Month: March 2009

best buy promotion: be a tool-bag… for free!

Pictured above is the promotion Best Buy is running for the release of GH: Metallica; you buy the game, and you get a free “fake tattoo sleeve”. Seriously, Best Buy? Seriously?

Note to anyone that wears this shit: You are a tool-bag. I will mock you openly if I see you wearing such a ridiculous thing. A major part of tattoos is going through the process of getting it, oh that, and the fact that it is permanent. A pantyhose on your arm is truly loser-making material. You’ve been informed, so there is no excuse.

5SF: march 27

Aaaaaand I’m back! Sorry that I had to sit out last week, I was just really tired, and didn’t feel up to it. Either way, I am definitely back on my game this week, and I have 5 great songs for you, so let’s go ahead and get to them, shall we?

Adele – Melt My Heart To Stone
I feel like I have been singing Adele’s praises for ages now, but honestly, I don’t think that I could ever sing them enough. After seeing her last week, I have been flying high on this amazing Brit’s debut album, 19, and I wanted to post one of my absolute favorite songs of hers. This song is full of emotion, drama, feeling, and power. I love how she makes her voice crack, which really represents the broken heart that she is singing about. She performed this song flawlessly in concert, and if you still haven’t gotten on the Adele bandwagon by now, this is just me shaking you, again, and telling you to get with the program. Adele is amazing!

Carrie Underwood – I Told You So
I’m not normally a big fan of country, and while I used to only listen to it back in the day, I attribute that to being mostly a product of my environment *cough*hick from North Carolina*cough*. I remember when Carrie won American Idol, and I was really excited, because she was one of the first ones that had pipes as amazing as Kelly Clarkson’s, and even though she was country, I just knew that her amazing show stopping version of Alone by Heart would grace her debut. Well, it didn’t, and instead of making me happy, she went full tilt country, which, while it does serve her voice beautifully, it just didn’t “do it” for me (also songs like Jesus Take the Wheel just make me want to roll my eyes… no offense). Now, let’s cut to last week when she appeared on the Idol stage again to sing this Randy Travis remake; I’m not going to lie, I fucking wept. This song is beautiful, and her voice gave me chills all over. Country or not, this girl can SING, and she sings this beautiful song amazingly; both live, and on her Carnival Ride CD. Note: I didn’t post the version she re-released with Randy Travis (also last week), mostly because Randy is just so outshone that I felt a little bad for him. I LOVE this song, and I am glad that Carrie chose to cover it.

Noisettes – Don’t Upset The Rhythm

This is another fantastic discovery that I can thank BBC Radio One for; they have been playing this song for a couple of weeks now, and I have found myself liking it more and more with each listen. The neo-soul guitar strumming, and popping beats really compliment the lead singer’s sweet voice (which has a resemblance to Eartha Kitt; without the kitty growls, of course). This infectious track has the upbeat sensibilities of the Ting Tings, and while it is a bit repetitive lyrically, it isn’t enough to turn me off. I can’t wait to see what the new Noisettes album will be like; if it is anything like this fantastic track, I am sure that I will love it.

A.R. Rahman and PCD feat. Nicole Scherzinger – Jai Ho! (You Are My Destiny)
I may make a few enemies with this one, but hear me out; YES, the original version is awesome, amazing, and several other praise-worthy words. It won an Oscar. See? I agree. However, this version, which harnesses the amazing vocals of Miss Pussycat Doll herself, Nicole Scherzinger, is just too perfect to ignore. A.R. Rahman’s Oscar-winning song gets the English treatment, and instead of being a “replacement” for the original Indian hit, I think that this version will just get more people interested in the original. I personally LOVE this song, and love that I can sing along with Nicole, because, call me crazy, but I like listening to music that has lyrics that I can actually understand; catch me catch me catch me!!! So again, the original – fantastic; and so is this version, which I cannot stop playing and dancing around to!!

Alcazar – Burning
To end today, we are going full tilt gay. We have covered a lot of ground today(soul, country, bollywood, now disco!!!), but this is disco bananas, and it is fantastic. Alcazar are a Swedish dance group that have been around for a decade, and recently, they released a massive double disc album that is chock full of dance floor fillers. This is my favorite song from that album, which is appropriately called Disco Defenders; because if anyone is going to successful in advocating for the fabulousness of disco, it’s definitely these guys. This song is upbeat, happy, and throw-your-hands-in-the-air dancetastic. Songs like this make me want to dance all night long, and HOW can that be anything but great?! Sometimes, it’s nice to just have a little fun, isn’t it? Well, that’s definitely something you can do by listening to Alcazar!

I hope that you didn’t miss me too much because I took a week off, but know that I am back, and I’m not going anywhere any time soon. I hope that you enjoyed this week’s five as much as I did, and as always, let me know what you think, as well as what you are listening to.

what’s going on wednesday

I have been a bad blogger lately, but I blame my new PSP, in part. Lumines II has proven to be a highly addictive game, and so has Loco Roco. I can’t get enough of them, and find myself playing a lot in my free time. It seems like it was a good purchase after all!

I have been listening to music, and just trying to get through each day; my sinuses are still angry that they are expected to work properly, so they have been on strike for a few weeks now.

I am a quesadilla phase. I loves the cheesies and the crunchy tortillas. Yum.

I went on a photo stroll with Brody recently, and eventually, I will get around to posting the pictures. I really do love doing things with friends, and wonder why I don’t do more, more often.

Mr. Pickles has been a lot of fun, albeit a lot of annoying, overall. I am glad we got him. He’s a cutie, but I just wish he would stop biting at Sydney. If he would cut that out, he would be almost perfect. That and the chewing random things (like the eyes out of a toy… who does that?!).

I also blame twitter for my lack of blogging. I tend to think nonsensically, and twitter is PERFECT for that. I could seriously do movie quotes, song lyrics, and random thoughts all day long; and I tend to do just that on twitter. All of those people that wonder what the point of twitter is, well, that’s my take, so put that in your bonnet.

Other than this random crap, not much else is going on of note with the old duane. How’s everyone else?

5SF: taking a break

I stayed home from work today because I wasn’t feeling well, and after sleeping most of the day, I feel much better. However, I think that I want to take a break from the 5SF today as well… now, don’t get all upset, as there are tons of songs from previous weeks that I highly suggest you go back and check out. Also, I will be back next week at full strength, so there is always that to look forward to, right? Tune in next week, when the regularly scheduled 5SF will return with an all new episode!!

Sorry to disappoint, but sometimes, everyone deserves a break; and this week it’s my turn! Have a great weekend everyone!

economic stimulation: the tax return edition

When I got my tax return directly deposited into my checking account, I had an agenda for the funds. At least $950 would go directly to paying off the counter tops that we installed last summer, as well as the new “quiet” dishwasher we got at the same time. I was glad to do it, because those were things we wanted, and it was time to pay them off… before the interest came into play. Whew… burden relieved; but I still had quite a bit left over (owning your own home does have big benefits at tax time), so I felt like splurging, so I got a PSP.

I have wanted one for a while, mostly for the game Darkstalkers Chronicle: Chaos Tower, which is only available in a relatively recent and attainable format for the PSP. I used to play the orginal Darkstalkers game on my Sega Genesis back in the day, and over the years, it has popped back in my mind several times; it was one of my favorite games as a kid. With the recent resurgence of the amazing Street Fighter series on Xbox 360, I have found myself thinking heavily about Darkstalkers again. Well, I managed to get the game for PSP, and I have to say, nostalgia is a very, very sweet thing that we must all treat ourselves to from time to time. For not a lot of money, I was able to get myself something that I wanted, and stimulate the economy at the same time. It is a win/win, really.

The other games I have gotten are as follows: Loco Roco (1&2), Lumines II, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, Buzz: Master Quiz, WTF (work time fun), Wipeout Pure, and Rachet and Clank (which came with it). I got the system on sale, and I got all but two of those games using credit from selling games to Gamestop (as well as the case for the PSP). Overall, I haven’t spent a great deal of money, and I got something else fun to play with. I do have to say, though, that those damn UMDs are fragile; I have already broken one of them, but was able to “fix” it with a little piece of tape. It still works fine, but still, what a weird media choice, Sony.

Either way, it was worth the whole kit and kaboodle for Darkstalkers, which is amazing on the PSP. I’m glad that I finally got one. Hooray for unnecessary purchases!!

adele @ the variety, march 19, 2009

Last night, I had the distinct pleasure of seeing the amazing, two time 2009 Grammy winner, Adele, live and in concert. My friend Jason and I headed out to the show, and while I knew it was going to be good, I didn’t expect to be as amazing as it was.
Adele @ The Variety Playhouse ATL 3/17/09
First up, Kameron Corvet opened for her, and he was delightful. I loved his acoustic style, and he sings beautifully. I loved his cover of Little Red Corvette, and his set, while short, was impressive. This local artist definitely made some new fans last night. My only complaint, is that I wish he sang in his regular range more than he sings in falsetto, because his “regular” voice is beautiful. It has touches of John Legend and Michael Jackson to it, and is beautiful on its own without the need for too much falsetto.

After Kameron left the stage, it wasn’t long before the amazing Adele took the mic. While I was watching her perform, it was really difficult to believe that she is only 19 years old; she commanded that stage like a seasoned professional. She was so cute, and adorable in the way that she genuinely had a great time performing, and I love seeing someone who genuinely seems to be having a good time while they are performing. She giggled and laughed in between songs, waved to the audience, and proclaimed her gratitude for everyone coming out to see her; she seemed surprised that so many people knew who she was. She even told of how she acquired her “drag queen eyelashes” earlier that day in Little Five Points, as well as how much she enjoyed seeing Atlanta for the first time. I thought it was a bit strange that someone in the front held up a CD for her to sign, but she did sign it between songs, and was very sweet about it. Overall, she came across as a beautiful person as well as a beautiful singer.
Adele @ The Variety Playhouse ATL 3/17/09
One of the things that I like most about Adele, is her beautiful voice, and fantastic song writing skill. I love how she uses her voice more as an instrument, which takes her songs from being simply sung, to truly performed; which translated amazingly live. Also, she played both the guitar and the bass on several songs, and did so effortlessly.

It is rare that you see someone live who is arguably better than they are on their CD (even though, she is pitch perfect, and fantastic on her CD), and Adele definitely falls into this elite category. Her voice was flawless, and her live singing ability was very impressive. She has a powerful gift, and I feel privileged to have gotten the opportunity to see her in such an intimate venue. As I mentioned to Jason after the show, this is the reason I love going to concerts; sometimes, you have an opportunity to see a truly amazing artist who’s talent just blows you away. Adele’s performance was nothing short of amazing, and after seeing her live, I definitely consider her amongst my favorite singers. She played a bit of a new song last night as well, and it was beautiful; I can’t wait to hear more from this beautiful Brit. Overall, it was an amazing night, and an amazing performance, and I am glad that I was able to be a part of it.

(to see all of my pictures from the show, click here.)

what’s going on with you?

I find myself sitting here this morning, thinking about life and whatnot, and just wondering what everyone else out there is up to these days… It seems that I am struggling to get most things done these days, and despite many set backs, I somehow keep moving forward (even though it is at a snail’s pace). It just seems that I let my frustration rule my world, but honestly, it is hard not to sometimes.

So, since I seem to be stuck, I was just wondering what was going on with everyone else? There doesn’t seem to be a lot of chatter out there (other than twitter), so I was just curious. What’s going on with you?

5SF: march 13

This week has really flown by for some reason, but I am not complaining, as we are at my favorite part of the week; the weekend. Yeah, it’s Friday the 13th (second time in two months!), but I don’t really have anything to say about it, other than to point it out. But, I don’t want to ramble on about asinine things any longer, and will just cut to the chase today… it’s time for music!

Kelly Clarkson – Ready
This week marked the official return of America’s first Idol, as Ms. Clarkson released her latest album, All I Ever Wanted. While I was initially a little hard on the album, I have since given it a few listens, and I have only been able to find fault with a few tracks (and honestly, if she would have left them off, the album would be even closer to the high quality pop album that Breakaway is). The album has tons of radio ready up-tempo tracks, and several soothing ballads that once again highlight Clarkson’s writing skills. This song falls somewhere in the middle, and for me, it is one of the best tracks on the album. As penance for trash talking the album before I had given it a proper chance, I felt compelled to post this track this week, in order to give credit where credit is due. Kelly’s back, y’all, and not only has she made a darn fine record, but she proved that she is definitely back when she performed live on Idol the other night.

White Lies – Farewell to the Fairground
This is one of those songs that came on the radio, and I wanted to change it, but I decided instead to see where it would go. Then, the riff of the chorus cut in, and I was instantly glad I stuck around; it is brilliant!! White Lies reminds me a lot of fellow Brit rockers, the Kaiser Chiefs, the lead singer’s voice sounds very similar to Julian Hamilton of the Presets. This fast paced post punk rock track is just a lot of fun, as I mentioned, it was that jangly guitar riff that reeled me in, and I can’t get enough of it. I listened to the rest of their album, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the rest of the tracks are quite good as well. This song was a great random find, and I am excited to be featuring it this week.

Peter Bjorn and John – Nothing To Worry About

I will be honest; when I found out that this was the new Peter Bjorn and John song, I was extremely disappointed. It was almost annoying, and is a real departure to their uber-catchy previous album (which made my year end list for 2007). However, I couldn’t seem to escape this track, because it kept coming on the radio, and as such, I got pulled in by the pops and claps, and slowly, I really warmed up to this song. After seeing the silly video, I was sort of hooked. It was almost like a light switch in my brain; I hated it at first, and now I am listening to it on repeat. It’s weird how that works sometimes, isn’t it? I can’t wait to hear the rest of the album, which should be out soon; I only hope that it is something that I will enjoy instantly, and if not, something worth giving the time to get into it properly.

DJ Antoine – Underneath (Nathan Scott & Tony Arzadon Radio Edit)

Based on the type of music that I typically post, I bet that it would surprise many of you that I used to listen to dance music almost exclusively. I was a DJ in college, and I had pretty much every hot dance track that came out, and kept my insatiable appetite for new, hot dance music afloat by having several friends (and another DJ) who were into the same club pounding beats. I attribute my constant hunger for dance music to the fact that I used to go dancing a lot, but as I have gotten older, my time at the clubs as diminished. I still love dance music, and still have a LOT of it on my ipod, but it isn’t the only thing I listen to anymore (which again, is evident when you look at my music suggestions here on this blog). However, I still know when I have heard something amazing, and this is one of those songs that just gets me moving. I heard it on BPM earlier this month, and I am glad to have discovered this track, so that I can add it to my massive and wonderful dance music collection. We all need to dance every once and while, and with great dance music like this, it’s hard not to!

True Steppers feat. Victoria Beckham and Dane Bowers – Out Of Your Mind
Perhaps this will further lend insight into my all-dance music, all-of-the-time previous listening habits. I first heard this song when I was in Europe in the winter of 2000, where it was climbing the charts, and being played everywhere I seemed to be in London. Well, I bought a great mix compilation (they have so many GREAT ones in the UK… why don’t we have any good ones here?!) that had this song on it, and I literally played it on repeat for months. I have been talking about how I have been going back through my massive music collection in an attempt to pay well deserved attention to many of my “forgotten” favorites for a few weeks now, and I remembered this track, and recently threw it back on my ipod. The UK Garage beat of this track is what I was attracted to, and is a type of dance music that I am surprised never caught on over here in the US. It is fast, fun, and totally dance. I love some Posh Spice, and for me, this is definitely one of the best things she has ever contributed to musically.

Well there ya go, another Friday, another five delicious songs to digest. I hope that everyone is well, and as always, let me know what you thought of this week’s selection, and PLEASE let me know what you are listening to!! I want to know!

britney spears 3/5/09 @ philips arena atlanta

Where should I begin?! As a long time fan of the pop princess, it is kind of interesting that I have never seen her in concert before last week. I mean, I wanted to go, but it was either a matter of not having a show close by, or I blanked on buying tickets in time. Regardless of the reasons for not going in the past, when Britney’s fantastic album Circus was followed by rumors of a coinciding tour, I promised myself that this time, I wouldn’t miss out; and after seeing the show, I am glad I made this decision. In a word, the show was amazing. It was a visual treat for the eyes; costume changes for every song, remixes and different versions of classic Britney hits, and Britney herself commanding the stage and dancing and performing her heart out for a solid 2 hours. I have to say, if there was any time I have ever TRULY believed that Britney was going to be successful with a “comeback”, it occurred in Phillips Arena last week.

We started off the night by getting dinner with my buddy Stu (who was just as excited to see Britney as I was) after which, we headed to Phillips Arena. I decided that driving would be better, because I knew Marta would be utter madness for this event, so I was fully prepared to pay out the nose for parking. We managed to get close by for $20, and in our excitement, James managed to lock us out of the car as we headed to the stadium. However, the car itself was still running at the time. Nice. So, we had to wait for AAA to show up, and then we made our way into the show. No harm, just 30 more minutes of anticipation, really.
Britney Spears 3/5/09 @ Phillips Arena ATL
Opening for Britney were the Pussycat Dolls, and they were actually very, very good live. That Nicole Scherzinger can fucking sing, and she made it apparent that she is definitely still the head Doll. Those other girls can DANCE, but Nicole has got the pipes that puts the dinner on the table, and she made that point known at the show. After a decent set, they exited the stage, and Britney’s crew set up the stage (which was a theater in the round set up), and the anticipation grew. Would she blow us away, or just disappoint? I was about to find out if my pop princess still had it in her all these years later.
Britney Spears 3/5/09 @ Phillips Arena ATL
Britney came out with a bang, and performed Circus right off the bat, which I thought was brilliant. Song after song, she danced, and worked all three of the stages; the main center ring, and both smaller rings on each end of the stadium. She must have danced her way back and forth through Philips Arena a good 15-20 times, and she remained full of energy the entire show. It was impressive how she commanded the stage, and it was amazing to see her perform. All of the performances were very well choreographed, and while I am certain she lip-synced a lot of them, it didn’t matter to me; I wanted to see her perform, as she sang the original song anyway. The show was a feast for the eyes that I doubt I will see the likes of again any time soon.
Britney Spears 3/5/09 @ Phillips Arena ATL
She ended the show with a bang, releasing confetti in the arena, and as we exited back to our car, we all agreed that what we had seen was an amazing show. Is Britney back for good? I guess only time will tell for sure, but I can say one thing with certainty, she was definitely in top form that night, and going to see her live was worth every penny. Since then, I have had Britney fever, and have been re-enjoying music of hers that I haven’t listened to in ages. Britney is definitely the princess of pop, and I hope that she just keeps on bringing us the goods; because I am certain that pop music wouldn’t be the same without her. This show most certainly ranks amongst the best concerts I have ever had the privilege of seeing.

cock on a rock

Today, I went up to Ink and Dagger Tattoo Parlour because my friend Zack was getting some work done, and as usual, I had some fun and interesting conversation with my tattoo artist, Russ Abbott. It seems that he is doing a tattoo of the famous Confederate Stone Mountain carving for a client, and upon studying the picture carefully, in order to capture and re-create its detail, he discovered a little bit of a wardrobe malfunction on one of the generals:

(source for original photo)
As Russ so eloquently put it, “there really isn’t anything that could be other than a dick”; and you know what, I would have to agree. (yes, I KNOW that it is the bottom of his gun holster, but the placement and the execution of the harness strap in the right place totally makes my dick argument stronger. Think about it… perhaps he was a general in the bedroom as well!)