most recent update: 9/29/06
(everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask!)
contact me at: email [at] duanemoody [dot] com
- Name: Duane Carson Moody. It was going to be Zane Duane. Thanks Mom!
- Age: 27.
- Height: 6'1". I am tall, yes I am.
- Hair: Auburn. That sounds so much nicer than dirty blonde.
- Eyes: Hazel. They are not blue, folks!
- Birth Date: August 26, 1978. Only 26 days later than I was expected.
- What's your Zodiac sign?: Virgo, thanks for asking.
- Profession: Player by day, lover by night... Oh wait, what was the question? Seriously, I work for the CDC doing public health research. (And no, I am not willing to field questions regarding SARS, mad cow disease, or any other "dreaded-life-threatening" disease. So there.)
- Where do you live?: Well, I live in Atlanta. Specifically East Atlanta, in a cute little house with my partner, James.
- What is your phone number?: Wow, you are really forward. No, seriously.
- The car I currently own/drive: 2005 Acura TSX.
- Instruments I can "play": Clarinet (I played for 6 years) and Guitar (hahahaha... no seriously... self taught)
- Countries I have traveled to: England (twice), France, Germany, Mexico, Puerto Rico (if you consider that a different country), the Netherlands (the Amsterdam airport, full of fun and excitement) and of course, the USA, where I currently live.
- Undergraduate University: East Carolina University. I received a BA in anthropology. I even feel smarter when read that.
- Graduate University: Georgia State University. I received a MA in applied medical anthropology and a graduate certificate in public health. Okay, I feel even smarter having read that, I do!
- Favorite Color(s): Orange and Gray. (Can you tell?) I have cool Diesel shoes that are orange and gray. You don't.
- Worst thing that has ever happened to me (physically): I ruptured a disk in my lower back in a gymnastic related injury when I was 16. I was out of school for 2 straight weeks because I literally could not walk or sit upright. I limped for 6 months I was in so much pain, and was on 1000mg of Naproxen a day for over a year. I still have back problems, and have very stiff muscles in the backs of my legs. Woe is me. (but, it could have been worse!)
- Some of my Favorite Artists: (no particular order)
- Favorite Songs of ALL TIME: (many of which
are by my favorite artists, go figure)
- Blur: There's No Other Way, The Universal, Slow Down
- Caedmon's Call: Love Alone, Mystery of Mercy
- The Cardigans: Happy Meal II
- Kelly Clarkson: Because of You
- The Carpenters: Song For You, You're The One, Superstar
- Indigo Girls: The Language or the Kiss
- Jars of Clay: Love Song For a Savior
- Sarah Mclachlan: Do What You Have to Do
- Bebo Norman: Deeper Still, I'm Alright
- Portishead: Roads, Glorybox
- Postal Service: Nothing Better, This Place is a Prison, Be Still My Heart
- Queen: Don't Stop Me Now, Bohemian Rhapsody
- Scissor Sisters: Mary, Might Say It Tonight
- Smashing Pumpkins: Cherub Rock, Mayonaise, Rocket, Spaceboy
- Weezer: Say It Ain't So
- Westlife: Written in the Stars
- Britney or Christina: Britney, DUH!
- This is a list of albums I really love
(This is just to give you glimpse into what kind of music I generally
like. I listed my favorite albums by these artists, it doesn't mean I
don't like their other stuff. In most cases, I have all, and enjoy all,
of most of these artists albums very, very much. They are in no particular
- Death Cab for Cutie: Plans
- Smashing Pumpkins: Siamese Dream, Pisces Iscariot
- Jars of Clay: Jars of Clay, Much Afraid
- Blur: Leisure, Best Of
- Indigo Girls: Swamp Ophelia, Retrospective
- Sarah McLachlan: Surfacing, Afterglow
- The Cardigans: First Band On The Moon, Long Gone Before Daylight
- Bebo Norman: Ten Thousand Days
- Westlife: Unbreakable: Greatest Hits Vol. 1
- Caedmon's Call: Back Home, Caedmon's Call
- Portishead: Dummy, Portishead
- Postal Service: Give Up
- Scissor Sisters: Scissor Sisters, Ta Dah
- Weezer: the Blue Album, Make Believe
- Wicked: Original Cast Recording
- Bjork: Greatest Hits
- Carpenters: Love Songs
- Daniel Beddingfield: Second First Impression
- Everything But The Girl: Walking Wounded
- Fiona Apple: When The Pawn..., Extraordinary Machine
- Kelly Clarkson: Breakaway
- Hedwig and the Angry Inch: Soundtrack
- Bush: Sixteen Stone
- Our Lady Peace: Gravity
- Dixie Chicks: Wide Open Spaces, Fly
- First CD I ever had: Paula Abdul: Shut Up and Dance!! (The Remixes) (Take-a-take another-'nother look into his eyes and you will on-ly see a rep-tile)
- Second CD I ever had: Mariah Carey: Mariah Carey (ooo ooo, somedayeee!)
- My First Concert: Bush, with No Doubt opening. (does this redeem my previous "bad" taste in music?)
- My All Time Favorite Movies
(in no particular order):
- Brokeback Mountain -- let's just say I want to go to Brokeback... forever.
- Beautiful Thing -- probably one of the best gay love stories ever.
- Hedwig and the Angry Inch -- "and now I'm left with a Barbie Doll crotch!"
- Donnie Darko (Director's cut) -- Never doubt my commitment to sparkle motion.
- Shakespeare In Love -- such a great love story.
- Moulin Rouge -- "do the can-can-can!"
- Magnolia -- whoa... this movie is so well made it's scary.
- Mommie Dearest -- "tina! Bring me the axe!"
- Clueless -- flawless. a voice of my generation.
- Drop Dead Gorgeous -- "you might even meet a few celebrities!"
- Best In Show -- "where's busy bee!?!?"
- Shaun of the Dead -- MF hilarious!
- Mean Girls -- Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen... it's not going to happen.
- Moonlight Mile -- sad, thoughful, fantastic; and not just because of Gyllenhaal!
- Mansfield Park -- the ending is worth the whole movie; which is also great.
- The Notebook -- I cry EVERY time I see this.
- The First Movie I remember seeing: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. (and oh, I cried!)
- Favorite Musical: Wicked
- Favorite Show: Alias (I know it was cancelled... bummer... but I have all the seasons (and will get season 5 when it comes out) on DVD... so it is always with me)
- Favorite Cartoon Show: The Family Guy
- Which Family Guy Character Am I?: Brian
- Favorite Comic Strip:
Get Fuzzy
- Favorite Beers: Blue Moon, Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, and anything Sweetwater makes. (21 or older, sorry)
- Favorite Adult Drink: Irish Car Bomb(s) YUM!
- Favorite Soft-Drink: Diet Vanilla Coke (RIP 2002-2005)... Aside: Diet Black Cherry Vanilla has taken its place.
- Favorite Condiment: Franks Red Hot sauce. (you can put this on anything. I put it on everything.)
- Favorite Atlanta Resturants: Doc Cheys and Willy's.
- Heinz or Hunts: What is Hunts?
- The sauce that will make me bite my own finger: A1 steak sauce.
- Favorite Jelly Belly Flavors: Juicy Pear, Peach, and Pina Colada. (I even like Jalapeno, on occasion)
- Favorite American Candy Bar: 5th Avenue and Whatchamacallit
- Favorite International Candy Bar (i.e., not here in America... frown): Cabury's Flake
- Favorite Book: Tom Ford by Tom Ford, Anna Wintour, Graydon Carter, and Bridget Foley. This is a beautiful book about a beautiful man. Shut up bitches. (oh yeah, and the Harry Potter series... Shh!)
- Why I don't like to read: I read 300+ pages a week for each class I was taking in graduate school, AND had to synthesize them and discuss them. I have read enough.
- Favorite Comedians: Kathy Griffin, Dane Cook, and Margaret Cho.
- Favorite Colognes: Clinique Happy and Clean.
- Number of Tattoos: 7. Collect 'em all! Here are links (except for my half sleeve... it is still in production; but there are pictures scattered throughout the blog): Ankle band 1, ankle band 2, back of ankle band, middle of lower back, left thigh, wrist 1, and wrist 2.
- My Favorite Tattoo: It was the one that is on my left wrist, until I got my kick ass half-sleeve, but here is the description of it anyway: It is the Tibetan word for 'equanimity', which means 'to be free from attachment or hatred for others'. A picture of the actual tattoo is here, and here is the word 'upeksha' in Tibetan.
- Favorite Quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
- Favorite Personal Item: Ipod. (I have the 4th generation 20gb model. I had the 2nd generation 10gb model, and it was time for an upgrade. I have the lava iskin and the itrip. Love my ipod!) Here are a couple of pics...1 2... the old with the new.
- Other Favorite Personal "Guilty Pleasure" Items: Jack Spade bag(s). I currently own three bags: The Warren Street Tech Brief in navy and the Warren Street 10" Vertical Messenger in orange and tank. And yes, this does mean that I carry a "male" bag. Well, I don't carry it lately, but I still love my Jack Spade bags.
- Favorite Dog Breed: Italian Greyhound. (Of course I speak of Sydney, check out his site here!)
- Favorite Actress: Jennifer Garner (you know, of the Alias fame).
- Favorite Actors (i.e., the ones I think are hot): Jake Gyllenhaal (hands-down, #1), Josh Duhamel, Edward Norton, Christian Bale, Bruce Willis, Scott Foley (aka Noel Crane), Scott Speedman (aka Ben Covington), Jonny Lee Miller, Bradley Cooper, Benjamin McKenzie, Aaron Eckhart, Colin Farrell, Russell Crowe (sometimes), Christopher Meloni, Jason Bateman (most of the time), to be continued...
- Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff: Lindsay Lohan, without a doubt.
- Favorite Pair of Jeans: Seven For All Mankind. They make your butt look spectacular. Well, they *made* my butt look spectacular; I can't wear them anymore!!!!
- Current Obsessions: Trying not to be depressed. Jeez, that sounds depressing. Oh well, it is what it is, right?