Month: March 2008

5SF: march 28

TGIF motherfuckers! Holy shit, this week has flown by, and thank goodness too… I am so looking forward to the weekend! This week has a bunch of pretty mellow stuff for whatever reason, and the “flashback” song is one of those instances where I love the song, and think that it is incredible, but don’t really care for anything else by that group. Alright, enough chit chat… strap yourselves in, because here we go!

Guillemots – Get Over It!

I will warn you… before you push play, you had better be ready for the catchiness of a song that will get stuck in your head for quite some time!!! This song is one of those songs that will have you bopping your head, tapping your toes, and wanting to seriously dance about. When the title of the song comes up, and they shout “get over it!”, you can’t help but feel compelled to do the same. The first time I heard this song, I was reeled in, but for whatever reason, I have waited until now to bring it up in a five song Friday. Regardless, this is one of those driving with the top down kind of songs, which is perfect for a beautiful day like today!

Idina Menzel – Brave
I first heard Idina’s amazing voice in RENT, but it wasn’t until Wicked that I fell head over heals for her. In case you are scratching your head wondering what I am talking about, Idina is a Tony winning Broadway actor, and it was her performance in the amazing Wicked that got her that well deserved award. Well, it was only a matter of time, based on the popularity Wicked rightfully cast on her, that she would release a pop album. While I am surprised that much of the album focuses more on very subdued “celine-lite” type of stuff, this song is truly beautiful, and shows that she definitely has the potential to cross over into mainstream pop. She just needs a few more like this one, and she is definitely on her way! I also have to mention how insanely beautiful Idina is in this video; she is stunning, both in voice and beauty!

Yeah Yeah Yeah’s – Maps
This is the song that I spoke of earlier, when I said that I love the song, but that pretty much completes my interest in the group that sings it. Well, it is unfortunate that this is the truth, because this song is so emotional and powerful, and I love it completely. This is one of those songs that, when it comes on in the car, I put it on full blast and sing the shit out of it, alone with Karen O. I absolutely LOVE the hard drumming and the wickedly repetitive guitars in this song; they totally make the emotion Karen O is trying to get out more noticeable. Also, you HAVE to watch the video for this song, because she not only sings this song; she performs it. You can see the raw emotion on her face, and it totally makes this less of a song, and more of an experience. I will always count this among my favorite songs; regardless if they do another song I like or not.

Goldfrapp – Monster Love

I will admit that I had a really hard time getting into Goldfrapp’s most recent album; but not because it wasn’t fantastic, it was more because I had to be in the mood to experience it. It is much more mellow and acoustic than I expected, but the more I listen to it, I realize that there is so much more texture and many more layers to the songs that I originally heard. Well, since I have been listening to it more and more, I have to say that Monster Love really stands out much like A& E did, because it is a fantastic song. My favorite thing about this song, is how it begins so softly, and builds to a crescendo, where she expresses her demands, and then she falls back to that soft state again; only to repeat the process throughout the song. I think that the layering and the build up of this song is masterful song making, and I am glad that I went back for more, and gave this album the attention it deserves. Good form, Goldfrapp, good form.

Forest City Lovers – Don’t Go

My final selection for today, is a mellow folk-laden song from a random band I discovered through myspace, Forest City Lovers. I saw their CD on one of the many websites I visit, and I checked out their myspace to see if it warranted a further look. I was instantly taken by Don’t Go, and I ended up getting the CD right away based on this one song. I love how her voice reminds me of Inara Day of the Bird and the Bee, and how the music uses the acoustic rhythm, and the haunting violins in the background. This one is sure to get a lot of play from me, and I am looking forward to getting to know more about the rest of the CD. I love it when you find random good music, don’t you?!?! Well, that’s part of the reason for this weekly post; so I can share those finds with you!

I hope that everyone has a great weekend, and as always tell me what you are spinning; I really want to know! Enjoy!

imitation, the sincerest form of flattery?

I was reading one of my many music blogs this afternoon, when I happened upon the following music clip (via discopop directory):

After listening for about 20 seconds, I had this sneaking suspicion that I had heard this song before… Hmmm, where have I heard that same drumming, same guitar riff, and same distortion effect? That’s right… Muse’s Knights of Cydonia:

Well, I guess if you are going to copy a song, at least copy an amazing one, right? What I don’t get, is that I have never seen the amazing allure that the Arctic Monkeys have to them, and this just makes me question it even more… And I am not really familiar with the Rascals as of this writing. Oh well, perhaps they meant it as an homage to Muse, who are in their own right, a truly amazing band. I just wonder why they had to make it so damn similar, you know? The similarity was instantly recognizable to me, and I am sure that I am not alone in that sentiment.

What are your thoughts? What do you think when you hear an amazing song rehashed by a group that may be more commercially popular, but not necessarily any “better”, as far as you concerned? How does it make you feel when said “copied” group is a group that you really enjoy, but the other isn’t, and you know that they will have more success with their clone?

region free is the way to be

A couple of months ago, I decided it was time to upgrade our DVD player to a HD upconversion unit, and I managed to get a great deal in the process. One of the other requirements I had for the unit, was that it not be Sony, because I wanted to see if I could unlock it, and make it region free. Being a lover of British shows and lots of British things, I wanted the opportunity available to get region 2 DVDs if I should so desire.

Well, as I wrote about some time in the past, I have had a great time watching shows like Spaced and Hyperdrive; both of which are only available on region 2 DVDs. Well, my most recent exciting region 2 goodness comes in the form owning the movie that is just hitting US theaters this week: Run Fatboy Run.

Now, my love for Simon Pegg may be a little bit on the verge of “I’m ready to walk down the aisle with this sexy man and have his babies”, so it should be no surprise that I jumped at the opportunity to get this DVD; even though it was like $35 (damn conversion rates and shitty US dollars!). Well, it was a good purchase, because the movie is actually quite cute, and definitely enjoyable. I am debating on whether or not to see it in theaters, but I probably won’t, because a) I paid so much for the DVD, and b) I hate going to the movies, and if I can sit home, I would rather do that.

Either way, I am definitely a believer that being region free is the way to be. Having a region free DVD player has given me the opportunity to relish all of the amazing material that my dream lover Simon Pegg and sexy bear Nick Frost have done overseas; some of which is brilliant. Either way, here’s to consumerism, right?!

a bit of freelisting on Monday

Well, I have thoughts running through my head this morning, but none of them that I could elaborate a whole post on, so I figured a free list would be a great idea! Let’s get started.

  • After a great weekend spending time with my friend, and attending her great wedding, I had to wait almost 5 hours in the airport because of delays. Boo to that. Either way, the weekend was a blast. It is funny how reconnecting with old friends can be such an amazing time. I’m glad her wedding went so well (even though it was rained out, and we couldn’t have it on the beach), and I fully expect her to be at mine… that is, if we ever have one *james… hint hint*.
  • Tattoo news: I am going to go and get a Sparrow tattoo this weekend, if all works out accordingly. Where should I get it?? I am seriously torn. I also might sign up for a consultation on another half sleeve… I want a phoenix and a Ganesha… stay tuned!
  • The Vampire Weekend CD is great. It gets better with each listen. Seriously, check it out.
  • After hearing the lead single from Death Cab for Cutie’s new record, I am a little worried. I hope that I like it as much as I love their previous work…
  • While at my friend’s wedding this weekend, I met some of her friends which are Atlanta locals. They had a really cool point and shoot that they actually got for the lucky married couple as a gift as well. After playing with their camera, I think that I am going to go and get it… today. It isn’t “better” than mine, it is just more of what I want. So what does that mean??? Well, that means that my perfectly fine 6MP Panasonic FX-01 is for sale, if someone wants it. It is a great camera, and I would be willing to part with it for $100 (much less than I paid for it). I will also throw in a 256MB memory card for free!! (hey, it isn’t much, but it’s something). Anyone interested? I have the box and all the stuff it came with. Let me know.
  • I wish that I were independently wealthy (big surprise), so that I could go on a real vacation. I went to drop my friend and her new husband off for their cruise before hitting the airport, and I now REALLY REALLY want to go on a cruise myself. I think that James and I may have to do that sometime in the near future.
  • This makes me really, really sad. Seriously, enough is enough. Bring them home. I support each and every troop that has been, that is there, and that will go overseas for us; I just want them home safe, and soon.
  • I had to be the respondent to test an interview instrument today, and I was reminded how interesting our jobs must seem to the outside… I mean, we talk about explicit sex for work!!! It certainly makes you at least smile!
  • Is it bad that Zombie Jesus, or the thought thereof makes me giggle? I mean, he kind of was a zombie, wasn’t he?? Maybe that’s blasphemous, but whatever. Did everyone have a great Easter?? I didn’t really do anything to celebrate; in fact, I had brunch with about 15 Jewish people (my friend’s husband is Jewish), so I guess I REALLY didn’t do anything for Easter.
  • Apparently, I look better with weight on me. At least, that is what everyone in my friend’s family said, after having not seen me for a few years. While it is nice to hear, I still can’t help but feel a little fat.
  • I guess that’s it for me… but what’s going on in your world??? Anything you want to talk about? It’s Monday, so I am sure that there are plenty other bored folks out there… am I right?

5SF: march 21

Well, this week, I am going to have to post my five song Friday a little early; I am flying to Ft. Lauderdale for the weekend for a friend’s wedding. I am worried, as of writing this, because I fear that I might be coming down with something… talk about bad timing. I cannot get sick. I will not let it happen!! Here’s hoping that I don’t.

Now, let’s get you the music, shall we?

The Lightning Seeds – You Showed Me
I have always loved the Lightning Seeds, and this was the first song of theirs (even though it is apparently a cover) that I ever heard. They have some amazingly upbeat and super happy songs, even though this isn’t one of them. While this is sort of different from the rest of their style, I have to say, I keep coming back to this one. Recently, someone mentioned the Lightning Seeds, and I had to run home and add it back to my ipod, because it got lost when the ipod was reformatted a while back. It’s nice to reminisce!

Danity Kane – Damaged
While this one had to grow on me at first, I will gladly admit that this is a hot track. I have been a huge Danity Kane fan ever since I watched Making the Band, and fell in love with these girls. When their debut record came out, I bought it on day one, and loved almost every single track. Imagine my excitement when I heard that their sophomore record was about to drop, and Damaged was the first single. After initial feelings of “meh”, it has really grown on me, and now I am digging it. However, the rest of the record is a bit of a let down. Maybe it will grown on me too? Here’s hoping. I do have to say, that I could COMPLETELY do without Diddy talking during the track.

Lindsay Lohan – Rumors
Love her, hate her, love to hate her, I don’t give a shit. I love Lindsay, and this club banger is a great fucking pop song. After posting Danity Kane’s new one, I had to bring this one back. I was shopping recently, and this song came on the overhead system, and I almost broke it down in the fucking store. Seriously, I loved this song when it came out, and even had it as my ringtone for months. Lindsay will always be my girl; and you have to admit it, she is fucking hot in this video. She could make a gay boy go straight (well… maybe for a night…)!

Mariah – Touch My Body
I will admit this; when Emancipation of Mimi came out, I didn’t give a shit. I have been a long time “hater” of Mimi, mostly because I felt like she was trying too hard. However, I couldn’t avoid the greatness that some of the tracks from Emancipation threw at me, and eventually ended up caving in, and loving a lot of what I heard. Well, I was all ears when I heard she was coming out with a new record, and after the first listen, I was in love with this song. It is as slutty as she wants to be; Mariah probably would have done the video totally nude if they would have let her, and that is what I love about Mimi. Plus, how can you not love that she named the record E=MC2?? Mimi, sweetie, we all know you are not up for Mensa membership… but another Grammy? Maybe!

Gnarls Barkley – Run

Damn, this track is, how do the kids say it these days… Bangin’?! I fucking love this song. It embodies some of the amazing tracks that Gnarls Barkley totally surprised me with on their debut. After hearing this song, I immediately got the record, and I have to say, that I was really underwhelmed. There were some AMAZING tracks on their debut (e.g., Transformer), so I was surprised I was so turned off by this record. Maybe it will grow on me (the first record did), but for right now, I play Run and just move on… this song is a fucking hit if I ever heard one. It totally makes me think of Andre 3000’s massive hit Hey Ya, but with more indie cred. I know that this one is going to be huge.

Well, there’s another, albiet very early, five song Friday!! As I said, I am off to Ft. Lauderdale for some fun with my friend, and a little wedding tossed in. Here’s hoping that I don’t get sick, and that my weekend rocks! One final note, I want to say a huge thanks to the reader that suggested Vampire Weekend to me, I have been spinning it like crazy, and it gets better with each listen. Thanks!

wedding shopping list

One of my best friends is getting married this weekend, and I am in the bridal party. Here’s the breakdown of monies that I have spent thus far:

  • 2 nights hotel stay: $286.20
  • Flight to and from Ft. Lauderdale: $293
  • 3-button black suit, 100% wool: $99.99
  • Cuffs for the pants: $12
  • Shoes: $49.99
  • Belt: $14.99
  • Shirt: $21.99
  • Total: $778.16
  • (wow, I didn’t realize it was so much!)

Being in one of your best friend’s wedding, even though you can’t get married: Priceless. Don’t get me wrong, I am not bitter, it is just an observation, seriously. I am so happy that I get to be in her wedding, and I love my friend to bits and pieces (she knows this), HOWEVER, I really wish that gay people could do it too. If not marriage, at least something where we could get the hoo and haw of being in a relationship for years, and having our commitment recognized. That’s all, really.

I am excited about this weekend, but I am nervous; I don’t know ANYONE other than my friend (the bride), and her soon to be husband. That should make things interesting to say the least!

things that make life easier; maybe TOO easy?

I have been using Netvibes for as long as I can remember. Before that, I used Bloglines, which also kept my feeds all nice and ordered, but I switched because I lost interest in Bloglines for whatever reason. Well, this morning, I “upgraded” to the “new” Netvibes, and I must say, that it sure is pretty. In fact, it makes it a very useful and beautiful tool to take my internet browsing to the next level, right?

Well, I want to say yes, but I somehow feel like it makes things too easy. When I have everything tabbed, linked, and all of my feeds right there for me, it only takes a couple of minutes to go through my whole internet linkage, and then I am bored again. I also notice that I don’t read as many blogs because of feeds… sometimes I will start reading, and then stop, or I will read it, but never comment, because the feed has made things too easy for me. It has digested everything, put it on the plate, and even fed it too me; all without any work from me.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am glad that I have this tool at my fingertips and for use at my disposal, but I can’t help but feel that the convenience eventually leads to my boredom with the internets. Does anyone else feel like this (if you use a feed reader)? How do you propose that I remedy this feeling? It isn’t really that big of a deal, but it is something that I think about a lot, because as I mentioned, I inevitably get bored, and then start wondering “all right… what next?”.

Maybe I just bored too easily. Who knows. Either way, that’s what I am thinking about today, so there it is.

too close for comfort

So they have released a “final report” on the path of the tornado… and it ended literally 400 or so feet from our house. Wow. I mean, it is just surreal, because on the street where it ended (which you can literally throw a rock at from my back porch), the damage is way worse than on our street. I am extremely thankful that it stopped when it did. I honestly can’t believe that it got so close!! Who knows what would have happened with that massive tree that took out our fence if the storm would have kept going! The thought alone is just pounding in my brain this morning.

I can’t imagine what Sydney must have been thinking as it came through, because we weren’t even at home. Poor little guy!! I am honestly glad that we weren’t home; I think that it would have been very, very scary to hear all of the madness. Again, I am just incredibly glad, and I feel amazingly lucky, that it ended where it did… 400 more feet and things may have ended very differently for us!

On a completely different topic, I was driving on the freeway recently, and I saw a man driving with one hand holding his cell phone to his ear, and the other hand plugging his other ear so that he could hear. He was driving on 85 with no hands. NO HANDS! Where are the fucking police to pull over people like this?? Every time I drive down the freeway, I have to constantly adjust my speed and I have to be on constant alert for freaks around me, because cell-phone-talkers are constantly slamming on brakes, and drifting into and out of your lane. Hey police… POLICE the freeway and stop these dangerous freaks! It isn’t normal to have a major wreck on every major freeway in Atlanta every day. Pass a law or something, but this madness has to stop!

ATL-nado 2008


It is midnight, and as I sit here writing this, I cannot even begin to express how amazingly lucky I feel. I have been looking at pictures of the devastation that occurred throughout Cabbagetown and some of the other areas near us in Atlanta, and I feel fucking blessed. I also want to make sure and say a huge and amazing thank you, for every text message, email, and phone call I got. It was really truly amazing to know so many people cared. Thank you so much.

storm damage
Well, here’s how it went down for us. Last night, we were over at Joey’s for a Smash Bros party, and around midnight, we got word that there were some pretty nasty storms going on downtown. The word tornado was even used. Coming from a place in NC where we have had MAJOR destruction from tornadoes in my life, I instantly got scared. I never thought it would happen here; why? I don’t know, but I just didn’t. Instantly, James and I felt the need to get home, and make sure everything and everyone (i.e., Sydney) were okay. Riding down the freeway was almost surreal; they had whole exits blocked off due to tornado damage… right at the heart of the city.

Finally, we got home, and a couple of our neighbors had called us to let us know that our house was okay, but that the fence behind our house didn’t fare so well. Basically, the storm took out two major trees in the back of our property, splitting them right at the ground, and sending them toppling over our fence, shed, and into our neighbor’s yard. The entire fence wasn’t taken out, but major chunks are going to need to be replaced. We had a little tin shed in the back yard that was full to the brim with our power tools and home improvement equipment, and as of right now, it looks like a crumpled up tin can. It was completely smashed. The funny thing, is that the new table saw that we bought to do the hardwoods took the brunt of the tree, and managed to save every thing shorter than it, including the much more expensive lawnmower, leaf blower, and weed eater. It might not be salvageable, but it definitely did its duty to protect its fellow shed-mates.

Early in the morning, we had a guy come out to remove the trees, and they chainsawed the hell out of that wood all day, managing to remove almost all of it. It is unreal how big that tree was, and even more unreal was how close it got to our house. It was literally within about 4 feet from the back of our house; which is where our bedroom is. There were also two shattered javelin-like off shoots from the tree that were hurled into the ground so deep that they couldn’t even pull one of them out. Those were much closer to the house, but still managed to miss us by a couple of feet.

For those wondering about the waverunner, for whatever reason, James decided yesterday that the place it was at (the right side of the shed) was getting poor grass growth because of the waverunner being there, and as such, he moved it to the left side, between the shed and the fence. Whatever made him do that completely saved the boat. It wasn’t even touched, with the tree landing totally on the shed and the spot where it had been sitting all of this time. That was some intense luck on his part!!

Other than the damage to our fence and shed, and the damage to our neighbor’s fences and their car (which was just the windsheild and hood), I have to say, that we got out of this thing amazingly lucky. A few houses down the street have trees right through the middle of their houses, and as I mentioned before, the devastation in Cabbagetown is just awful. My heart goes out to everyone that received damage in this storm. It was unexpected, and I just feel blessed that we got out with only a little damage. My car has a few dings in it from the golf ball sized hail from earlier today as well, but luckily I got some blankets on it before it really started coming down.

All in all, I have to say, thank God for our house being missed, and I am truly thankful that we are with power, and okay after these storms. It could have been a lot worse, and I am thankful that it wasn’t for us. Now… the process of rebuilding begins… we have an insurance person coming out this week; wish us luck!

Check out the photos on flickr.