Month: April 2009


A couple of weeks ago, it was ignorant Prejean, blabbing her opinion on the “gay lifestyle”, and her beliefs about gay marriage. She kept talking after the incident, and went so far as to claim that people choose to be gay. Clearly, she chose to be a heterosexual, and barely escaped a lesbian lifestyle. All I could think of everything she was saying was, shut the fuck up you ignorant twit. Seriously, we don’t need your bible thumping views and ignorant ideas to set our fight for equal rights back any more than we need a nail through the foot. Thanks. Moving on…

It doesn’t take long for another twit to get the mic, because here’s another person that I want to STFU: Virgina Foxx. She claims that Matthew Shepard’s HORRIBLE and VIOLENT death was not because he was gay, when it is like 99.9% clear that it was. I will never understand why people are so opposed to hate crime legislation, when so many people have been the victim of hate crimes. No one should have to be brutally slaughtered because of who they are, the color of their skin, or who they love. And if you are against it, fine, that’s your bag, but it’s reprehensible that she would go so far to discredit hate crimes legislation, and claim Matthew’s death was a “simple robbery”. How people can have their stupid heads buried this deep in the sand, and how they can somehow get public platforms is beyond me. Hey Virgina, STFU, alright? Just like Prejean, we don’t need your hateful ignorance, and your warped sense of reality mucking up things for us while we FIGHT for civil rights. What is so scary about gay people just being equal with everyone else?

It really peeves me even more that these are two women, who should know what it means not to have equal rights, seeing as women had to fight for them too. How quickly people forget. You know, you are entitled to your opinion, that’s true, but sometimes, you should think about the ramifications of your “ideals”, and just STFU already. Seriously, go back to your church and tell your mindless followers this crap; keep the public forum free of your hate-driven lies and ignorance please.

hey blog

I’m sorry that I have been neglecting you. Don’t worry, I still love you, and always will; things are just busy right now.

Love you!


Note: we are still working on the bathroom, which seems to be taking forever to finish (waiting on parts ordered through the mail is not cool). Other than that, just trying to keep breathing through my nose is a daily battle, and one that I am not doing a good job of winning.

Just wanted to check in. See you soon! (hopefully VERY soon!)

5SF: april 24

I can’t believe that this is the last five song Friday of April; 2009 is FLYING by!! Well, it is nice and warm outside, so I won’t keep you kids inside too long… let’s get right to it!

Jars of Clay – Two Hands
I have been a fan of Jars of Clay for many, many years. I was a bigger fan when I was in college, but I have always loved their music, and still, I definitely count them amongst my favorite artists. Well, I saw that they had a new CD coming out this week, and naturally, I had to check it out. After my first listen, I was glad to discover quite a fantastic album throughout. In my opinion, this is definitely one of their strongest records, and it shows a real growth as a band. Their sound as matured over the years, and they consistently put out great music. This is the first single from their new record, The Long Fall Back To Earth, which I highly recommend.

Noisettes – Never Forget You
The second of 3 albums I have been paying attention to that came out this week, was Wild Young Hearts by the Noisettes. I first mentioned them a few weeks ago when I featured their fantastic first single, Don’t Upset The Rhythm. Well, after giving the whole album a listen, I was pleased to find that they too had produced a pretty great album. This is one of my favorite songs from the record, which bears similarity to the vocal styling of Duffy and Amy Winehouse, and has a sock hop/TV soundtrack flair to the arrangement. The arrangement really makes me think of Laverne and Shirley for some reason…

Chester French – C’mon (On My Own)
The third album released this week that was definitely on my radar was the debut album of Chester French. I have also talked about them previously, when I featured their fantastic song She Loves Everybody. My interest in Chester French shot sky high after seeing them open for Lady GaGa a few weeks ago, because they were excellent live. I liked all of the songs that I heard at the show, and was glad to get my hands on the album so that I could hear them again. This is probably my favorite song from the album, which is kind of good, but unfortunately overall, only has a handful of songs that really speak to me. Also note that he says motherfucker pretty loudly during one of the choruses.

Lady Sovereign – So Human
Okay, I may have mentioned it before, but I am a huge sucker for a well used sample. This is a great example of that technique; I LOVE the way she integrates the Cure’s Close to Me, and uses it to soften up her previously “uber-tough” persona. I love her accent, and how “rough” she is (ha! rough and tough!), and I am glad that she is still making her mark on hip hop. This is a fun little track that I have been enjoying since I saw the video a couple of weeks ago, and I have been meaning to feature it ever since.

Pussycat Dolls – Magic

Finally this week, I am posting a song that I randomly heard playing in the background of a TV show; that happens to be from PCD’s Doll Domination album. I heard it, and I really liked the beat, and I did a lot of searching on the internet to find out who it was, and what song it was; only to find that I already had it on my hard drive!! No, I don’t have an iPhone, or I probably would have just used Shazam, but thankfully, my persistence and my good research skills led me to this fun little track. I have to say, PCD really keeps throwing me surprises; I’m glad that I gave in and started enjoying this girl group!

I tried to keep it brief so you kids can get out there and enjoy this fine weather. As always, please let me know what you are listening to, and let me know what you think of the five tracks that I brought you this week. Have a great evening!

another, this time local, victim of hate

This completely breaks my heart: 11 year old boy named Jaheem Herrera, commits suicide to escape bullying and taunting from fellow classmates (h/t to my friend Joey who posted the link earlier this afternoon).

I don’t know if anyone even read the piece that I wrote last week about this EXACT thing happening to another 11 year old boy, Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, but I will not let this go silently either.

This is sickening. This is outrageous. This is infuriating. This specifically made my already upset stomach turn: Jaheem’s mother, concerned, had talked to Jaheem’s best friend the prior week, who said,

Yes ma’am. He told me that he’s tired of everybody always messing with him in school. He is tired of telling the teachers and the staff, and they never do anything about the problems. So, the only way out is by killing himself.

I’ll say it again; DO SOMETHING if you see this happening. You CAN stop your children from being bigots. EVERYONE must stop the “playful” use of faggot and gay as derogatory terms; it isn’t a joke. ANOTHER 11 year old child is dead because people take this issue so flippantly. Taunting and teasing is not just “kids being kids”, and EVERY time this happens, it adds to the problem.

Our society of “subversive” hate and the fervent anti-homosexuality campaign in this country must stop. This should be a country were an 11 year old child can go to school without fear of being taunted, teased, and bullied to the point that the only way he feels he can escape is to kill himself. It just isn’t right, and I can’t believe that less than a week after writing about a horrible case of this happening, it shows up again, practically at my doorstep.

My heart goes out to Jaheem’s family. Jaheem, I am so sorry for what they put you through, and I am even more sorry that no one with the power to stop them stood up for you. They should be thoroughly ashamed.

Clearly, there is a major problem with anti-gay sentiment and outright hatred for gays in this country. I have to wonder how many children we need to lose before we start doing something about it? Sadly, many have gone before Carl and Jaheem, and many more will go before the judgment and hatred subside. What’s the WORST, is that it doesn’t even matter if these two boys were gay or not; their peers used the hatred and disgust behind words like ‘faggot’ to hurt them so badly, that they couldn’t take it anymore. It disgusts me that people continue to let this happen around them.

A final thought: I will never understand how the very people that stand there, pointing their fingers in our faces, saying that they are morally superior, pass the judgment that causes things like this to happen. Shame on you all. Your “feelings” about homosexuality are far more dangerous than homosexuality itself could ever be.

we interupt your regularly scheduled program for this announcement

This very thing is exactly what happened 15 or so times last night while I was watching TV. Seriously, I get that the weather is bad, and I get that people need to know, but just cutting off a show halfway in, and never going back to it is at a bare minimum, extremely annoying; ESPECIALLY when all you are doing is showing me a map, and you continually repeat yourself for like 30 minutes (I’m looking at you channel 2 weather dude). Additionally, the National Weather Service seriously needs to update to like, I don’t know, THIS century? That message system that was designed and probably totally savvy in 1942 is kind of outdated, don’t you think?

I also don’t understand something: I have an HDTV, and watch shows in HD. So how come, when they need to scroll something across the screen, they make the picture tiny, and ADD graphics around it? Can’t you just leave the picture alone, and scroll the info at the bottom? Seriously, making a graphic, and shrinking the picture down is not cool. Again, annoying. I am all for you informing the public, but do you have to be such a nuisance about it?

Finally, if I see one more of those “the conversion to digital TV is coming…” announcements on an HD channel I am going to scream. CLEARLY, if I am watching an HD channel, I HAVE a digital signal, and am receiving it normally, dumb asses. Stop this shit!


5SF: april 17

TGIF! For whatever reason, it seems like this week has flown by; but don’t worry, I’m not complaining!! For this week’s selection, along with a couple of “must listen” tracks, I decided to feature some songs that I found on my ipod by listening on shuffle. I was surprised by how good they were, and I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t heard them before I did. It just goes to show, that there is a ton of good music out there, and some of it is right under your nose; and unfortunately, sometimes it can get lost among the masses. Well, I’ve wasted enough time talking about this… on to the tunes!

Erin McCarley – Gotta Figure This Out
I posted a song by Erin a while back, noting how her similarity to Sara Bareilles made me sit up and pay attention. Well, I never really got around to listening intently to her whole CD (sometimes, I just let things fall through the cracks), but when this track came up during one of my rounds of listening on shuffle, my interest in Erin was instantly re-invigorated. This track is sweet and the melody is beautiful. I love the backing violins and the way the song builds; all while retaining an inner softness. Thanks to shuffle, Erin is definitely going to be getting some more well deserved attention from me in the future.

Elbow – Some Riot
I downloaded this a while ago, mainly because I kept seeing people talk about it on other music blogs. Additionally, I heard one song on BBC Radio One, and I kinda liked it, so I thought I would give the rest of the album a go. Unfortunately, it, like Erin’s album, slipped through the cracks, and I forgot about it. Well, when this haunting and enigmatic track came up during a shuffle-driven listening session, I did a double take when I saw who it was. This song is fantastic!!! I love how his vocals mirror some of the weathered despair of Morrissey with an added touch of Peter Gabriel, and I love the subtlety of his accent as well. I also love the piano, which reminds me a lot of a Nicole Atkins track. A big thanks goes out to shuffle for finding this great track that I let slip!

Matt Wertz – Everything’s Alright
When Matt Wertz first hit my radar, I was instantly a fan. I liked his vocal style and the playful and upbeat pop-rock style that he used in his music. He reminds me a lot of fellow singers like John McLachlan; not only in style, but in this particular case, there is a big similarity in the voice. Overall, Matt Wertz released a “new” album last year, and it kind of fell off of my radar, because it rehashed several of the songs on his previous release, which led to me kind of forgetting about it. Then, shuffle brings this song up, and instantly Matt is back on my radar. This song is perfect for spring, and I am glad that it is back on my playlist.

Glasvegas – Geraldine
Sometimes, (shit, most of the time) I am a sucker for a beautiful accent. Particularly, my favorite accents are Irish and British, and definitely Scottish. Well, the thick Scottish accent present in the lead singer of Glasvegas is downright swoon worthy. I have had this song on my ipod for quite some time, and it wasn’t until it popped up during a shuffle that I really paid quality attention to it. I ended up downloading the whole album and I really like it. It quickly turned into one of those records that I wish I had of discovered last year, because there is definitely a chance it could have made my year end list. Oh well, I shouldn’t really dwell on the past, so I am more than pleased that I have it to listen to more in the future.

Silversun Pickups – There’s No Secrets This Year
Earlier this week, the delightful Silversun Pickups released their second album, Swoon. I was eager to see what they would bring with this new release, because I really enjoyed their 2006 album, Carnavas. What I like most about the Silversun Pickups, is how their use the distortion and heavy alternative influence of early 90’s Smashing Pumpkins; only they put there own twist on it, making it perfect for the here and now. This is my favorite song off of the album, which overall, is a solid, well made, and familiar release. I am glad they are still rocking hard, and making great music like this. I hope Swoon is a massive record for them; it definitely should be.

So there’s five songs for your Friday… I hope you enjoyed them. Let me know what you think, as well as what YOU are listening to. Leslie Hall pictures and concert post are coming soon, so be sure to check back for that too!

a concrete example of how the anti-gay movement in this country is so dangerous

“Hey Faggot”.
“You are such a little pussy”.
“Look, he’s not even a boy, he’s definitely a sissy little girl”.
“You’re gay”.

These are all phrases that I despise hearing, but I heard them, and several other colorful variations, MANY times all throughout my 12 years of public school. There were many times I would come home and just be so upset that I couldn’t even speak to anyone, because of the taunts that I received pretty much every day from other students. I dared not tell my parents, because of how embarrassed I felt that I was continually labeled in this way; I honestly didn’t want this seemingly horrible thing to be true about me. As I look back, I honestly don’t know how I made it, but I did. However, I did not escape completely unscathed. The damage was done, and I didn’t come out until I was 22; all because I feared being the very thing that I was accused of, and was convinced was so bad when I was younger because of the taunting and teasing that I received. I consider myself one of the lucky ones, because despite it all, I did make it, and it has, in part, made me who I am today.

My point in writing this is not to preach or even elicit sympathy; as I said, I am a grown man who made it through that hell and I am stronger for it. However, there are thousands of kids out there that are going through this same torture right now, and unfortunately, a bunch of them won’t make it. The torture of being taunted and teased by your peers day in and day out is enough for many gay (as well as kids that aren’t even gay, but are just different, and therefore labeled as such) kids to desire so strongly to escape that hell that they take their own lives.

Recently, this very thing tragically happened to Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover. He was taunted and teased, and in order to escape it, he only saw suicide as his way out. Suicide rates amongst gay youth is staggeringly high, and I honestly believe that if our society wasn’t so dismissive of the hateful way in which we are treated, it could be significantly lowered. Carl didn’t have to die in vain; we can change. We can teach our children that hate and bullying is extremely harmful, and that by doing so, you are emotionally scarring someone. Teachers and administrators can also take a huge role in this change by suppressing this behavior as it is seen and reported; unfortunately in this case, Carl’s mother complained to the school and no action was taken.

I am extremely saddened, and I feel horrible for Carl’s entire family. This young boy should not have had to endure the torture that he did, and no other child should have to endure it either. If you or someone you know is close-minded about homosexuality, and perpetuates any level of the hatred and bigotry that this form of torture stems from, tell them about Carl, and how he was an innocent 11 year old boy who was taken from this world far too soon. Tell them that the very hate that they feel inside themselves for homosexuals, or homosexuality, is what drove Carl to take his own life. The time for this mindset is over, and it has got to change.

Perhaps if we all stopped being so hateful with one another, and stopped pointing fingers and judging those around us, less kids will feel like they have to end it all to escape the torture. I for one, hope that with gay rights laws passing in many states recently, and the potential for it to continue to gain momentum ensues, that we will hopefully grow as a society, and stories like this can be a thing of the past. Carl deserves that, and nothing less. We all do. I’m so sorry Carl.

lady gaga @ center stage ATL 4/9/09

I finally finished sorting through the TONS of pictures that I took at Lady GaGa last week, so I am finally ready to do a post about the concert. First of all, I will start by saying that yes, it was amazing. Lady GaGa knows how to put on a show, as I witnessed the first time I saw her back in October of last year. However, this time, I got to see a full show, instead of just a few songs at an intimate venue.

I will say this; I have been to Center Stage MANY times. Most of the time, it is sold out. I have never, however, seen as many people there as I did the night of Lady GaGa. It was insane. Speaking of which, people need to be more respectful of others. You can’t save 5 seats. You can’t get all assholish when someone in the standing room only area accidentally bumps into you. People really need to learn how to be nicer. Anyway…
Lady GaGa @ Center Stage ATL 4/9/09
There were 3 (!!!) opening acts for Lady GaGa, and I really enjoyed Chester French (who I have featured on the 5SF in the past), and I also liked White Tie Affair (who’s CD was on my ipod, but I have never listened to it). After much anticipation, and some shuffling around trying to find a great place to watch the show from (IT WAS PACKED), the curtain fell, and Lady GaGa emerged from a funky looking set up in the middle of the stage. What followed was a full hour of costume changes, dance routines, and killer vocals from Lady GaGa. She completely delivers live, and she owned that stage like a seasoned professional.
Lady GaGa @ Center Stage ATL 4/9/09
A few songs into the show, she got more intimate, and put on her now famous bubbles outfit, and played a bubble filled piano. She played a new song, which I think is called Future Love, and it was, to quote the Lady herself, marvelous. It seems that Lady GaGa has a lot more great music to give us in the future.
Lady GaGa @ Center Stage ATL 4/9/09
Overall, the show was energetic, and the crowd was totally into her. I will admit that she is a bit “out there” with her fashion and her style, but I think that it makes her unique in that she isn’t afraid to be different, and do something funky. The result was a sold out show full of people clamoring for more of the newest, and biggest, pop diva to take hold of the reigns of pop music. I can say that I was really glad to see her again, and whenever she comes back to the ATL, you can bet that I will be there.

Check out the pictures on flickr.

how stupid are you?

I get a lot of spam email, and I never understand why these idiots think that their schemes will work. Take this email I got this morning for instance:

Subject: Postal Tracking #HMPSH71337KU7MH
From: “United Parcel Service of America”
Date: Tue, April 14, 2009 9:25 am


We were not able to deliver postal package you sent on the 14th of March in time
because the recipient?s address is not correct.
Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our office.

Your United Parcel Service of America

It had an included zip file, which I am sure was full of spyware or a virus or something. How stupid are these people that they think I would fall for this shit? I mean, I’m no rocket scientist, but I am pretty sure that if UPS wanted to get in touch with me, they wouldn’t use a hotmail email. I’m just saying.

Nice try though, asshole.