Month: July 2010

two down, two to go… time to celebrate!

Time to celebrate!!Yesterday, I finished my second final of my second semester of nursing school. As many of you know, this summer has been a whirlwind of a semester, and it has been more than trying at times. However, I worked my ass off, and studied hard, and all my hard work paid off; another semester is complete, and I have officially made it through two semesters of nursing school.

A (VERY) nice bottle of champagne, and a delightful afternoon with some of my fellow nursing student friends was a great ending to a hellish summer semester. We all deserved it, and I had a blast yesterday! Now, a couple of weeks of R&R, and I want to knock these other two semesters out of the park as well. I’m well on my way!!

sotd: Janet Jackson – Miss You Much

Oh shit, Look! I have a blog! HA! Seriously, I hate that I have been neglecting things as badly as I have, but I have been crazy busy with this summer semester; which, by the way, is ALMOST OVER. I cannot wait for a little R&R, which I desperately need. In the mean time, here is a song I heard tonight that I haven’t heard in forever, and I thought it was appropriate, seeing as I really do miss being able to update so much.

After all these years, there really is only one word to describe both this song and the video: FLAWLESS.

sotd: Sara Bareilles – King Of Anything

Sara Bareilles – King of Anything from Sam Garvey on Vimeo.

I posted several weeks ago about this fantastic new single from one of my most favorite singers in the world, the amazing Ms. Sara Bareilles, and I STILL cannot get enough of this fabulous song. I seriously cannot wait for the new album, and in the mean time, I have this amazing single (and the cute video!) to keep me company. What really puzzles me, is why this song isn’t soaring up the charts right now; it has hit written all over it. Eh, I guess the American music-buying-public don’t know good music, do they? Then again, that’s no surprise, now is it (just take a look at most of the current top 10… need I say more?)?

5SF: july 9

The summer of nursing school is still going strong, but luckily, there are only one test and two finals remaining. We are in the home stretch, people!! This is my “friday off” (ha!), and I have a little downtime, and I wanted to bring you some fresh music since I tend to leave you for long periods of time without it these days. So, let’s get right down to it, shall we?

Note: I kind of don’t feel like bothering with the album art this week… sorry kids; I am drained from so much school work!

The Saturdays – Missing You
After I posted about this new Saturdays song in Facebook, a few people commented that they weren’t feeling it, but the more I listen to it, the more I LOVE it. Seriously, The Saturdays are one of those groups that seem to only get better with each new release, and after their last album Wordshaker made such a huge splash with me, I just can’t wait for their upcoming album, which is apparently, due out later this year. These girls have to be the hardest working girls in girl-group driven pop right now!! Three albums in three years; and at least two of them have been fantastic! If the album follows the usual pattern of delicious, well-produced pop, I know that it will be a fantastic album; and here’s hoping it’s anywhere near as good as Wordshaker, because that album was good enough to make my top 5 last year!

Sky Ferreira – One
While I wasn’t really a fan of her first single 17, I heard this song earlier in the week, and I am in LOVE with it. Usually, repetition in a song is a huge turn off for me, but the synth-driven beat, and the super poppy rhythm have me totally hooked on this ‘one’. Apparently, it was produced by the BRILLIANT Bloodshy & Avant (as was 17; eh, can’t win ’em all…); which honestly speaks volumes as to why I love it so. This is the type of song that should shine a huge spotlight on this girl’s career, and I sincerely hope it’s a signal of great things to come from her in the near future. You should check out the video if for no other reason than to see just how much she bears an uncanny resemblance to the Olsen twins… doesn’t she?!

Kylie – Get Outta My Way
So we all know that Kylie’s new album Aphrodite is out, and well, it’s pretty darn good (which was kind of expected). That being said, I don’t think I love it as much as all of my fellow music bloggers do, but I want to heap a little praise on what I do love; this song (it is, in my opinion, the best on the album). Goddammit, I could dance to this song nonstop! It makes me want to grow a ponytail, so I could fling it back and forth in sheer dance-driven delight! This song is a heaping helping of stuff that Kylie does that I love best, and it is definitely Kylie’s message to the world of pop music; you’d better get out of her way, because she is still bringing us some of the best that pop has to offer.

Scissor Sisters – Whole New Way
Well, the Scissor Sisters have also released a new album very recently, and while I am a huge fan of theirs, I have to say, that I am not loving the new album; more along the lines of liking it a lot. With that being said, this song may be one of the best songs that they have ever written and recorded; it is utterly BRILLIANT. THIS is the Scissor Sisters at their absolute best, and I cannot stop listening to this song. I love it so completely, that it just sticks out, and overshadows the rest of the album for me. Perhaps it is because this one is so great, that the rest pale in comparison. Regardless, I am enjoying the new album, but I personally love the first two a bit more than this new release. Again, that doesn’t mean that I don’t like it, because I really, really do; after all, this song is on it!

Joshua Radin & Schuyler Fisk – Paperweight
I was recently watching Dear John, the just-kinda-okay movie with Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried, and this song was one of the songs playing in the background, and I instantly jotted it down as a song I must download. It isn’t a secret that I am a Joshua Radin fan, and this is definitely up there amongst his best songs, in my opinion. I love when they work hard to pair music with movies and TV shows, because it really makes the experience of watching something so much more engaging to me; and in this case (as has been with many before), I have found an amazing song as a result.

So there’s your Friday five… what did you think? Let me know, and as always, tell me what you are listening to as well! Have a great weekend.