Month: February 2010

5SF: february 26

Today, I am writing you from my prison of the last few days; I am laid out in my home after throwing my back out on Wednesday. It goes without saying, that right now, I am not a happy camper. However, that will not stop me from bringing you the 5SF I promised you this week. See how nice I am? Alright, let’s get to it!

Zac Brown Band – Jolene
I’ve written many times before that I am not that big of a country music fan, but I am a sucker for great music; whether it is country or not. Before the Grammy’s, I had heard of Zac Brown Band, but I hadn’t heard any of their music. After seeing them perform live on the Grammy’s, and after getting chills by their amazing performance, I decided it was time to check these boys out; and I am glad that I did. While most of their songs are a bit too blue-grass twinged for me, this song instantly stood out and has since taken me completely over. I cannot get enough of this evocative song, filled to the brim with emotive lyrics and sweet sincerity in the vocals. Add to that the truly moving fiddle, and the wonderful arrangement, and you have an amazing song, and Jolene is just that; a truly amazing song. While I may not love it all, I can definitely say that Jolene has definitely made me a fan of the Zac Brown Band.

The Courteeners – You Overdid It Doll
I first heard this one on BBC Radio 1, and it is yet another reminder of why BBC Radio 1 is such a great place to hear great music I probably wouldn’t have heard anywhere else. This Mancunian band has taken me by storm for the past few weeks with this insanely catchy song. While the Courteeners share similarities with other great British bands like White Lies and Kaiser Chiefs, these guys are certainly contributing their own welcome addition to the British alternative pop-rock scene with this great new single. I found it funny, that after they played this that first time I heard it on BBC Radio 1, that people were texting in asking if it was called “You Own a Denim Dog”, because that is what it sounds like he is singing in the chorus. I love misheard lyrics, and that one is actually pretty spot on!

Neon Trees – Animal
Speaking of insanely catchy songs, after seeing the cute video for this song (and clapping along at the appropriate sections), I immediately made a note to go and download this great track. Lead singer Tyler Green has a similar tonal quality to his voice as Rufus Wainwright, which I find surprisingly refreshing, as this is definitely more upbeat and energetic than most of Wainwright’s (also amazing) work. Overall, this is a perfect song to get ready for the warmer months, and is a welcome early addition to my soundtrack for spring. This is also one of those songs that really grabs you initially, but doesn’t stop there; it continually digs in and only grows on you more and more with each listen.

Surfer Blood – Swim
My friend Jason deserves all of the credit for this one, because he is the one that turned me on to this track. While I was a bit off-put by the strange band name, I was brought fully on board when I heard this delightful multi-layered track. I like the way they remind me of groups from my high school days, like Nada Surf, only to shift gears halfway into the song, and become super current with a sound similar to the amazing Vampire Weekend. I love the blend of East Coast pop-punk, and the West Coast surfer rock. Overall, this is a great find, and one that I predict will be big on the indie circuit in 2010. Thanks for the heads up on this great song, Jason!

The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition
I heard this while watching (500) Days of Summer a couple of weeks ago, and while I wasn’t blown away by the movie, I did love this song, and made a note to download it after the movie was over. I will say about the film (and all films/tv shows/etc for that matter), that I absolutely love when a director (or music editor? well, whoever picks the songs, anyway) knows how to incorporate the perfect backing music for a scene; and in this case, they totally hit the nail on the head. This song beautifully framed the scenes it was used in, and obviously, captivated my attention enough for me to download it after seeing the movie. I almost hate to say it but this song would be a perfect commercial song, because of how well it flows as background music; but with that being said, that doesn’t in any way speak to the quality of this song. It is a great song that I am glad to have stumbled upon; even if it was just playing in the background.

Well, as I sit here, waiting for the muscle relaxers to kick in, I hope that you have enjoyed another (semi-regular) 5SF. Please, as always, let me know what you thought of this week’s selections, and also make sure to make your own!! Stay tuned for the next installment of the 5SF, coming soon to a Friday near you!!!

well, I guess that wasn’t SO hard…

I just finished my second day of clinical rotation at Grady, and I can definitely say that I am going to learn to breathe exclusively through my mouth when doing certain tasks.

Overall, the experience has been extremely overwhelming, but I think that with time, I will be more accustomed to things. I knew nursing wasn’t an easy profession, and I knew kind of what to expect in the beginning, but seeing it in your face, full glory-spread eagle is quite another thing entirely. Here’s to taking things one step at a time, and the learning process.

With regards to the 5SF, I am going to have to do it every other week, because as it stands now, I have clinical every other Friday, and when I have to get up at 5:30, I really don’t have the energy to focus on the 5SF after my rotation. Sorry folks. I will see you next week, though!!

first day of clinical tomorrow

So as the title of this post indicates, tomorrow is my first day of nursing clinical rotations at Grady hospital.

I am officially freaked out; mostly because I don’t know exactly what to expect. I am just hoping that fear/stress turns into confidence/belief in myself very early on in the day, because while, deep down, I know I can do this, I am filled with doubt and worry.

I guess that’s normal, but I still don’t like it. Not one bit.


Yes, you are reading that correctly; the five song Friday is BACK. As I have alluded to previously, I have been a bit busy with leaving my job, and starting nursing school; but that hasn’t stopped my passion for discovering and sharing new music. Today will have five songs that I have discovered since the last 5SF, which at this point, seems like an eon ago. Let’s not dwell on the past though, because there are some major songs to be shared today!

NOTE: I am trying out the GrooveShark method to post music, and so far, it appears to be VERY buggy (I can’t get it to play the songs for the most part either, so I get it if you are frustrated; TRUST ME, so am I), so I am going to post links to the songs elsewhere so you can at least go there and listen to them. Update: Let’s try this. Here’s a player with all the songs in it. Hopefully, it will work better (it looks like it will); also links to the songs on youtube still provided.

Marina and the Diamonds – Hollywood
(watch the video on youtube!)
First up today, is the new single Hollywood from Marina and the Diamonds. I fell instantly in love with Marina back in 2009 with her MASSIVE single, I Am Not A Robot, which I still play over and over. I have been waiting for Marina to release a proper full length album, and it seems my wishes will be fulfilled later this month. With Hollywood being the first taste of what to expect, my guess is Marina’s upcoming debut, The Family Jewels, will find itself amongst my favorite albums of 2010. This song is on constant repeat in my car, and it really does seem that I cannot get enough of Marina and the Diamonds. Living in the movie scene/puking American dreams; YES!!

Kid Sister – Right Hand Hi
(watch the video on youtube!)
If this song comes on, and I am on the dance floor, my advice to you is to back the fuck up, because I am about to break this motherfucker down. Seriously, I first heard this track after my buddy Stu turned me on to it, and now it is a MUST request every time we go dancing at Mary’s. This jam has such a fresh and infectious dance groove, and it really gets me moving, and makes me want to dance my legs off. This is one of those songs that I have been enjoying for a little while now, and I have been antsy waiting to get the word out to all of you; finally, the Kid Sister love is out there!! I want to go out, stack money, and drink all night with this bad ass lady!

Alphabeat – DJ
(listen on youtube!)
From their upcoming (?) album, The Spell, this track is one of those songs that is such a wonderful reminder of the great dance pop of the 90s. Just like the Kid Sister track above, this song is one of those songs that every single time it comes on, I find myself dancing like a maniac, and loving every second of it. I love everything about this song, and it is one that I have definitely been playing on repeat. Note: that while the player does say that this song is called Hole In My Heart, it is definitely mislabelled, because the song that plays in the above player is definitely DJ. To me, this is the best song Alphabeat has made to date!

Orianthi – According to You
(watch the video on youtube!)
This song kind of came out of nowhere for me; and I loved it the first time I heard it. The power riffs, killer vocals, and the well-written kiss off lyrics are just too good to ignore. While the Guitar Hero-esque video is a bit weird, I have to say, that it is refreshing to see a girl that can really wail on the guitar like Orianthi can, and I love the way she melds the metal guitar with pure, unadulterated pop music. This song should be getting a lot of radio play very soon as more and more people catch on to this infectious little song.

Imogen Heap – Wait It Out
(listen on youtube!)
While I was sad that Ellipse didn’t resonate with me in the way that her previous album did, I re-discovered this amazing track when I heard it in the background on one of my regular shows (I think it was Chuck). After hearing it again, I went back and spent some more time with this song, and I have to say, that I completely love it, and I am glad that I was able to re-discover its brilliance. I love the song’s inherent sweetness, and the multi-layered melodies that Imogen is so good at weaving together. Sometimes, I find songs on albums that I put down too soon, and this is a wonderful example of that happening.

Well, I’m have to say, that I am glad to be back; I have missed bringing you the best music that I can get my hands on. What did you think? Please feel free to leave me comments and let me know what you thought, and definitely let me know what you are listening to as well.