Month: May 2009

5SF: may 29

I can’t believe it’s almost June. This year is flying by!! Well, tons of good music has been FLOODING my ears as a result, so I guess I shouldn’t be complaining. I’m really tired today for some reason, so I am going to just go ahead and get right down to why we are here today… the music!

RichGirl – He Ain’ Wit Me Now (Tho)
Not being a HUGE fan of hip hop, this song took me by major surprise! The first time I heard it, was all, “damn! I love this!!!”. It combines a bit of the “lady group” nature of Destiny’s Child, and blends it with the hotness of Amerie (ala One Thing), and together, it certainly has me trippin’. I love the beat, and the fact that all four ladies can sing. This song is ready for the clubs, and I am certainly adding it to my summer playlists. Wiggle wiggle wiggle girl… let’s get that dance on!

Royksopp – The Girl and The Robot
Oh Robyn, how do I love thee? There are so many ways; almost too numerous to count! This track is a fantastic collaboration between Royksopp and Robyn, which I can almost BET Robyn played a big part in (it has her style all over it). If this is just another indication that the Robyn train isn’t slowing down any time soon, it makes me even more excited for her next album; and it makes me happy that in the meantime, she is working so well with other great artists out there. This is definitely the best song on Royskopp’s album, and they did themselves a major favor by working with Robyn. The synth on this track is deep, dark, and pulsating; making this song great for driving or dancing… just don’t do both at the same time!

Miike Snow – A Horse Is Not A Home
I know that I was singing the praises of Miike Snow last week, but I have to keep singing them; their debut is one of the best albums I have heard all year. It is amazing. With this project, Bloodshy & Avant have seriously raised the bar on the indie-synth pop scene, and produced what is sure to be amongst my favorite albums for all of 2009. I love the pulsating, rhythmic beat in the background, as well as the way in which they vocode the vocals; all making for a toe tapping, and infectious track. The whole album is made up of AMAZING songs like this one, with this probably being my favorite of all. Miike Snow SHOULD be HUGE in 2009, and you can brag to all of your friends that you knew all about them, because music bloggers like me showed you the light. No thanks necessary; just go and download the album already!

Erik Hassle – Isn’t It Obvious
I have also written about the super-talented Swedish singer, Erik Hassle, who released one of the most beautiful singles for 2009 with his amazing song, Hurtful. As much as I LOVE Hurtful, this song is just as powerful, and with each listen, I love it even more. I love the distorted electro backing track of the chorus, and the emphasis in which he says, “isn’t it obvious that I love you!?!”. It’s a well written track that has the emotive vocals to back up its sentiment, and I always turn up the dial when this one starts playing. AMAZING song. I just realized that he is the third song featured this week by a Swedish artist. Seriously, something AMAZING is going on in Sweden as far as music is concerned, and I hope it keeps on coming!

Butterfly Boucher – A Bitter Song
I actually heard of Butterfly Boucher a long time ago, because my buddy Deb really likes her, but it didn’t really stick with me, because I couldn’t find her album, as it seems she never got a proper release in the US. Cut to the here and now: Apparently, being on Grey’s Anatomy is the KEY to success, because after this song was on the show, her album has found its way onto iTunes, where I saw it, and was intrigued (having heard of her before). I don’t watch Grey’s, so I heard this song when I sampled the album, and it is epic, haunting, and achingly beautiful. I hope that Butterfly gets more exposure with this album, because songs like this are too wonderful to be ignored.

I hope that you enjoyed all of the songs for today, as much as I have been enjoying them myself. Let me know what you are listening to, and tell me what you think, alright!? Have a great weekend everyone!!

I’m this close

…to completely giving up. I have applied, taken classes, kissed ass, sent in form after fucking form, and it is all apparently not enough. I cannot get into a fucking nursing program to save my life. I am really close to just saying, “fuck it, universe, you win”. I just got off of the phone with GPC to ask why my status wasn’t changed on their website, because I have sent in the “change of status” form 3 times now, and I have found out that they still haven’t changed it, and want me to resubmit it. What for? Just for shits and grins? You have got to be fucking kidding me.

If I hear ANYONE say anything about how they “can’t believe that there is such a shortage of nurses” in Georgia, I will let them know why. I am smart, have great grades, and most of all, the drive to do the damn job, and even I can’t get my foot in the door. I have been trying to get into other schools, and they keep listing me as an out of state resident, which both quadruples the tuition, as well as puts me at the end of the list, after all of the in state residents (which is practically an instant rejection, since there is such a shortage of these programs in Georgia). I can see why kids graduating from college in Georgia could have a bleak outlook for their future; good luck finding college in this state.

Needless to say, I am MORE than frustrated right now, but I am VERY happy that I at least have a job; no I am not that diluted by my disappointment to forget that majorly important fact.

/upset rant

5SF: may 22

Holy three day weekend on the horizon, Batman! YES. Also, this may be the weekend that the shower gets completed, but I am not going to jinx that by saying that it is definitely going to happen. I just have my fingers crossed.

I have some REALLY good picks for you today, and a couple of guilty pleasures; one of which is a 90’s one hit wonder, that I loved the first time I heard it so many years ago, and still enjoy when it randomly comes up on my ipod. Also, I really want to thank all of you that have been giving me feed back on these posts; I really appreciate it!!! Now, on with the show!

Miike Snow – Burial
This is yet another example of how an interesting album cover can attract potential fans. I saw this album on iTunes in the “up and coming” section, and after listening to the samples, I bought the whole album right then and there. What I have found is a fabulous synth-dance-pop album that will surely make my year end list (and probably some others’ as well; I have seen other bloggers taking note of this great new band). This has been a GREAT year for music so far. This album was produced by the crazy-amazing production team, Bloodshy & Avant, who have proven, once again, that some of the best music out there is coming from Sweden. This is one of those random finds that I want to scream about from the rooftops, because of just how unexpectedly fantastic it is. These guys should be pretty huge this year, so keep your ear out for them.

Parachute – She Is Love
I heard about Parachute through iTunes as well, because they offered up one of their songs as a free download a few weeks back. While I thought that track was just okay, I checked out some of the other songs on their album, and this song blew me away. It is really beautiful, and it makes me glad that iTunes introduces people to some great music; even if it is by way of a different song from the same album. This song is a delicate rock-pop ballad that reminds me of the sweet softness of songs by artists like Joshua Radin, and I can’t get enough of its goodness.

Mat Kearney – Here We Go
I love Mat Kearney. I have for a while now. Not only is his voice swoon-worthy, but he is quite the handsome fellow. I mentioned a few weeks back that he was one of the people that I wanted to come out with a new album already (because of how much I loved his first record, Nothing Left To Lose), and it was then that I noticed he was releasing the follow up this month. I finally got my hands on the City of Black and White this week, and all I can say is WOW. With the first listen, I was blown away. Seriously, this is one of the best albums of the year for me, by far. This is one of my favorite tracks from the album, and as I mentioned, I fully expect to see this album near the very top of my year end best of list. Mat certainly did not disappoint with his sophomore album, and I only hope his career consists of more amazing albums like this one. With this release, he has solidified himself a place amongst my favorite artists.

Beyonce – Diva
Guilty pleasure alert!!! I normally don’t like a lot of the more “hard core” hip-hop/rap, but this track just screams in ecstasy to the wannabe thuggish girl that lives within me. Not only that, but this video is fucking fierce, and Beyonce is just too damn hot on this track to ignore. I will admit that the first time I heard this song, I really didn’t like it, but that was because I didn’t fully understand how to appreciate it. It is exactly like Kelis’ amazing song, Bossy for me; when I first heard it, I didn’t appreciate the amazingness of it. Well, now I do, and I can tell you, that thug girl living within me wants to be a damn diva… and if she were, this would be her bitch ass theme song. Perhaps what I love the most about this song, is that we now know to watch out, because Bey will cut a bitch, for sure.

Spacehog – In the Meantime
Finally today, the one hit wonder from the 90’s I promised. I remember hearing this song my junior year of high school, and back in those days, they didn’t have mix CDs, and the only way to get a copy of a song was to record it off of the radio, or go out and buy the damn CD. If you were lucky enough, the band would release a single, but low and behold, in this case, they didn’t (not that I could find anyway). So, I plunked down $16 for a CD, for one song. However, this song got LOTS of play, and has one of the catchiest courses that I have ever heard, and one that still makes me smile. I have no fucking idea what “we love the only all of you” means, but I don’t fucking care; that guitar riff is like irresistible, sweet cotton candy, and I can’t get enough.

So there’s another Friday five for you guys and gals… what did you think? I feel compelled to say something (in passing) about the AI finale, because I really do think that Adam was robbed; but I can only hope that it will mean he has more creative freedom when he makes his debut album. He was the best singer of the season, and it is a shame he didn’t win when he rightfully should have. Oh well…

Enjoy your three day weekend (for those that have one), and let me know what you are listening to, won’t you?!

ipod in the muthafucking car… finally

After having several crappy FM tuners, and basically giving up the dream of being able to play my ipod in my car with decent sound, I have, ladies and gentlemen, WON the battle.

From the time I got my first ipod MANY years ago, I have always loved having my entire music library at my fingertips; in fact, I am rarely without one of my many ipods. The damn things are so handy. If I didn’t have to use iTunes to update them, they would be perfect; but that is a different post for a different day. In my old car, I had a tape player, so I used the cassette adapter with much success, but I was forced to bid it farewell when I upgraded to my fancy new Acura; leading to much dismay and disappointment when said FM tuners turned out to be complete and utter shit.

Cut to last week, when I finally decided to take the plunge, give up XM, and get the iSimple installed. I bought the kit, and set up an appointment, and started to say my bittersweet farewell to XM, all the while convincing myself that I wouldn’t miss it anyway. It was like turning my back on a child, so as to make them hate me, so they would leave for their own good. But here’s the kicker, I WAS MISINFORMED.

What is that you say? Someone working at Best Buy gave me blatant misinformation, which is no more useful than a off handed guess?! Say it isn’t so! Well, ladies and gents, it is true; the iSimple allows you to keep XM, and adds the ipod functionality; which is controlled through the radio, and displays the name of the track and artist information right there in your factory radio display!!! I honestly would have bought this thing YEARS ago if I would have known, but because of some dumb half-wit that worked in the audio section of Best Buy and touted themselves as an audio “expert”, I have written off this product for all of this time.

Shame. For real shame.

Now, I have the power to use my ipod in my car with crystal clear sound, sweetly coming from my speakers. Needless to say, I LOVE this feature, and even though iSimple’s interface is a bit wonky and hard to get used to, I am just pleased as punch that I have something that I have wanted for years back in my life.

Hear me Best Buy; I win this round. I WIN.

5SF: may 15

TGIF. We are STILL working on the bathroom, and will be for a few more days. I can see the end in sight, and I am definitely getting excited. I will probably take an hour long shower once it is finally finished; I deserve it! Well, enough about that… let’s get to today’s music selection.

Elizabeth and the Catapult – Just In Time

Let me start with a one word description of Elizabeth and the Catapult’s most recent release, Taller Children: Amazing. Elizabeth and the Catapult is one of those finds that I still can’t believe I stumbled upon, because of how magnificent they are. What drew me in initially, was the really cute cover, which has brought me to some fantastic music in the past, and certainly did so again this time. The whole album is magnificent, and will certainly be amongst my top records of 2009. The record has a softer side, as well as an eclectic feel to it, and the singer’s voice often channels the might and gusto of singers like Inara George, Aimee Mann, and even Ann Wilson. This was a fantastic find, and one that I am more than happy to sing praises about to anyone who will listen. I LOVE when I find stuff like this on the random!

Death Cab For Cutie – My Mirror Speaks
After seeing Death Cab for Cutie last week, I have been listening to them almost non-stop, and I am constantly reminded of how much I love this amazing band. Seriously, Ben Gibbard’s voice and his diction are both amazingly delicious, and are a total treat to my ears. I have been a Death Cab fan for a few years now, and with each subsequent release, they only get better, in my opinion. The recently released EP, the Open Door, is where this fantastic track comes from, and was released to coincide with them beginning their tour. I love every song on that EP, and I was pleased that they played almost all of them at the show. They are amazing live, and I am glad I got an opportunity to finally see them perform.

Matthew Barber – Easily Bruised
This was a free mp3 download from Amazon (as of this writing, it still is, so go and get it!), and I am glad that I checked it out; it’s a beautiful track. I’ll admit that I was initially drawn to it because of the bearded beau on the cover (what can I say… I am a sucker for beards), and I was pleased that he had the musical prowess to really draw me in past a simple glance at the album art. His sound reminds me a lot of Ryan Adams, with just a touch classic rock, updated for the hear and now. This is one of those songs were beautiful music, rugged vocals, and eloquent writing all come together to make some really great music. While this is the only song of his I have currently heard, I am definitely going to check out his recently released album, Ghost Notes.

Great Northern – Story
As a fan of Great Northern’s 2007 debut, Trading Twilight for Daylight, I was excited when I saw that they were releasing a new album a few weeks ago. While I regrettably haven’t had a chance to give it a proper listen, the first track really struck me instantly, and I really liked it right off the bat. Perhaps what struck me most, is how it has a harder, edgier sound than their previous softer stuff. The marching beat coupled with the distorted guitars, and the lead singer’s haunting vocal make this a fantastically “darker” opener for their new album. It has definitely gotten me excited to delve deeper into the rest of the album; which if it is anything like this, I am sure I will enjoy.

Little Boots – New In Town
Little Boots is one of those artists that everyone is shouting about how wonderful they are, and for some dumb reason, I just roll my eyes and move on. In fact, I think that I ignore songs like this out of spite. Maybe it is the defiant side of me that just won’t give in? Who knows, but I think it was because I heard a Little Boots track a while back and I wasn’t blown away, so I just moved on; clearly, I must have thought, that it was truly just hype. However, she is back on my radar, because this is an insanely catchy track that is tearing up the radio waves in the UK, and I found myself falling for it after all. It has a little bit of the energy and feel of some of Ladyhawke’s work, which definitely bodes well for Little Boots (especially in my book), because of how great Ladyhawke has proven to be. I don’t know if this one will make a big splash on this side of the pond, but I know that a bunch of my readers will really like this one (that is, if they haven’t been enjoying it already, while I was being stubborn).

Well, there’s your Friday five, what did you think?! I hope that you enjoyed these tracks, and with some of them, you really should do yourself a favor and check out the rest of the album. Elizabeth and the Catapult is definitely one of those discoveries that I am beaming about lately, and I highly recommend the whole album. As always, let me know what you are spinning, and let me know what you think about my choices for this week. Have a great weekend!

over it

I came within an inch of crashing to a complete halt this weekend; this bathroom must be finished soon. If not, it will finish me. While laying the pebble tile in the basin on Saturday, I literally had an emotional breakdown; being a perfectionist, and doing something highly imperfect, is a recipe for disaster. After some calming down from James (who has been amazingly understanding and patient during this renovation), and a soothing bath in the other bathroom, I was able to relax, and disconnect for a bit.

The only thing that is keeping me grounded, is the FACT that it will be done soon, and my sanity will return. I have to believe this, in order to continue moving forward. Ladies and gentlemen, duane will return to his regularly scheduled programming shortly… please stand by.

5SF: may 8

Well, after a bit of a snafu with the tile situation, I am pretty confident we will make the right choice, and in the end, everything will look amazing. Stay tuned for more on that… I am so ready to take a damn shower in there already, that it isn’t even funny anymore! Alright, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get to the real reason of this post: the music! I have some AMAZING songs for today, so hold on to your hats kids, because away we go!!

Erik Hassle – Hurtful
I was surfing my usual music blogs this week, and stumbled on this MASSIVE ballad by yet ANOTHER Swede bringing the pure power of super-sweet and perfectly percolated pop to my ears. Seriously, what is in the water in Sweden?!? There are so many amazing pop artists coming out of Sweden, and Erik Hassle is certainly among them; this song is amazing and beautiful. This song overtook me with one listen. It’s massive. Keep your eyes and ears open for more on Erik Hassle; I am sure we will be hearing a lot more from him in the coming months.

Mandy Moore – I Could Break Your Heart Any Day Of The Week
There has always been something about Mandy Moore that I have liked… I don’t know what it is, and I don’t know why, but I love this girl. This song is no exception; I love the slight country twinge, and the overdubbing of her voice on the chorus. I saw the video, and thought it was a bit stupid, but it wasn’t enough to make me like the song any less. I will definitely be checking out Amanda Lee when it hits stores.

The Presets – If I Know You
This is kind of a blast from the “not so distant past”. I featured the Presets sophomore release, Apocalypso in my 2008 year end countdown at #23, which has more than a handful of fantastic electro tracks. Well, they recently released the video for this song, and I was instantly reminded of how amazing they are, and have added this track back into regular rotation. I love the accent of the lead singer’s voice, and I can’t seem to get enough of their infectious beats and rhythms; I’m glad that this one has jumped back onto my radar screen.

Owl City – Hot Air Balloon
I love Owl City. If you followed my best CDs of 2008 list, you remember that Owl City’s self-released album Maybe I’m Dreaming took the #10 spot on my list. Apparently, he was signed, because he is releasing a new album, presumably his major label debut, Ocean Eyes, due out September 1, 2009. I saw that he released this song as buzz, and I had to check it out. The best thing, is that if you go to Owl City’s website, you can register for updates, and download this track for FREE! That’s right kids… great music, for free on this Friday! Take full advantage of it while it lasts! I just bought my tickets to see Owl City in June, and getting this glimpse into the future of Owl City only increases my love of this great band. I can’t wait for the show!

Passion Pit – The Reeling
Last but certainly not least today, is sublime electro-goodness from up and coming HUGE sensation Passion Pit. This is their second single, which will accompany a full album release (Manners) from them this month. At first, I didn’t love this song as much as I loved Sleepyhead (which I have posted about before), but that is because Sleepyhead is PERFECT. Well, after a couple of listens, I realized something: Passion Pit is amazing. This song is awesome, and while they are definitely one of those bands I should, by all accounts hate, I actually LOVE them. I love the shrill voice, the pops and beats, I love it all. This is definitely a song that when it comes on the radio, you HAVE to crank it up. Try not to tap your toes and bop your head to this one folks… it’s difficult!

Well, there are your Friday five. I always say for you guys to let me know how I am doing, but I rarely get any feedback. Anyone out there want to say anything? Let me know what you think! Have a great weekend… expect tile pictures/stories soon!!

another little “snag” in the bathroom renovation

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: I managed to squeeze out enough tile I already had to make the original plan work; I just used one less row. That one inch won’t matter anyhow. Sorry for all the commotion folks… move along now, nothing to see here. Pictures are forthcoming though, so do come back now, ya hear?!

So we thought we bought enough tile.

We didn’t buy enough tile.

Unfortunately, they are out of this tile, and will be out until almost the end of May. Not cool.

So we have 6 inches between the aqua glass tile, and black river rock tiles. They had this mosaic that has the same aqua tile in it, so I got to thinking, and here is what I came up with in shitty MS Paint:
basic layout idea

I think that it would actually look really good, and kind of retro. Thoughts? Your feedback is DEFINITELY welcome. Thanks!

holy shit it’s may; an update

I can’t believe we are in the 5th month of the year already. Damn, time is flying by.

So here’s a little update about what’s going on in duaneworld right now:
– We are still dealing with the bathroom remodel. This thing has seriously been 2 steps forward, 14 steps back. It is just a mountain of stress, and James and I have fought MANY times as a result. I am glad that in the end, we will get to take a nice relaxing spa shower to get over the stress. I am happy to report, however, that the last thing that the shower requires is the actual tiling and the installation of the door; we have framed everything out (plumbing too!), and the tiling SHOULD begin tonight (fingers crossed).
– Other than the bathroom, we haven’t been up to much. I need to write up a review of the Leslie Hall show from a couple of weeks ago (I know, mucho overdue), and I promise I will.
– We are seeing Death Cab For Cutie this week, and I am really excited about that; especially since it is my first time seeing them.
– That’s really about it… Oh yeah, as a friendly reminder, don’t forget to send you mother/grandmother/ any other mothers in your family a card/gift for Mother’s day… which is THIS Sunday!

Hope everyone is having a delightful (albeit dreadful) Monday! Other than an extended drive to work this morning, I am doing pretty well… seriously, Atlanta, how difficult is it to put up notice that the road is closed up ahead???! I mean, let us know before we go down the road and have to turn around; make things easier, won’t you?

5SF: may 1

Uno de Mayo! I can’t believe it’s already May. This year is flying by… Well, a good thing about that, is that with this year progressing, it means that more new music is hitting the interwebs at increasing speeds. This week in particular, several MASSIVE tunes have come onto my radar screen, and I couldn’t wait until today, so that I could share them with all of you. Also, I am bringing a B-side track by an artist that I hope will come out with a new album sometime this year… because I miss her! With that, I say we get started, shall we?

Metric – Gimme Sympathy
Sometimes, I am told about a band, and for whatever reason, I have to come to them on my own before I really appreciate them. Metric is one of those bands. I managed to catch the video for Gimme Sympathy last week, and I INSTANTLY loved it. Too bad my friend Deb had already been singing their praises for weeks now. D’oh! Well, I am on the Metric bandwagon now, and I have been loving them a lot this week. Specifically, this dance rock number, which really gets me dancing in my seat whenever I hear it. If you enjoyed this song (and how could you not), I highly recommend you snag the rest of their recently released new album, Fantasies.

FrankMusik- Better Off As 2
I have heard this name a lot, but never really knew who Frankmusik was. Well, I was perusing an iTunes chart, and noticed that he had a song called Better Off As 2 available, so I thought I would at least listen to the sample and see what it was all about. Well, the result was an amazing, jaw-dropping WOW from me; this song is EPIC! I loved it from the first note all of the way through to the end, and I cannot stop listening to it! It has a little bit of the electo-rock sound of Hellogoodbye, yet turns its focus more to the dance floor, like other male solo artists such as Sam Sparro. I can’t wait until Frankmusik’s debut album, Complete Me is released next month; I am definitely looking forward to more of what he has to offer!

St. Vincent – Actor Out Of Work
Like Frankmusik, I have heard A LOT about St. Vincent, but I had never actually heard anything BY her. Well, I saw the amazing video for Actor Out of Work randomly, and at first, I really didn’t like the song, but I really liked the video (she sits stoically while actors “audition” for her, and all show a range of intense emotion). Well, I listened to the song a couple of times, and I saw the pure brilliance in it. I highly recommend that you listen to this one several times before you make a judgment, because it is DEFINITELY a grower. Those of you that have been singing the praises of St. Vincent; worry no more, I am finally listening!

Nick Lachey – All In My Head
Now hear me out… I have liked Nick Lachey since he was in 98 Degrees. I have both of his previous solo albums, and I am not ashamed of that fact. My name is duane, and I like boy-band pop. There, I said it. However, this is definitely a great track, and one that I could see getting tons of airplay. Perhaps the third time is the charm for Nick, and this may be the album that brings him the fame he has been seeking since he left 98 Degrees. His first single attempt for this album may have flopped (it was a carbon-copy cover of Take That’s Patience), but this one is definitely a very great pop song, and I hope the rest of the album is just as good. I actually like this song better and better with each listen.

Kate Nash – Navy Taxi
Finally today, I wanted to post something by the amazing Kate Nash, who made it almost all of the way to the top of my year end list in 2007 with her debut album, Made Of Bricks. Well, I have been listening to my ipod on shuffle this week, and this song came up, and it reminded me of just how much I love Kate, and how I hope that she brings us another fantastic record sometime this year. In the mean time, I will just continue to appreciate her fabulous debut, and the few B-sides (like this one) that are floating around out there. Perhaps my favorite thing about Kate is her way of story telling through song, and how she paints such a beautiful picture with her music and vocals. I miss you Kate! Come back soon!

Well, there’s your five, and I hope you enjoyed them as much as I have been enjoying them this week. I love all of these songs!!! As always, let me know what you thought, and tell me what you are listening to on repeat these days! Have a great weekend… we have tiling in our future!