Month: April 2010

almost there

Today was my last day of clinical rotation for my first semester of nursing school. I would be a complete liar if I said I had totally enjoyed the experience, because all in all, working in the hospital is hard work, and you occasionally find yourself elbow deep in shit; sometimes, quite literally. Overall, what I have taken away, is a feeling that I am still on the right track, that I can do this, and that I’m glad to have had the experience, and I look forward to the next clinical rotation; but I do hope that it is a bit better… but then again, doesn’t everyone wish for better things? Well, if they don’t, then they most certainly should, because I know I do!

Now, time to start studying for finals!!

sotd: Florence + The Machine – Dog Days Are Over

I owe my friend Deb an apology on this one. She was screaming about how amazing Florence + The Machine were practically all of last year (and even named Lungs as her album of the year), but for whatever reason, I wasn’t ever able to get into as much as she did. Well, that has all changed, as it seems I can’t get enough of Florence + The Machine these days; better late than never, though, right?

I think my finally coming around was especially helped by this amazing video for Dog Days Are Over:

Wow. This is one talented woman, whose 2009 album Lungs SHOULD have had one of the higher spots on my year end best of list, but because I wasn’t as into it as I should have been at the time, it was sadly overlooked (I did like it, but it didn’t even make my top 31; which I now realize is a glaring omission on my part). I am saying today, that I am sorry that it wasn’t included, and it is a great regret of mine that I didn’t heap the praise that it truly still deserves on it at the time I should have. Deb, you were right!! Florence + The Machine are amazing!

5SF: april 16

It’s that time again, and I’ve got you five new songs for this Friday. Today’s selection is a little all over the place (some of it is a little out there, I’m warning you!), but each song deserves some love, as I have been digging each of these tracks lately. Let’s get started, shall we?

Keane (feat. K’naan) – Stop For A Minute
I have this strange relationship with Keane; most of their stuff falls under my radar, but every once and while, they release a MAJOR single that completely captures my attention. Last time that happened was when they released the massive Spiralling, and I literally couldn’t get enough of that song. Now, they have done it again with this insanely catchy track, which has one of the best choruses of any song on the radio right now. While I’m not super hype on the rap portion of the song, the massive chorus won me over instantly, and has me playing this song on major repeat right now. This is definitely one to roll the windows down and blast as you ride around enjoying the beautiful spring weather we are having right now.

Kelis – Acapella
While I will openly admit that this one took a while to grow on me, it has managed to take me completely by storm over the past couple of weeks. The more I hear this song, the more I love it. The beat begs to be danced to, and I like how fresh and different it is from most of the other stuff circling the airwaves out there right now. While Bossy will probably (see definitely) always be my favorite of Kelis’ songs, this one certainly highlights the fact that Kelis is not a shot in the pan; she has changed her style and done something brilliant in every endeavor she has taken musically. I can’t wait to see what her upcoming release, Flesh Tone (out July 6) has in store for us.

Jónsi – Go Do
Remember earlier when I said that there was some stuff that would be a little “out there” this week? Well, here it is. This ethereal track is from the recently released solo album, Go, from the lead singer of the Icelandic rock band, Sigur Rós. While I really can’t understand most of what he is singing in this song, I absolutely love the beautiful vocals and the accompanying airy and fanciful music. The first time I heard this, I had a bit of a WTF moment, but I will admit that I was instantly turned around, and was kicking myself for my doubt by the end of the song; this song is awesome. There’s definitely some strange stuff going on in Iceland, as evidenced by this, and the type of music fellow Icelander Björk makes. However, after hearing this, I honestly think that the Icelandic strange is the kind of strange that I am pretty sure that I love; after all, I love a lot of Björk’s music, and I find myself really loving this as well. Side note: apparently, he’s openly gay, so that’s a bonus to be featuring an out artist today!

Sia – Clap Your Hands
Sia managed to fly under my radar for almost a year, only to take me by storm with her previous release, Some People Have Real Problems. As such, I was pretty excited to see that her next release, We Are Born will be released very soon (June 7th to be exact). Subsequently, when I heard this song, which is the lead single from the upcoming album, I was a bit on the fence; I didn’t love it instantly. However, Sia has proven to be a grower for me, and that is exactly what happened with this one; it has really grown on me, and I am loving it more with each listen. This one is definitely more upbeat for her, but it works, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the new album has in store.

Laura Marling – Rambling Man
I have fellow music blogger xolondon to thank for turning me onto this amazing song. He posted the video for this song (which is filled to the brim with a shirtless, burly man; that certainly got my attention!), and rightly pegged this as Laura so amazingly channeling Joni Mitchell, for which I have nothing but praise and admiration. This song is a triumph, and I think that Joni would be proud that Laura is making music like this today. This song is well written, and beautiful, and I am truly delighted to have been turned on to it. Thanks xolondon for schooling me on the delicate beauty of Laura Marling! (note: I posted a Laura Marling song in the past, but her new stuff had completely flown outside of my radar; until now.)

Well, there you have it; another five song Friday in the bag. What did you think? As always, let me know what you thought, and why not throw in a few suggestions of your own while you are at it? I hope you enjoyed these songs as much as enjoyed bringing them to you… until next time!

amazing news sotd: new Scissor Sisters!

Today, the Scissor Sisters posted the a song from their forthcoming album, Night Work, called Invisible Light, on their website. Thankfully, they also posted the song in its entirety on youtube, and as such, I get to gush about it here. Have a listen:

In a word? AMAZING.

The Scissor Sisters are back with their hotly anticipated follow up to Ta-Dah on June 28 with their third album, titled Night Work. I cannot wait!!!!

sotd: Christina Milian – Dip It Low

I love this song; it is smoldering hot, and the chorus is damn dirty. I seriously cannot get enough of it, and it is one that I frequently request when going out dancing. What better to post on a Saturday that is certainly in need of a little energy; let’s all roll it all around, and poke it out like your back’s broke, ladies!

Pop, pop, pop that thing, I’ma show you how to make your man say… OH!

pollen, pollen, everywhere

Atlanta looks like it has been drenched by a heavy dose of yellow curry powder; but it’s pollen, and it is everywhere. As a result, my sinuses decided to mount a full frontal assault, and I have felt like shit for the last three days.

I knew something was up, when the first physician I saw after getting a job here in Atlanta told me that the best way to deal with allergies as bad as mine was to move away from Atlanta. I’ve had sinus problems my whole life, but never have they been as severe as they have been since I’ve lived in Atlanta.

Moving for me is not really an option, since I do love this crazy place, so I guess I have to deal. Unfortunately, Claritin D is barely cutting it, and the end of my nose feels like it got in a knife fight and lost. I only hope the worst has past, but after what I saw today, I don’t know; I literally saw a cloud of pollen descend over the parking lot at school, and envelop us. It was horrifying; I think I actually head my sinuses weep.

I am going to try and avoid Afrin as long as I can, but one hour of sleep a night because of inability to breathe at all, may make my deal with that devil one that I can’t refuse. Ugh. I hope it doesn’t come to that, as it is supposed to rain tomorrow, and hopefully, take all of this demon dust away. Fingers crossed. To all other sufferers out there, know you are not alone, dear friends, and I feel for you and your suffering as well.

5SF: april 2

Happy Friday, everyone, it’s that time again; time for another installment of the five song Friday!

The Bird and The Bee – Heard It On The Radio
The only “new” original track from their most recent release, a cover album/tribute to Hall and Oates, The Bird and The Bee harness their delightful quirkiness effortlessly on this wonderful airy hit. While the rest of the album is a guilty pleasure for sure, there is nothing to feel guilty about while listening to, and loving this song; it is sweet, warm, and perfect for a spring time drive. I have been a fan of The Bird and The Bee from day one, and this is yet another amazing song that I can add to my list of favorites by them. Be sure to check out the rest of the album as well, because they do Hall and Oates covers like no one else; they add a whole new level of fun!

Mumford and Sons – Little Lion Man
The album Sigh No More is one of those albums that I only wish I would have discovered sooner; it is an amazing album from beginning to end. I love the weathered, raspy vocals, and the light speed guitar and banjo strumming on this song, factors which are also present on many of the other tremendous folk-rock songs on the album. This is one of those songs that you hear and realize you have stumbled onto something amazing, and in my case, it is then that I get excited about sharing it with others. If you haven’t heard of Mumford & Sons before today, consider yourself educated about a truly amazing and talented band, and if you love this song, you will adore the rest of their most recent release, Sigh No More; I know I do.

Vampire Weekend – Giving Up The Gun
I will admit that I was a bit hard on Vampire Weekend when they started putting out singles from their most recent album, Contra. The first, Horchata, didn’t blow me away, and the second, Cousins, took me a while to warm up to. However, when I saw them on SNL a few weeks ago, and they performed this song, it was then that I saw and heard the Vampire Weekend that I fell so deeply in love with when they released their debut back in 2008. Low and behold, they’ve since released this as the third single from Contra, and I have been loving this track (and the rest of the album) more and more with each listen. I’m glad this amazing song got me back on track, and back to loving the Vampire Weekend that I was missing. Also, be sure to check out the playful video, because my lover, Jake Gyllenhaal is in it (and the lead singer of Vampire Weekend is quite dreamy as well!).

Broken Bells – Vaporize
What do you get when Danger Mouse and the lead singer of The Shins collaborate? Something pretty awesome, as far as I am concerned. This is my favorite song from their recent collaborative effort, the self-titled debut from Broken Bells. This song truly highlights both of their musical sensibilities, and makes for a wonderful listening experience; this is definitely the best song on the album for me. I fully expect to see this on a lot of best of lists for 2010, because when you have someone as consistently talented as Danger Mouse collaborating with someone as downright amazing as James Mercer of The Shins, it’s bound to get attention; and it certainly has captured mine.

Robyn – Fembot
Ever since Robyn posted this new song on her website, I have been getting more and more excited about a new release from her; so it’s a good thing there’s going to be THREE new albums from this Swedish pop-goddess in 2010. That’s right ladies and gents, 2010 looks like it’s gonna be a huge year for Robyn, who has proven that she has still got it with this extremely catchy pop gem. If this is any taste of what we can expect in the following three releases this year, it seems that Robyn is hell bent on becoming the true, all reigning queen of pop; and if it’s anything like her previous self-titled release, she’s certainly going to get my vote. Rumor is, that the first of three albums comes our way in June; I for one cannot wait.

Alright kids, there’s your five songs for this wonderful Friday. What did you think? Please leave me delicious comments and let me know; and be sure to let me know what you are listening to as well! Have a great weekend!