Month: June 2010

farewell to vegetarianism

Well, I decided that it was time that I needed to start back to eating meat. I feel tired all of the time, and I know that it is because I have a vitamin deficiency, and I am hoping that this will be one less thing I will have to worry about (because nursing school is more than enough right now). All in all, it isn’t a big deal, but eh, it’s a life decision, and one that I felt like blogging about.

I was vegetarian once in college for a few years, and most recently, for about 2 years. Overall, I would still consider doing it again, because I really am against the cruelty that the animals face, but like I said, my health is a focus here, and I am hoping to see a change. Onward and meatward, I guess…

5SF: june 25

I bet you didn’t expect to see a 5SF today, did you?! I know, I know, I have been CRAZY busy with nursing school this summer, but for once, I actually have the “day off”, and I am bursting the seams with delight that I got the day to myself. I am also happy that I get to bring you some music finally, because I have been sitting on some great music lately, and I can’t wait any longer to share it. So let’s do just that, shall we?

Kelly Rowland – Commander
I was desperately in need of a summer song that was capable of blowing me away, and this song is all that and more. This is a major dance floor filler by Ms. Kelly Rowland, who in my opinion is a severely underrated 1/3 of what used to be Destiny’s Child. While Beyonce broke out of Destiny’s Child and became a full fledged diva, I feel like Kelly has been getting less attention than she deserves; but after this song tears up the airwaves this summer, there is no doubting that she will earn some of that attention back. The first time I heard this song, I immediately played two more times; it is massive. Kelly’s working with David Guetta on his equally dance-tastic, When Love Takes Over was clearly the beginning of a beautiful musical partnership, as evidenced by the magnificent direction they took with Commander. Expect to hear this in clubs all over the place this summer, with people marching to this infectious beat. Kelly, my dear, keep David’s number, because you two have something hot going on.

Scissor Sisters – Fire With Fire
I have definitely been one of those waiting on the new Scissor Sisters album with bated breath, and after falling head over heels in love with the first single off of the forthcoming album Night Work, I am sure that I won’t be disappointed. While it is definitely a more full-on dance direction than their previous work, I think the heart of the Sisters is still beating strong; only now it beats in unison to the dance beat! I will admit that it took me a few listens to fall in love with this song, but now that I have, I can’t seem to get enough of it. This is another one of those perfect summer songs that will keep me dancing in these way too hot summer months; I’ll just have to be sure to turn up the AC a little higher to keep cool. All of the anticipation is almost over, as Night Work is out next week!

Stars – We Don’t Want Your Body
I was incredibly surprised, and down right elated to see that the magnificent Stars released a new album, The Five Ghosts, earlier this week. While a lot of the album is a bit different from their previous work, I found myself loving many of the tracks; especially this one. This song in particular, sounds a little bit like Alphabeat or Dragonette, or at least, that they decided to collaborate with either one of them; which again, is pretty different from their other work. The good news, is this is really, really good, and I am so glad that I got the heads up about this new album; thanks internets, and thanks Stars for continuing to make great music!

Sarah McLachlan – Forgiveness
Also new this month is the new release, Laws of Illusion, from the ever-beautiful Sarah McLachlan. While I haven’t gotten into the whole album as much as I have been enveloped by her work in the past, the first time I heard Forgiveness, I felt the same way as I remember feeling the first time I heard some of my favorite songs by Sarah, like Angel or I Will Remember You. I honestly think this represents the best that she is as an artist, and I am glad to see that she’s clearly still got it. This song is beautiful, and oh-so Sarah McLachlan, which to fans of hers like myself, is sweet music to my ears.

Christina Aguilera – You Lost Me
I was pretty torn about whether or not to post this one. See, I think Christina has an amazing voice, and is incredibly talented… BUT, she has proven, especially recently, to be somewhat full of herself, to say the least. Her attitude has all but turned me off to her talent, and only seems to get worse with each time she opens her mouth to do anything other than sing. My advice to her is to shut the fuck up and let her music speak for itself; something that even it isn’t doing collectively as good as it used to do. That being said, when I first heard her sing this on American Idol’s finale, I knew it sounded somehow familiar, and my hunch was right when I looked up who co-wrote it; this song has Sia Furler written all over it. Perhaps that is why I love it, despite the fact that too-big-for-her britches sings it. Word on the net is that this will be her next single, which honestly, is a great move, because it is an amazing song; regardless of the fact that it is 100% Sia, and at parts, even sounds as if it IS Sia singing it. Now, that is not something I am complaining about, as I love Sia, and as I mentioned before, I’ve had about enough of Christina and her attitude these days. Regardless, I have to give credit where credit is due, and this is, quite simply, an amazing song.

There you have it, another installment of the five song Friday; which has been long overdue for an entry. I hope you enjoyed all of the tracks from this week, and be sure to let me know what you thought. Also, please let me know what you are listening to, as I always have my ear out for new stuff!

sotd: Ray Lamontagne – Let It Be Me

Sometimes, there is a song that is just so perfect, just so wonderful, just so beautiful, that it literally gives you chills. This is one of those songs for me. I was talking with a friend about Ray Lamontagne the other day, and I was reminded of this song, which for me, is one of the most emotive, and powerfully written and sung love songs I’ve ever heard. I posted about this a long time ago on the 5SF (which should be back this week, so stay tuned!!!), and it is one of those songs that, no matter how many times you hear it, it is still just as beautiful and amazing as the first time.

In a word; incredible.

Silversun Pickups at the Tabernacle, ATL 6/19/10

I took a break from studying on Saturday, and James and I headed out to the Tabernacle to see the amazing Silversun Pickups, and what we got was nothing short of a damn fine concert. While I didn’t particularly care for the opening bands, Silversun Pickups completely wailed for the entire set, and were downright incredible. I’ve loved these guys (and girl!) ever since I first heard their incredible debut album Carnavas), which a friend turned me on to a few years ago. I’ve actually had the privilege of seeing them live once before; although, we were late, and only got to see like 3 songs (I made up for it by getting to meet them after their set, though); and I promised myself that I would make it a priority to see them the next time they were anywhere near Atlanta.
Silversun Pickups @ Tabernacle, ATL 6/19/10
After their previous album Swoon took me by storm (and given my previous near miss with their concert), it was a no-brainer that I had to go see them at the Tabernacle this past weekend, and I am more than glad that we went. James loved the show (which is saying something, because he doesn’t really “get” music that often), and all in all, it was an awesome show. It was the first time we decided to sit in the balcony for the show instead of the standing room only “pit” below, and I am glad we did; there was a little too much energy, and way too much crowd surfing for me (especially since I am pretty much exhausted from studying these days). Overall, they are an incredible band, who puts on an incredible show, and I am just glad that we were able to go. Whenever they come back this way, you can bet that I’ll do my best to be there.

sotd: Lisa Loeb – Stay (I Missed You)

God I loved this song when it came out… then they played this shit out of it on the radio, and naturally, I got tired of it. However, last week, I was eating lunch with some friends after a particularly frustrating day-long lecture, and it started playing; and it was almost like a warm hug from an old friend I hadn’t seen in a long time. It was a very welcomed hug, too.

Sometimes, it’s little things that make you stop and take a breath, and remind you that there are far bigger things, and to, just for a second, live in, and enjoy this moment. For me, on that day last week, it was hearing a great song that I hadn’t heard in far too long. While it doesn’t melt all of my current stress away, it has succeeded in making me feel better for three minutes, and right now, that’s about all I can ask for! It’s amazing how powerful music can be sometimes.

sotd: The National – Bloodbuzz Ohio

I really wanted to do a 5SF Friday yesterday, but things have been crazy since school started this semester. They weren’t joking about the whole accelerated thing. Things should slow down a bit after next week though, and I am definitely looking forward to that (hopefully) happening. With that being said, I just can’t wait any longer to sing my praise for this song…

A couple weeks ago, I saw the video for Bloodbuzz Ohio, and IMMEDIATELY, I loved this song. I know I have heard of The National before, but I can’t say as I ever really paid attention, but I am ALL EARS now. This song is amazing, beautiful, powerful, poetic… so many things really. I absolutely love the deepness of his voice, the vivid prose, and the almost marching percussion of the piano in this song; it is epically beautiful.

After hearing this song from their recently released album, High Violet, I loved it so much I downloaded the whole album; which I was pleased to discover, is full of amazing tracks (I expect to see it on my year end best of list). I’ll probably be kicking myself when I find out I should have known about these guys all along, but believe me when I say, I am on board with The National now. I cannot get enough of this incredible track and their new album, High Violet!