with the dates for you, and send you reminders. Sweet!
  • [Brilliant Button Maker]-- Um, doesn't the title say enough? For making your own brilliant 80x15 buttons, GO HERE!
  • [Chromasia] -- A beautiful photoblog, that is full of amazing photos. This is a link to the thumbnails page.
  • [Chuck Marshall] -- This is my friend Chuck's website. It is full of useful information regarding science, since he is a science teacher, and he uses this site for teaching. Whew! (Chuck is the one that introduced me to flash, and convinced me that having my own domain was a good idea. That was before he knew what this would become... BUWAHAHAHAHA!)
  • [Commercial Closet] --This website focuses on the presence of gay/lesbian culture and representation in the media, specifically within advertising. On this site, you can look at photographs of advertisements, as well as view commercials that feature gay and lesbian undertones and expressions, both positive and negative. You could easily spend an hour watching these interesting commercials. Definitely worth checking out.
  • [Console Classix] -- Miss your Nintendo? Sega? Well, you can download this application and play them on your PC!!! Harder to do without the controller, but definitely nostalgic fun!
  • [Dane Cook] -- "I want to shove mints in your EYE!". If you don't know what this means, then you are ignorant to the most random and hilarious comedian, EVER. Yes, that's right, I said ever. Dane never disappoints, not from golden oldies like mints in the eye to body appendages made of corn. Check it out.
  • [DVDs and Movies coming soon] --As you may have discovered either by curiosity, recommendation, or sheer boredom, I love DVDs, and I have a lot of them. A lot. So, as any DVD lover would appreciate, this site maps out upcoming movies and DVDs by their release date. Call it my purchase calendar if you will. And I know that you will.
  • [DVD covers] -- You know, in case you want to, like, look at them or something. This site has a ton of downloadable and printable DVD covers. For whatever your needs are. Yeah.
  • [East Atlanta Community Association] --I live in a house in East Atlanta, and I love it! This website has tons of information about what is going on in the area, the development and history of East Atlanta, and just general fun stuff about East Atlanta. Also, there is an awesome link to an aerial photo of Atlanta back in the 40's. You can actually see our house on it!
  • [East Atlanta Village] -- Here's a kick ass website for the EAV, which is right down the street from my house. What a great neighborhood I live in. Don't you want to be my neighbor?
  • [ECU Homepage] -- Undergrad Alma Mater. I got my Bachelor of Arts degree in anthropology from good ole ECU.
  • [GSU Homepage] -- Graduate School. I got my Master of Arts in applied medical anthropology. This also where I met the most influential person I have ever encountered: Dr. Kozaitis. She is the chair of the anthropology department at GSU. If you want to study applied anthropology, you need to know this amazing woman. She changed the way I think about things, she could do the same for you!
  • [Grouphug] -- I discovered this site through a book my friend Peter let me borrow. I believe that it was called Naked, Stoned, and looking through my neighbor's window or something like that. It was awesome. It was freaky. It was down right twisted. It was confessions that were posted on And that is why you should check out that site.
  • [HTML Kit: Favicon] -- Make your very own address bar icon, like the one I have above!
  • [Hubble] -- If this makes me a big dork, then so be it. On this site, you can find tons of photos that were taken from the Hubble telescope. Most of them are amazing, and all of them are really beautiful. Check it out, fellow geeks.
  • [Human Rights Campaign] -- If you are interested in staying politically active, then this is definitely the place to start. The HRC is dedicated to securing human rights for all. The HRC's website allows you to look up your senator/representative and email him/her directly, and urge them to vote for or against certain issues. We want to make sure that we stay active and maintain human rights in this country. It DOES start with you and me, so please, be mindful and contact the appropriate people when necessary.
  • [I Heart Jake Media] -- A place to go, relax, and enjoy lots of photos of one of the most beautiful men in the world, Jake Gyllenhaal.
  • [In Memory... Amanda] --A long time ago, I wrote this for Amanda Clifton, who died in a car accident just after she turned 16. My sister was in that accident and survived. This is a tribute to Amanda, and the struggle that was endured by my sister.
  • [Jake Gyllenhaal] --Fanning the flames of my intense love of this boy, I had to include a link to his website.
  • [Jars Of Clay] --Some of you may have noticed my humble homage to the best band ever to play an instrument or write a song, i.e. Jars of Clay. I have every album, and I have seen them in concert many, many times. This band will make you feel the music, and feel the emotion that goes into making it. You can really tell they enjoy what they do, and that is almost enough for me. In other words, go get all their CDs today. Check out my poorly updatedJars of Clay website by clicking here.
  • [Kathy Griffin] -- Kathy is one of my favorite commedians, honestly, because she rocks. Now she has a DVD out "Allegedly" that is a must have. Kathy is a self-proclaimed D-list celebrity, and honestly, you have to love that she owns that! Love you Kathy!
  • [Make your Own Stereogram!] -- Remeber these things? Some people can see them, some can't. I can! Now I get to make them! Cool!
  • [Margaret Cho] -- Oh Margaret, sweet sweet Margaret. I love you. I know that just a few inches from this writing it says that Dane is the best comedian ever, but you are definitely tied for that spot, no worries. Not to mention, that we would probably be best friends if we were ever in contact, and you really do care about civil rights, and are willing to speak up about that! Thanks a million sweetheart, there is love in this heart for you!
  • [Media Matters] --It is important to make an informed decision, and sometimes that is difficult to do, considering that the media is controlled and can lean one way or another. Make sure that you can get all the facts. This website does a good job of highlighting some missteps in media coverage. I suggest you check it out.
  • [Michael Moore] --Without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, this man is a genius. He is brilliant, and has the amazing ability to seek out information that is crucial for EVERYONE in this country to know and act as a voice for those that cannot speak over the bureaucratic bull. Thank you Michael Moore, I salute you! You must see Fahrenheit 9/11 today!
  • [Mr Fangs] -- This is, hands down, the best grafitti artist EVER. I love these little ghosts, and I will stop at almost nothing to track them down and snap pictures of each one I find. Check out my stash here. Each day I see a new Mr Fangs is a great day indeed.
  • [No One Mourns the Wicked!] --This is the site for Wicked, the Musical. It garnered several Tony Nominations, and won several as well. My friend Steve played several of the songs for me one night, after he had gotten back from a trip to NYC, and I was hooked. It is fantastic. It even inspired me to read the book that it is based on. Something that inspired me to read is rare and well worth checking out!!! (PS... every one else that I have played it for is in love with it too...) I recently paid $100 to see this show on Broadway, and it was worth every penny. I felt like I should have paid for the first half and then again for the second half. I will definitely see this again.
  • [The Perry Bible Fellowship] --Check out this comic site, it has some very well drawn and hilarious comics. I will be checking this every week to see the new comic that is posted on Sundays! I have too many favorites to list them all out, but trust me, go through all of them, they are great!
  • [Planet Family Guy] --Family Guy is the best cartoon ever made. Period. This site has almost everything you would ever want to know about the show nicely available for you. And it gives great updates on the fate of the show's return! And now that it is back... check for updates!!!
  • [PostSecret] -- This is like grouphug, only more real, and with visuals. Some of these confessions will really give you the shivers, because you know they are true.
  • [rainbow sandals] -- Best. Sandals. Ever. No seriously; buy them NOW.
  • [red king dreaming] --Here is a linke to my friend Steve Yockey's web portfolio. He is a pretty amazing writer, and I know, cause I have seen many of his plays. Check him out. He is also a great friend.
  • [Regsiter To Vote, and BE HEARD!] --Follow this link to the possibility of liberation! By going to this site, you have the opportunity, no, OBLIGATION to register to vote and take back this country (which will hopefully happen in 2008... sigh). And if you don't want to vote for yourself, just tell 'em you are doing it for me. Also! if you just moved, you need to re-register! So get to it!
  • [Rotten Tomatoes] -- Check this site for ALL the reviews before you head to the theater. They rate the movie based on the number of good or bad reviews (those with a ton of good reviews are rated 'fresh' and those that aren't are 'rotten'). I like it because it is a good way to see what everyone thinks without reading 100 reviews for a movie that might suck anyway.
  • [Russ Abbott] -- Russ is an amazing tattoo artist, but I may kind of bias, because he did an amazing piece for me. I highly recommend him, because his work is simply amazing, and he is an incredibly nice guy. Check him out at 13 Roses in East Atlanta... you won't be sorry.
  • [Snowflake Maker] --I discovered this by mistake, and I do mean by mistake. Then, hours later, I realized I had just wasted hours mindlessly trying to perfect the snowflake. And you know what, I probably did. All the fun of paper snowflakes with no mess or nasty cuts! (Why, oh why, did I have to find this deliciously evil website?)
  • [Starlight Six Drive-in] --Here is the website for the drive-in near my house. I love the drive-in. What is better than going to the movies?? Getting and eat what you want... and drink beer while you watch it. Priceless.
  • [Steinitz Skulls] -- In this world, there are far too many things that are serious, and should be taken seriously. Then, every once in a blue moon, you stumble upon something like this. I really don't even know what to think about this, but, it really made me laugh. Especially the testimonials. Here's hoping that more people benefit from their skull purchases, we all want to see that, right? (I actually saw an advertisement for this on Seriously.)
  • [Stretch Daily] --Interesting concept, to stretch yourself daily. Some pretty neat images and flash on here. Even some interesting reflection from the webmaster. Something to think about. Cool.
  • [Threadless] --Really. Cool. Tee shirts. Order your's today!!
  • [TV Shows on DVD] --Every once and a while I entertain the idea of getting a TV show that I really enjoy on DVD for my viewing pleasure any old time. (And that's only if Tivo isn't brimming with tons of episodes of that particular show). This site is very informative, and they tend to have the scoop on all the shows I care so deeply about.