Month: March 2010

sotd: City and Colour – Boiled Frogs

This was released not that long ago on iTunes, and any “new” material from City and Colour is always something to be excited about. This song is a “cover” of Alexisonfire’s song of the same name. I use quotations around cover, because it isn’t really a cover, so much as it is Dallas’ acoustic take on the song; and seeing as he’s in Alexisonfire, he isn’t really covering the song. Either way, it’s beautiful, and I love it, so I thought I would share it.

It’s weird that the video is out of focus, but the sound is great. If you loved the track as much as I did, buy it on iTunes and support the amazing City and Colour, won’t you!?

song of the day: Erik Hassle – Hurtful

While I do realize it has been 2 weeks since the last 5SF, I had clinical today, and I am just too exhausted to wax poetic about five new songs. However, I do have enough energy to gush over one, so I thought I would do a song of the day to tide you over to next week’s new 5SF.

This is a song that I have posted about before, in fact, I featured it on the 5SF back in May of 2009. I honestly never thought that his debut would get scrapped and we would have to wait almost a year for his damn fine “debut” album to surface here in the states, but as I mentioned on the last 5SF, Pieces is FINALLY here, and it is overall, pretty amazing. The stand out tracks really, really stand out, and this one is a new classic as far as I am concerned.

I saw the (new) video (above) for Hurtful recently, and it rekindled my already strong love for this amazing song, as well as my love for the amazing Erik Hassle; and as such, I wanted to scream from the rooftops about this song… again. This song (surprisingly) may have not made 2009 Erik’s year, but it’s making 2010 look like it certainly could be; if there is any justice, this song is going to blow up the radio in the coming months.


That might as well be my middle name.

Ever since I can remember, I have worried, and worried, and worried about everything. Crap that I can control, crap that I can’t control, crap that I shouldn’t even worry about; I even worry that I worry to much.

However, I can’t seem to turn it off. I just can’t. *insert very frustrated face here*

That being said, I have made it past the half-way point of my first semester of nursing school, and while I am doing well, I find myself worrying about my future. Will I be able to get a good job? Will I be able to get into a good BSN program, and then a MSN program? Will I be able to do what I want to do? Worry, worry, worry.

I sit around and think about these things all of the time, there’s no stopping me. I wish I knew how to shut down, and relax, but I think I’m just hardwired to worry. So I guess I’ll just worry, and try not to worry about it. Ugh.

Either way, things are well my way, and I feel bad about neglecting this here blog; but I’m not going to add that to my big ole pile of worry, because that would just be silly, because I clearly have more than enough to worry about already.

5SF: march 12

Today, I’m just winding down what has been a pretty uneventful spring break, but I can’t wait to bring these songs to you. There are some MASSIVE tracks that I have been playing on repeat for a while now, and I cannot wait for you to hear them. Let’s get started.

Goldfrapp – Rocket
While I fell deeply in love with Goldfrapp’s previous, very subdued album, I will admit that the gay boy inside me squealed with delight when I heard this first single of of their upcoming album, Head First (out March 22). EVERYTHING about this song is massive. It is a balls to the wall dance track that has me tapping my toes as I sit and write this. This song is another shining example of the true artistry and innovative nature of Goldfrapp; they are unexpected, and always come to the table with their A game. If this is any indication of what the rest of the album will sound like, it is going to be like Goldfrapp have proven themselves to be time and time again; massive. I seriously cannot hear this song enough right now; it is on major repeat!!

Kate Nash – Do Wah Doo
While I was extremely excited to see that my beloved Kate Nash has a new album coming out next month (My Best Friend Is You, April 19), I will admit that I didn’t LOVE this first single the first time I heard it. Kate came to my attention back in 2007, when her debut album ended up nabbing the number 3 spot on my year end countdown, with its quirky and downright amazing songs. I managed to see Kate in concert, and my love for her only grew, so naturally, to say that was anxious about her next move is a bit of an understatement. Now, as I said before, I didn’t love this track instantly, perhaps because it is a bit different from her previous stuff, but after a few listens, I can definitely hear the Kate that I fell so deeply in love in there. Each new listen has me more and more excited about her upcoming release, which I am sure will show just as much growth and energy as this track; which by the way, I now definitely love.

Erik Hassle – Amelia
It is with extreme joy and jubilation that I can say that the much talked about (at least by me last year) Swedish pop phenom, Erik Hassle FINALLY sees a proper release of his debut (now titled Pieces) this week. This album is PACKED to the brim with single-worthy tracks, and I was more than pleased to see this “hidden track” surface as a “real” track on this go-round. This is definitely an album that you will hear about this year folks, because all of the hype surrounding this guy last year was the real deal, and now that he has a proper album released to back it up, I expect more and more Erik in all of our lives. (You’ll most likely see it amongst my albums of the year as well, just a heads up).

Amy MacDonald – Don’t Tell Me That It’s Over
This is one song that came and slapped me right across the face and demanded that I pay attention to it. I discovered Amy a while back, and even featured one of her songs on the 5SF in the past, but for some reason, I never really gelled with her music other than a couple of songs. Well, I noticed that she had a new CD coming out this week, and I thought I would at least see what she was up to this time around, and I am more than glad that I did; this song is EPIC!! If there is any justice for this BEAUTIFUL Scottish lass, this sophomore album will catapult her to even more fame, because this single is amazing, and should get lots of radio play. I’m sorry I ignored you in the past, Amy, I am all ears now; and I promise not to tell you that it’s over, because you are right, it has only just begun!!

JLS – One Shot
JLS is also one of those bands that I have posted about on the 5SF in the past, when I discovered their amazing single (and now starting to make waves in the US!) Everybody In Love on BBC Radio 1. Well, I have the BBC to thank again for playing this track, because this new single is just as amazing; these guys are definitely doing something right. This is the type of feel good pop that really deserves to be blasted on the radio, and just enjoyed for what it is; really well-produced pop music. It’s funny that this song is called One Shot, because it certainly got a second chance from me, and has me thinking that I need to keep my eyes (and ears) out for more goodness from JLS.

Well, I hope that you enjoyed this week’s picks, and please, let me know what you thought in the comments. Also, be sure to tell me what you are listening to; I am ALWAYS on the look out for great music!

long time no talk

… and no update.

Things are okay with me, just still chugging along, making my way through nursing school; one day at a time. It’s spring break this week, so it has been nice to just relax all week (even though I should have been studying). Either way, things are going well my way; nothing to report, which is probably the reason for the lack of blog posts. Regardless, there WILL be a 5SF tomorrow (barring anything that would prevent me from doing it), so I will see you back here tomorrow for that, okay?!