Month: March 2011

sotd: Jessie J – Who You Are

I already posted this on Facebook, but it is definitely worth another mention here as my song of the day. I love the message and the sincerity with which she sings this wonderfully beautiful song. I normally don’t feel live versions of things, but this is STELLAR, and sounds just as good as the studio version. I gave her album a listen, and wasn’t really feeling it for whatever reason, but I listened to it again tonight, and was blown away. Jessie J’s album, also called Who You Are, is pretty amazing overall; and as you can see by this video, this girl has some REAL talent.

This took place in a subway in NYC I tell you!!! Those were some lucky subway riders to get to experience this performance first hand. I cannot get enough of this song, and as I am glad I gave Jessie J’s album another go, because it is very, very good. This song is going into very heavy rotation for me as of NOW.

5SS: march 5

So when last we spoke, I was getting ready for the first test of the semester. Well… that didn’t go so well. Top it off with the “threat” that they kept throwing around that the second test was the hardest of the semester, I hit the books and studied as much as I could to prepare. Well, it paid off; I almost got an A on that test, and I feel much better. I meant to do a 5SF yesterday, but was still enjoying the week; especially after having studied so much the two weeks prior. That being said, there’s no harm in bringing it to you today, so let’s get another 5SS underway, shall we?

Jennifer Hudson – Where You At
I was so excited when I saw a new single from one of my favorite divas waiting for me when I opened the iTunes store a couple of weeks ago. Incorrect grammar aside, this is another home-run for Jennifer, and has me very excited for her sophomore album I Remember Me, which will be out later this month on the 22nd. I for one, will be heading out to the store to pick up my copy, because if this is any indicator of what we can expect, it is going to be more amazing stuff from this amazing singer. Her debut made my year end list back in 2008, and looks like my love for Ms. Hudson isn’t going to slow down any time soon. My only complaint about this song, is that they cut her off at the end when she starts to do her big diva-belting-moment; it just sounds as if they were leaving a little prematurely… let the girl belt, she’s great at it! Watch the video for Where You At here.

Jessie J – Abracadabra
A big thanks is in order to a great blog I follow, Coffee and Bars for this gem. Jessie J’s new album Who You Are came out this week in the UK, and I’ll admit that I wasn’t really paying attention, mostly because I didn’t care for either of the two singles that she’s released to date (to be fair, I don’t dislike Price Tag, it just didn’t blow me away). That being said, Coffee and Bars alerted me to this amazing track, and forced me to take a second listen to Jessie J, and boy I am glad I did. This song is fantastic, and stylistically, reminds me a lot of JoJo. I love the pop-feel and the strong vocals. I’m definitely glad I gave Jessie J another chance! Listen to Abracadbra here.

Clare Maguire – Last Dance
A big thanks goes out to my buddy Deb for this one. She posted the video to her Facebook a couple of weeks ago, and I have been loving it ever since. It reminds me a bit of Sharleen Spiteri vocally, and the backing dance track just invokes a little taste of something Sophie Ellis Bextor would probably release. Overall, the song is almost tribal, and most certainly enchanting; I love it more and more with each listen. A great find for sure… thanks Deb! Watch the video for Last Dance here.

Audio Bullys – Only Man
I saw the (quite violent) video for this one, and was struck by how much this song reminded me of the Ting Ting’s stylistically. It sounds a lot like Shut Up and Let Me Go; which is a personal favorite of mine (maybe that’s why I like this one so much?) and as such, I wanted to hear it more and more. That being said, while similar, it has its own flair, and I’m glad to have stumbled onto this track. Also, I can’t help but notice that the lead singer of the group is quite the hottie. Double bonus. Watch the video for Only Man here.

Nero – Me & You
I heard this one afternoon randomly on BBC Radio 1, and was blown away. This, ladies and gents (well, for those of you that don’t know what it is), is dubstep, the bass-centered electro straight out of South East London. Since discovering this track, I have been seeking out more and more dubstep, because I love the undulating lower bass range that is the hallmark of dubstep, which is essentially when the beat “drops”. Feel how deep that bass goes!! Overall, it is a great genre of music, and this is a great example of high energy dubstep; which has taken my attention by storm. Special request: any dubstep suggestions are more than welcome; I am craving it more and more!! Watch the video for Me & You here.

Well, what did you think? As always, head to the comments and let me know, and please let me know what you are listening to as well!!