Month: April 2007

it’s taking it’s toll…

Life, that is.

Eh, to say it’s “one of those days” would be a vast understatement. Sometimes I just feel like this, and it sucks. It doesn’t go anywhere, and then a few hours/days/weeks, it’s back to normal (or at least semi-normal). It is just enough to make you never want to get out of the bed again. Never interact with anyone again. Just enjoy your potato bagel with jalapeno cream cheese in the car, with the AC on blast, and the Carpenters blaring from the speakers. At least I can take comfort in those three things.

Also, I gave a homeless man a dollar today. I didn’t do it for selfish reasons, I didn’t do it to make myself feel better, regardless of what some might think; I gave it to him because I thought he needed it. He had the sign (they all do), and his said that he was a veteran. He looked like he could have been somebody’s grandpa.

And after I gave him that dollar, what did I feel? Goodness? Joy? Nope. It made me feel selfish. Selfish that I have all of these “problems”, and that I let depression take over me like it is today. It made me feel bad for not giving him more. It made me feel bad that I was sitting in my AC-cooled luxury car, while this man sat on the side of the road in the shade, because he didn’t have access to an indoor space. It just made me feel bad. Perhaps it made me feel more human.

Sometimes, I worry that the things that I take for granted will go away. But, in the state I am in, I am almost too apathetic to care. I’m too upset about the world, about what people think, the war, homelessness, global warming, etc. And it just goes on and on. And yet, I have it so good, but sometimes I don’t even see it. I am grateful, but things like this make me feel bad that I am not more grateful.

All that from a dollar. Some days are just those days… and it’s definitely taking it’s toll on me.

I said oops, up side the head

I said oops up side the head!

Yeah, I am in a silly mood. I have noticed though, as it has come to my attention several times, that I do seem to ask for the fight here on my blog. I mean, I know that I am just putting my opinions out there, but apparently, I attract a certain type of person that wants to disagree at all costs. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with this, but it is just an observation. I guess I should own up to the part I play in the whole “asking for it” portion of most of the arguments I get into on here. I can’t help it really, because I really do passionately believe what I write, and it is hard for me to just let it go when someone says something that I believe is wrong; especially when they are refuting my opinions which I believe are based on facts.

This is not a personal attack on anyone; it is simply an observation of MY part in the whole “asking for it” thing. I don’t care if you agree with me or not, really, I just felt like it needed to be said (mostly for me).

Other than that, not much going on today. I have just been slumming around the house, and strangely enough, 3 hours just went by, and I really didn’t even notice. Some of that time was spent trying to edit my CSS page for this blog, only to be met with frustration, because most of the changes I tried to make didn’t do anything. I still can’t figure out why, because built the CSS for my last template, but I can’t seem to figure this one out. Oh well… not a big deal I guess. I did add a new more fun icon for the default gravatar, and made the other ones bigger. Sometimes, it’s the little things, you know? I am going to go and relax in front of the TV, and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.

Update on the sewer: Everything was totally done yesterday!! I am so happy it was as painless as it was. They did find out though, that our septic tank is under the deck, which is only a minor problem. See, there really aren’t permits or regulation laws regarding them in Georgia, so technically, it can just be left there once it is pumped out. Which is good, because I really don’t want them to have to tear off our back deck. Hopefully, they will get the new sod in soon, and we can have a normal back yard again. I am just happy we didn’t have to spend one dime to get hooked up the sewer… we just saved thousands of dollars! ROCK!

trees, HD, and our amazing planet

Last night, I found myself thumbing through the DVR trying to find stuff to watch, and I decided to watch an episode from the series “planet earth”, which is an HD series looking at the amazing spectacle that is our planet. I don’t usually watch those nature shows (even though they are extremely interesting), but when they are in HD, it is a must see; it is seriously and impressive sight to behold. The program I watched focused on forests, and I found myself captivated by the immense presence trees have in this world. It was amazing to me that most of the trees in the world live in the taiga and replenish most of the oxygen in the world. The taiga has more trees than all of the tropical rainforests combined. Wow. In fact, there were tons of things about trees and the environment that I learned that I had never heard before. The series takes you to places that most humans will never go; and to places where we may have never actually been. Amazing. It makes you realize just how large and amazing this planet truly is.

During the episode, they went on to talk about old trees, large trees, strange trees, etc, and I have to say, that I was fascinated. The oldest and largest trees in the world are right here in North America. The largest is a redwood tree called the General Sherman; which is the largest known organism in the world. Just saying that seems so amazing to me, something so large and amazing not only exists, but has done so for thousands of years. The oldest tree, named Methuselah, is a bristlecone pine tree, and is estimated to be over 4800 years old. That tree was alive a good 2500+ years before Christ. It was alive before the pyramids were built. And it is still alive today (just for reference, and because pictures are pretty, that’s a bristlecone pine pictured to the left… image from the internets, not me). That tree is a true testament of the amazing things this planet holds. It also represents the need for us to learn about our planet, and do everything we can to protect it. I was ultimately humbled by the program, and I am going to do my best to watch the rest of the series. I love learning new things, and doing it in HD is definitely a great way to do it. I highly recommend you see this series; it is amazing what we don’t know about the very world we live in, isn’t it?

Also, they are putting in the sewer connection today. I was awakened early this morning by a man pounding loudly on our back door. Our BACK door. I freaked a little, because I didn’t know he was coming, and if he is at the back door, that means he is inside our privacy fence, which stays locked. WTF?! So yeah, after I calmed down about him being in the back yard, I talk with him briefly about what they are going to do, and all I can say, is that I am SO GLAD James is out of town, because they will be digging a HUGE trench right through the middle of the back yard. This will effectively kill most of his prized grass… They are supposed to re-sod, though, so I hope they do that before he gets back. I can’t handle that melt down, because this is stressful for me too. I am just glad we don’t have to pay for anything. I hope that they are finished soon too, because they have to take part of the fence off, which means the back yard isn’t the enclosed dog area that we need anymore. I just need to take a few deep breaths… Ahhh.

Other than that, just enjoying a quiet Friday, and hoping that this weekend is fun filled. Hope everyone else is having an interesting day. Now I am going to upload some photos to flickr!

what does idol REALLY give back?

Last night, I went over to my buddy John’s to watch the spectacle that was “Idol Gives Back”, a charity event where every celebrity they could muster showed up in support of “raising awareness” for people in need. The focus, was raising money to give to kids in Africa, as well as those still in need here in America (did someone say Katrina?). While I honestly want to believe that their hearts were in the right place, this absurd spectacle of “giving back” just made me angrier and angrier as the show wore on. Basically, they showed clip after clip of celebrities going to Africa, walking through the ghettos, and showing these poor unfortunate souls (Ursula!) suffering and dying in the slums.

Now, I am all for charity. In fact, I am all for the raising of awareness. I am all for giving to these people, because they need us. BUT, I am not okay with this dog and pony show parading these kids around in this manner. For the first hour of the program, they didn’t even say AIDS. Now, I understand that the “general” public doesn’t want to hear about the reality of AIDS in Africa, but the fact is, it is real. It isn’t going to go away if you throw a few million dollars at it. To say that it will enrich lives and make things all better is a lie, and that is what is wrong with what happened last night. Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest sitting in a one roomed house with a boy of twelve telling him to “just let it out” because he was sad that his parents were both dead was sickening. To top it off, they didn’t even address the fact that this kid’s parents likely died as a result of AIDS.

I truly want to believe that all of these celebrities give tons of money to help rid the world of poverty. I really want to believe that American Idol’s true motive behind this was nothing other than philanthropic; but it wasn’t. Even Ryan Seacrest said it, and said it well, “PART of the proceeds will go to charity”. If they were serious about helping these people in need, then all of it would go to charity. The POINT of the event was to raise money for charity, so where is the other PART going?

Additionally, if I see one more fucking celebrity “slumming” it up in Africa, surrounded by little AIDS infected orphans, saying how the antiretroviral drugs will save their lives and allow them to live happier and healthier lives, I will throw something at the fucking TV. Yes, Madonna, Bono, all of you, I am talking to YOU. Just because you put on a ragged t-shirt, go make-up-less on TV, and talk about how our $1 donation will “save lives”, doesn’t mean that it will. What it does mean, is that you are even further out of touch with reality than I would have ever believed possible. When you get on your private jet to fly home to your 15,000 square foot home, think about this: The only thing that will truly save these children is a continuous stream of money and support that doesn’t show up and then disappear. Spectacles like this merely shine a light on a problem that has been around for decades, and once that light goes out, and the show ends, the focus again dims, and the problem continues to get worse.

If they really wanted to do something lasting, do something good, and do something for these people, this would not be an “awareness” raising event; it would be a daily practice. These celebrities have more money than anyone else, and they have the gall to stand there and ask people to give and give and give some more. I think that we should all give, and I know that many of them do as well, but ask yourself; isn’t a bit hypocritical to live in your mansions on the top of the hill, and point out to the middle and lower class the plight of poverty throughout the world? Do you even know what it means to live paycheck to paycheck?

I would love for every problem in the world to be solved by a night of seeing Josh Groban surrounded by African children, and people calling in to donate money, PART of which will be given to charity. But over simplifying their problems by saying things like, “all they need is a $10 net to stop malaria”, and “if they could just get the antiretroviral HIV drugs, then their lives would be great” is disturbingly misleading. If you really want to do some good, focus on getting that money, ALL of it, to these people, and find a way to make sure that the focus does not wane; otherwise, you have done it in vain. The only way to stop AIDS is to talk about it and maintain a focus on it EVERYDAY. Events like this are a flash in the pan, and in the long run do practically nothing for the people suffering. This seriously frustrates the shit out of me.

</end rant>

just a return of little perspective…

Mr Bush, stop sniveling that the Congress won’t do everything that you want them to do, in your way, and support the fucking bill already. You should know, that you can’t serve as president with the Congress that you want… you have to serve with the Congress you have… you can’t wait around for the Congress you wish to have at a later time.

I remember someone *cough* Rumsfeld *cough* saying that same thing about the military… interesting… that perspective totally applies here too! But, I am sure that things are too dark down there in the sand to actually see the parallel, and you know that these folks would never admit that they were careless, thoughtless, or disrespectful, you know?

Man, I love you Randi Rhodes.

post concert post: Aqualung and Sara Bareilles

Based on the two previous photo posts, I am sure you got the idea; I saw Sara Bareilles and Aqualung in concert Monday night. I took lots of pictures. I had a lot of fun.

They were both magnificent. I got to meet both of them, and had my picture taken with both Sara and Matt (from Aqualung). Needless to say, it was sort of surreal, because I got a little fan-struck later in the night, which was definitely due to those blue motorcycles. I didn’t say anything that stupid, but I did ask Sara to redo a photo because the one I took with her initially, I had fat face. She laughed and obliged. To Matt, I managed to look like an idiot, because the first thing I said to him was, “I’ve never heard of you before tonight”. Wow. Nice one, duane. I followed it up with, “but I am totally going to get your CD tomorrow!”. Good save, eh? I did manage to get his new one, and it is quite fabulous. I am glad to have discovered Aqualung! Rock!

Oh well, no real harm done, I guess. If you want to see the MANY photos of the night, check out my flickr page. I had a lot of fun taking them, and not so much fun editing them. Thanks again to Barry and Rebekah for inviting me along, and a big thanks to Doug for hooking me up with photo creds! Now if I can only have future opportunities to take concert photos, get good enough at it to do it more, and get paid… Now, THAT would rock!

Also, just so you know, if you haven’t heard of Sara Bareilles before now, you need to catch up. She is amazing. Words can’t describe how awesome she is. Her CD is coming out soon, and I have been eagerly awaiting its release for nearly 2 years. And I will get it the day it comes out. To get a taste of her sound, make sure you go and buy her EP on iTunes… It is only $2, and it will be the best $2 you ever spent on music. She is flawless, and I hope that she becomes the big ass star she deserves to be. This woman is the true epitome of talent. I heart you Sara B!!

On a different note, is it me, or is there a big hush over the blogosphere? I mean, it doesn’t seem like there is much going on, and there certainly isn’t any conversation going on over in my neck of the woods. No biggie, just noticed it, that’s all. Hope everyone is well, and hope y’all come back soon…

Rove vs. Crow and some music stuff to smooth out the stink

Wow. I knew that Rove was an ass, but it is pretty interesting that he is such an ass in such a public way. Apparently, Sheryl Crow and Laurie David (the producer of An Inconvenient Truth) were at a dinner with Rove, and tried to talk with him about global warming. Rather than just have a talk with them, he got very defensive, and ended up telling them that he didn’t have to talk to them, because he didn’t work for them; he worked for the American people. To which Crow responded, “we ARE the American people”. Whoa. Harsh.

That just begs to question Rove’s, and frankly most of the top dogs of this administration, motives in what they do. If they don’t really think of some people as Americans because of the fact that they have popular positions in society, and have a voice to get out opinions that differ from the administration’s, then I wonder if they have anyones interest’s (other than their own, of course) in mind when they make decisions. I mean, if he gets this huffy over global warming (which apparently, he said that China isn’t doing anything, so neither should we), then one must speculate that he would act similarly to a current, more threatening, topic, right? That just bothers me to know that a representative of our government, especially one so high and influential, is unwilling to at least listen to what the American public has to say. Not only that, he gets belligerent and mean about the whole thing.

I think that it is a testament of his character that he is so nasty to people, especially in such a way that he is assured to get bad press from it; but yet, he does it anyway. Lots of people think that Rove is the devil, perhaps he is just more apt to show it to the rest of us, now. I can hope that he really isn’t this closed off to listening to the opinions and requests of the American people, but it appears to be another example of the “head in the sand” mentality that our government continues to portray. I just wish that the Bush administration would actually listen to what we think; this is supposed to be a democracy, right? Well, we have some say!! Don’t shoo us away!

Now, that story left a bad taste in my mouth, so I want to rinse it away with something sweet and refreshing. I have been listening to this magnificent group called Melee for the past several days, and with each listen, I love the CD even more. The lead’s voice does remind me a little of the lead singer of Snow Patrol, but they definitely have more of a Maroon 5 type of pop to their music. I really like every song on the CD, and look forward to enjoying it more and more.

Also, which is totally random, but totally awesome at the same time, I was asked to go see Aqualung by my good friends Barry and Rebekah tonight. I was all, “sure, that sounds fun”, mostly like “eh”, but only because I haven’t heard anything by Aqualung. But, once I found out that Sara Bareilles is opening, I got down right giddy. I LOVE her. I have seen her before, and I gushed about her then. She is amazing, and I can’t wait to see her tonight!!! Also (this is the random part… sorry for the delay), a very nice guy on flickr commented on one of my Mat Kearney photos, and a back and forth comment stream discovered that he is a concert photographer, and he is going to try and hook me up with a photo pass for the show tonight!(!!!!!!!!!!!) Um, wha? I really hope that it comes through, because that would be amazing. Keep your fingers crossed, and if I do get this amazing pass, I will have LOTS of pictures to boast about in the coming days. Stay tuned! Wish me luck!!!!

mat kearney @ the roxy 4/20/07

Last night, we had the distinct pleasure of catching the sold out show for Mat Kearney at the Atlanta Coca-cola Roxy theater. It was awesome. Mat totally delivered, and amazingly enough, sounded just as good as he does on his record. He has really perfected his craft. I love seeing an artist in concert who blows you away with their talent, and Mat is definitely in that category of artist.

He played a few new songs, which were delightful, but I really loved listening to his current music, because his is a CD that I truly adore. It was really neat being there with the people that were at this concert too, because you definitely tell that most of the people (if not all) were definitely fans of his; as almost everyone knew the words to every song.

It was definitely a good vibe and a good crowd, which I didn’t expect in the uber-hetero environment usually displayed in Buckhead. While the main floor is standing room only, when we arrived, we scouted out the upstairs to see what the deal with the balcony was, and much to our surprise, there were lots of seats, many of which were available. The balcony provides a great view of the stage, and you can definitely get the whole experience from there. And, if you were like us and didn’t want to stand the entire time, you should definitely scope it out to see if you can snag seats like we did.

Every once and a while, I would get up and go downstairs to snap a few photos, and much to my surprise, again, I was able to literally walk right up to the left side of the stage and get in prime position for some great shots. I have to say though, that Mat really does enjoy being in the dark, which made getting good photos of him difficult, but I did manage to snag a few that I was happy with.

I posted two of them on flickr already (one here), but have several more that I will try and get up on Monday. Mat is definitely a handsome guy, and with that voice to back it up, I can see why the theater was filled with women (there were lots of guys too, but I suspect many of them were boyfriends brought along for the ride). All in all, I was glad that we trekked our way out to the Buckhead scene in order to catch this show, because it definitely exceeded my expectations. I was also extremely happy that I was able to take my camera, because that is a definite highlight for me at concerts; I like being able to have a token to remind me of the show. I wasn’t able to find out much on the internets about being able to take in a camera, so I hope that this post can provide that information for someone in the future.

My only complaint about the show, was not really about the show at all; the Roxy was fucking hot as hell inside. By the time the concert was over, my entire head was soaking wet with sweat, but it wasn’t that big of a deal since we went straight home afterwards. I have no idea how Mat was able to play with that long sleeved shirt on, but alas, he didn’t seem to care.

If you haven’t gotten a chance to check him out yet, I highly recommend you get his CD, so that you can fall in love with him like I have, and catch him next time he is in town; you will definitely be glad you did. It was definitely a great night.