Month: December 2010

5SS: december 11

Well, these past few weeks, you must have definitely noticed I have been out of service, so to speak, as school ramped up, and finals hit full steam. Well, as of Thursday, I am done until January, and I am so burned out that I can’t imagine not having this necessary break (we’ve been going full time since January!!). That being said, I have 5 new songs that I do want to share, and I meant to do this yesterday, but I was busy the whole day, so you get a five song Saturday instead. Let’s get started.

City and Colour – At the Bird’s Foot
What can I say, other than another amazing track by one of my favorite artists, City and Colour?! Dallas Green’s voice is like butter, and it just melts my heart. This is a song he did for a compilation album to benefit those affected by the Gulf oil spills, and it is heartbreakingly beautiful. This is one artist that I will continue to follow for as long as he makes music, because he consistently delivers song after song of amazing music. If you still aren’t familiar with City and Colour, I really have only one thing to say; why not? Seriously, his work continues to be purely amazing folks. Listen to At The Bird’s Foot here.

Christina Perri – Jar of Hearts
Christina reminds me vocally a lot of Nicole Atkins; she shares a similar tonal quality to her voice, as well as her ability to craft a really well written, beautiful song. I love the lyrics of this song, and I love the vivid imagery she conjures in this tale of a woman scorned by love. I actually heard of Christina by hearing one of her live tracks (Bang Bang Bang), and I knew if she was that good live, I wanted to hear some studio stuff. I’m glad I looked deeper, because I love this song even more than Bang Bang Bang, and I cannot wait to hear more from her. Watch the video for Jar of Hearts here.

Adele – Rolling In The Deep
What can I say about Adele that I haven’t said many, many times before? This woman is an amazing artist, and her voice is unique and incredibly beautiful. After seeing her live a couple of years ago, I have to say, this is one of those artists that we are going to still be talking about years and years from now. This is the first single from her upcoming album, 21, which comes out February. While I am glad to have this great track to whet my whistle, it simultaneously makes me sad that I have to wait nearly 3 months to get more from this soulful diva. I loved her debut, and based on what I have heard from her follow up (this great one, and the amazing Somebody To Love; google it, you won’t be sorry), I believe it will find its way into my favorite albums of 2011. Watch the video for Rolling In The Deep here.

Ciara – Gimmie Dat
Let me start by saying that I cannot get enough of this track. This song is H-O-T, and it makes me want to shake my ass all night! For me, Ciara hasn’t been able to reach the caliber of 1, 2 Step again, but that’s not really that much of a critique, because of how high that song set the bar for her; everything else pales in comparison because of how amazing that track remains to be. That being said, this is about as close as I could hope for; this is a BANGER, and I cannot resist hitting repeat when this comes up on my ipod. This is Ciara at her best, and I am glad to see her back in top form; now, if we could only convince her to stop wearing skin-tight cat suits in all of her videos. Listen to Gimmie Dat here. (I didn’t post a link to the video because the song is a bit different in the video, and I prefer this version).

Natalia Kills – Zombie
I saw Natalia Kills open for Robyn last month, and while her set was INCREDIBLY too loud, I did enjoy most of the songs that I heard. This one was the one that resonated with me most at the show, and it turns out it’s my favorite one of hers that I’ve heard so far. I also like Mirrors, which had a video come out very recently, but that one sounds like a track right off of Lady GaGa’s amazing debut, The Fame, which, while it isn’t necessary a bad thing, it makes me worry a bit about just how strong the RedOne vibe might influence Natalia’s music. This one is great on it’s own, and makes me want to hear more; I just hope it’s not all Lady GaGa wannabe tracks. Watch the video for Zombie here.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this five song Saturday. Let me know what you think in the comments, and be sure to let me know what you are listening to as well!

the 2010 albums countdown

So I bet you are wondering… is he gonna do it this year? I mean, he’s been balls to the wall with nursing school non-fucking-stop since January… but where’s my albums of the year posts?! Well, rejoice, because I am DEFINITELY doing a best of 2010 albums list; just not yet. My last final of the semester is on Thursday, so expect to see stuff starting to come together next week or so!!! I have been so busy this year, that I haven’t had much time to devote to music, and as such, I doubt I will even have 31 to post about, so we will just go with the number I deem acceptable. See you soon!