Month: May 2010

5SF: may 28

Woo hoo! Guess who’s back!! This has been a crazy week for me (literally, 5 tests for school!), but I have made it intact through all of it, and I wanted to celebrate a nice weekend by kicking it off with some great music; especially since it’s been a couple of weeks since the last 5SF. So let’s do this.

Sara Bareilles – King of Anything
What can I say about Sara that I haven’t already said a thousand times? She’s an amazing singer, incredibly talented performer, exquisite singer, and a brilliant song writer. Her debut turned out to be one of my favorite albums of the last decade, and with this new single from her hotly anticipated forthcoming album, Kaleidoscope Heart, she has proven that she still has a lot more amazing pop music to offer us. The song is a cleverly written “fuck you” song, and brilliantly fits within her previous work, and serves as the perfect set up for an exciting new release this fall. I for one cannot wait for her new album, as I have been a huge fan of hers ever since I saw her perform live, and if it is anything like I have come to expect from her in the past, I know that it will probably be one of the best albums of 2010; and if this song is only a testament to that, it’s bound to be! Glad to see that you’re back, and in top form Ms. Bareilles!

Aqualung (feat. Sara Bareilles) – Remember Us
I honestly thought I had posted about this song already; so let me say, what an egregious error I have made by not doing so sooner! This is from the recently released album Magnetic North, from the always quite amazing Aqualung, and I thought it appropriate to post this one today (since I hadn’t already), not only because it’s my favorite track from the album, but also because it is incredibly beautiful (well, that and it allows me to keep the Sara Bareilles love rolling on). I remember seeing Aqualung a few years along with Sara Bareilles, and I never thought that their meeting would turn into a beautiful musical relationship like this. Matt really has proven to be a beautiful song writer, and this collaboration just sends it over the edge; this song is definitely one of his best.

Kylie Minogue – All The Lovers
“Dance, it’s all I wanna do, so won’t you dance? I’m standing here with you, why won’t you move?” Well, since you asked so nicely, Ms. Minogue, I will oblige!! While I don’t consider myself to be a Kylie super-fan, I do enjoy a lot of her music, and her previous release X was probably my favorite of hers thus far. After enjoying that release so much, I was excited to see she would be releasing a new album this summer, and given how much I like the lead single, I think it may be another one I can count amongst my favorites. My favorite part in this song is when she delicately sings that line above at about 2:10 in; beautiful!!

Robyn – Dancing On My Own
This is my, “unless you’ve been living under a rock, you should have heard this amazing, brilliant, pop masterpiece by now, but since I am sure some people haven’t (crazy?!), I have to post it” song. Seriously, Robyn, is a pop GODDESS. I was extremely excited when Fembot came out a few months ago, and the promise of THREE new albums was made for release this year, and so far, all I can do is stop typing, clap my hands in raucous applause, and scream bravo to Robyn. Her previous self-titled release, showed the world of pop music exactly how high the bar could be set, and with these new releases this year, it appears that only Robyn can reach the dizzying heights where she herself placed that very bar. I can’t wait to see how this whole situation plays out this year, because as I predicted even before hearing Body Talk, Part 1, I tentatively called this year musically going to Robyn; and it looks like my prediction is even closer to reality. This song is brilliant music-making people. Take it in!

Sleigh Bells – A/B Machines
Before I even knew who Sleigh Bells were, I got to see them in concert; they opened for Major Lazer a few months ago, and I was at the show early enough that I got to see their set. While I didn’t know who they were when they took the stage, I can definitely say I wanted to know who they were by the time they were done. They were incredible live, and their debut album Treats (which is pretty amazing as well), just came out last month. Overall, this is probably my favorite song from the album, and as I said elsewhere before, it is a song that, if I were a fashion designer, I would send my collection down the runway to. This song is power, raw and unabashed, and it demands attention. I love the well placed scream towards the end of the song that makes me just want to dance all night. I love when I find bands that I have never heard of, and they turn out to be amazing; lucky for me, Sleigh Bells is definitely one of those bands.

I hope you enjoyed today’s 5SF, and as always, let me know what you thought of the picks. Have a great weekend everyone!

sotd: Silversun Pickups – The Royal We

If you followed my countdown of last years top 31 albums, you already know that the Silversun Pickups AMAZING sophomore album, Swoon, came in at number six, and is quite simply put, incredible. While I loved this song when the album was initially released (over a year ago!), a current single release has put it firmly back on my radar; and thank goodness, because this song is utterly brilliant.

I found myself especially in need of some rock and roll motivation this morning heading to my first test of the semester (which I somehow managed to get an A on!), and I found myself blasting a little Silversun Pickups; and it was apparently exactly the pick up up (no pun intended) I needed. I can’t wait to see them at the Tabernacle next month (June 19th) and rock out live to this amazing band (last time I saw them, I only managed to catch a couple songs of their set, but I got to meet them, and they were amazingly nice). I hope this song turns out to be a massive single for them, because it is certainly one of their best, and is a real indicator of the massive talent these guys (and girl!) have; and it totally deserves to be today’s song of the day.

one down, three to go…

So my first semester of nursing school is in the bag; we had our final last Wednesday, and the next semester starts promptly tomorrow… not much time for a break, eh? Oh well, that’s what accelerated means! Either way, I am proud to have made it through the first semester intact, but my stress hasn’t dissipated.

It’s weird, because looking back on my grades from the past semester, a big part of my stress comes from the fact that this truly is something that you can’t study your way out of. In most every class I’ve ever taken, if you study harder, you do better, but in nursing school, it seems like sometimes, that doesn’t even matter. Sometimes you (at least feel like you) know the concepts like the back of your hand, and tricky questions throw you off, and instead of acing the test, you sit there staring at a B, wondering what went wrong. Funny thing is, that the ones you missed are often times the questions that you would often have answered the exact same way again; even though you know the correct answer isn’t the one you chose. I have been working on learning how to beat these tricky questions, and I haven’t figured out a fool proof method yet. From what I have heard from pretty much all my nursing friends, is that this is a hallmark of nursing school, and while it is difficult to grasp, eventually, I will be able to master them. Here’s hoping that’s true, because it’s more than frustrating at times.

I just hope that I can keep doing what I am doing, and keep doing well, because being a nurse means a lot to me, and the more I go through this process, it seems to matter more and more with each day. Here’s to repeat success in this rapid summer semester, and continued success in each subsequent semester that follows!

5SF: may 7

I have been enjoying a well deserved day of relaxation today, after passing my first of two finals for the semester yesterday. One down, one to go!! As always, a big part of relaxation for me is music, and I have some great songs for today’s five song Friday; and with that, let’s get right to the music, shall we?

Toni Braxton – Make My Heart
I’ll be honest, I didn’t like this song the first time I heard it. I don’t know why, because now, I LOVE IT. This song practically begs to be danced to. Perhaps it was because it was kind of different in the way that the chorus really assaults you, and switches up the melody of the song that initially put me off, but regardless of whatever it was, I am completely over it now; this song is truly a floor filler and I am ready to shake my booty to the rhythm. It is hard to sit still when this song is on, because again, it is just such a dance ready song. Toni should be getting some major love for this new single, because it deserves a warm welcome for her coming back to the music scene.

The Pipettes – Stop The Music
The first time I heard this, I was bound to be critical of it, because of how much I loved the Pipettes’ debut album, We Are The Pipettes!. There were a few line up changes, which led to nearly 3 years of delays for new music from them, and the fact that they are pretty much an entirely new band now (one original Pipette remains), had me worried that the Pipettes that I knew and loved would be able to revive the spunk and joy they brought on their wonderful debut album a few years ago. After a couple of listens, I am happy to report that the Pipettes are very much alive, and still have that wonderful something that I fell in love with to begin with. If this is just a taste of what we can expect from their hotly anticipated sophomore album, I can say with certainty, that I really cannot wait for more from the Pipettes! Don’t make me wait much longer ladies!

Melissa Etheridge – Fearless Love
What can I say? Melissa Etheridge is a tried and true musician who has an amazing knack for writing powerful, evocative love songs, and her newest release, Fearless Love, is chock full of great tracks. I have been listening to the entire album ever since it came out last week, and I already think it’s going to make my year end best of list. I’m glad that Melissa still clearly has the gift of making music, and continues putting out excellent albums like she has with this new one. Sometimes, you just need some feel good rock and roll, and Melissa proves that she’s still a staple that you can turn to when that’s just what you crave.

Charice – Pyramid
I absolutely love this girl. The first time I heard this song, I couldn’t deny the clear similarity to JoJo, but I have to say, Charice and her producers were brilliant in their using this song as a single; they reel you in with the familiarity of JoJo, and blow you away with Charice’s vocal talent. The song itself is just different enough, that it stands on its own as something fresh, and the song is undeniably, completely radio-ready. The part that really won me over is around 2:49 in the song where she completely wails, and her amazing vocals give me chills each time I listen to this song. This girl can sing, and she has made herself a wonderful single that should (with any justice) be burning up the charts in the coming months. Hopefully the inclusion of Iyaz (while it is completely unnecessary for the song) will give it some “reputable” traction, and get this gem on the radio!

Foxy Shazam – Oh Lord
What would you get if you blended the Darkness, Queen, and threw in a dash of Mika? Why, you’d have the exuberance of Foxy Shazam. I love the blended melodies, and the way they have used so many different musical elements (piano, guitar, horns, drums, oh my!) on this track, and I especially love how lead vocalist carries this song right over the top (but in a good way!). The lead singer’s swagger certainly reminds me a lot of Freddie Mercury, which makes that Queen reference even more relevant. This is certainly a fun song, and one that is best listened to loudly, and I have been enjoying it more and more in the recent weeks. Also be sure to check out the video for the song, which had me swooning for the piano player when he throws that look into the camera at 2:10. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Keep on keeping on!

Well, what did you think of this week’s five song Friday? As always, be sure to comment and let me know, and also let me know what you are listening to as well!

sotd: Hot Chip – I Feel Better

Let’s just go ahead and admit it; this video is BRILLIANT (albeit, a bit frightening). The first time I saw it, I was like, “This is NOT Hot Chip! WTF sign, you lie!?!”, and then, I was all, “oh. AWESOME”. So yeah, I can’t get enough Hot Chip right now, and this song, the video, AND their new album, One Life Stand are all pretty amazing.

Side Note: Also, as kind of a rant, I WANTED to post this legit, and get it from the band, but this “NOT AVAILABLE IN YOUR COUNTRY” bullshit is a crock. Seriously, I am pimping your awesome song and video… for free… on my blog… for free. Why wouldn’t you want that? Whatever, the song is amazing and so is the video. Whatevs. (If, for whatever reason, the video is yanked, check it out here: this is the guy who directed it’s youtube link for the apparently highly classified material, I mean, video.)