Month: July 2006

back from the beach!

We are back! A great time was had, and lots of money was spent. Some of the things that happened that were memorable on the trip: James and Brian were stung by jellyfish (which still freaks me out). We outran a storm on our sunset dolphin cruise… BARELY (it was neat to see the storm roll in, though). Dave took a poo in the bushes by a hotel called Xanadu (which was rechristened Xanapoo as a result). I did manage to see ONE alligator on the island. I realized that there is a limit to how many daiquiris one can drink; Dave, on the other hand, has no limit; seriously (they were good, but way too much sugar!). Sometimes, it is just fun to relax and sit out by the pool with friends.

All in all, I would say a good time was had. As with many vacations, I almost need a vacation from my vacation… travel, drinking, and having fun can wear one out! It was nice to come home yesterday to see our little boy Sydney, whom I missed more than I imagined, and it was true to say that he was definitely glad to see us. After picking him up from the sitter, we came home to discover that our HVAC unit had crapped out while we were gone, and was no longer functioning. Nice. Needless to say, we sweated our balls off until bed time, which, luckily enough, we have a window unit in the bedroom, so it wasn’t that bad for sleeping. The AC people are coming today, and I hope it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to fix. It probably will though, these things are never cheap. Ah, the joys of home ownership. UPDATE: Looks like we are looking at $5000 worth of AC repairs. Jesus. Anyone have any money I can have? A lot of it?

Hope everyone else’s weekend rocked! I can’t wait till we get our AC back!

come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me

Kids, we are off for a relaxing (see drinking, swimming, sitting on asses) weekend at a luxurious Hilton Head resort. I am not sure I should call it a resort so much as a hotel, and not luxurious, so much as sandy; but either way, we are out of here. Off to have a great weekend with friends, and I couldn’t be happier, I need a vacation! This will only be a mini vacation, but it is well deserved, and will definitely be relished!

See you kids when we get back. Hopefully, this is the sky and beach we will get to see… this boy needs a tan! And don’t worry, I will be sure to wear plenty of sunblock on the tattoo! I didn’t sit through all of that pain for nothing! Have a great weekend!






This is such a shock to me. Anyone else?

And I love that he said that the reason he didn’t come out sooner, is because he was afraid it would hurt the band. I wonder if he knows that the band that he was in was called N*Sync. That’s right, a teenage boy band that sings pop music and wears metrosexual clothes and makes money by being on the cover of Teen Beat and other teeny-bopper magazines baring their chests and abs?? Sure, they had legions of screaming girls as fans, but, um, I would go out on a limb and guess that most of the rest of their fans were gay men. Yeah, I don’t think that any of those people (especially us) would have been hurt (or surprised) if he came out. But, I know what it is like to come out, and I am glad that he has the courage to do it. Way to go Lance! Also, it is great that he is dating that hot piece of meat Reichen Lehmkuhl! You go Lance! And here’s my official welcome to the club!!!

this just can’t be happening…

This is officially the gheyest, most unnecessary piece of designer-whored-out trash ever to have graced the world. I believe that somewhere, a supermodel is weeping; or perhaps the many children that could eat for a year on the $600 that will be wasted on this phone. Seriously? A Dolce and Gabbana Motorola Razr? I would go on to discuss who else is suffering from this horrid waste of money on so-called “fashion”, but I am convulsing and throwing up all over the room. Ridiculous.

As an aside, I once saw someone with “D & G” tattooed on their neck (seriously), and my first (and only) thought was, “how sad”. I am thinking the same right now.

would you talk to your children about sex?

I am just curious to find out from all of you out there what your thoughts are on this subject. I for one, was not talked to by my parents about sex, and as probably somewhat of a result, I have a very weird view of sex. I used to see it as deviant, as something that you only did when you were married, and as something that I was very uncomfortable with. Not anymore of course, since I took years to work through all of that, and learned that sex was just as natural as the most basic and primal actions we partake in, but it was a journey nonetheless. And was it, at least in part, because I didn’t learn anything about it from my parents? Possibly. Maybe. I’ll never truly know where those views came from, but I do know that being without the knowledge I have about sex now, definitely contributed to those feelings about it from when I was younger until more recently.

More importantly, I give the above question thought because of the state of the world today. If and when I decide to have children many years from now (many), I will want the best for my children. I will dote on them as parents do, and I will do my best to teach them about the world and what I have learned. I will, however, not make the same mistakes my parents made with me (God willing), one of which, includes talking to them and teaching them about their bodies and their natural urges, and God forbid; sex.

I still can’t believe it myself

Last night, we had the monthly blogger meet up, where I am usually one of the last to leave. I must have been under a spell, though, because I literally had to go home at like 9. We came home, tried to watch a little of superman, and I fell asleep around 10. 10! And slept until noon today. I was really exhausted, and don’t even know why. Sorry to bail on you guys… next month I will be sure to sleep up before the meet up. Word.

Also, I am kind of excited, because a friend of mine that I haven’t seen in years will be stopping by my house today. It will be great to hear what he has been up to for the past few years (some of which, he spent in Iraq). Tonight, we are off to dinner at Flat Iron, followed by a night of karaoke at Mary’s. It’s an East Atlanta extravaganza! Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!

we only have heterosexual only drinking fountains here, sir

A friend of mine and I were having a discussion yesterday about the whole issue of why gay marriage was so threatening to so many heterosexual people, and just conversing back and forth about the whole issue when she said what her main theory was; and it totally made sense. She said that she believed that the reason gay marriage is so threatening to so many people, is not because it would “disrupt the institution of marriage”, or not even because it would allow us to have the same rights as other people. She said that it was because if we were allowed to marry, it would mean that eventually, we would become more visible with our relationships, and move towards being more open about the existence of those relationships. Gay people would begin to look like a couple when in public; because they would be recognized as a couple by law. We would begin to become more visible, and as such, would cement our place in mainstream society as something more than a sexual deviant or a queeny comic relief.

And you know what, I think she is right. The prospect of seeing two gay men holding hands strolling down the street is such a powerful image to some people that it can drive people to violence; it already has. I think that by “allowing” gay marriage to become legal, the threat of that image becoming more and more mainstream, and the possibility of gay people finding themselves represented more in society in a normal way is just too threatening to some people; more than “upholding the institution of marriage” (whatever that means… 50% divorce rate anyone?). What do you all think? It is an interesting idea, and one that I hadn’t really thought of before. I never made the connection, but honestly wonder, could this be it? Could this be the biggest threat to the legalization of gay marriage; mainstreaming, and thereby providing a more visible presence, of homosexuality? Hmmm… thoughts?

one more medical marvel down the tubes

So Bush decided that he wanted to veto the embryonic stem cell research bill because:

It crosses a moral boundary that a decent society needs to respect.

Not because he knows the benefits the research has produced and could continue to produce if allowed to go on. They have actually proven that stem cells can be used to regrow organs, redevelop neural pathways, and many other amazing things. They have proven that they can use stem cells to help people walk again, overcome disease that ravages their organs, and again, many other amazing things. BUT, because it is a “moral” issue as to whether or not embryonic stem cells (the most basic building blocks that can be used for countless purposes in the fight against disease and human suffering) should be used for research, one man uses this issue to stop this potentially life altering research. Does he know that embryonic stem cells can do these amazing things? Probably not, he probably doesn’t care. He, like many other Americans incorrectly see this as “taking a life”; which totally brings back the abortion issue (which I would rather not rehash). See, if using these embryos (notice they are called embryos, not children or babies), which are often donated by people that freeze several extras in order to have success with IF, is wrong, then how is throwing them away is better? I just don’t understand that. It is almost like you would cut off your arm rather than treat a wound on your hand.

I also notice how Bush continually waves around his “morals” and “values”; I just wish he would actually abide by them from time to time, instead of continually acting like a hypocrite. That would be nice, wouldn’t it?

some of my rules of attraction

This post has the potential to be an ongoing subject of something that I think about nearly 100 times a day (or maybe even more); attraction and sex. Basically, being that I am a guy, and guys TEND to be very visually oriented when it comes to things like sex and attraction, I find myself constantly walking by the window of different stores, and peering in at merchandise I find very appealing. Now, since I only have a credit card to one specific store, I only shop there, but it doesn’t mean I am not able to look at other things that stimulate me visually. (In case you missed that, it was a relationship metaphor, I only look, and never touch.)

But, that doesn’t stop my attraction (without action). I have to say, that I would probably just be content sitting and looking at people that I find attractive practically all day long. In fact, any people watching works for me, but specifically, when I find someone that I find attractive, I find that I am somewhat captivated by them. James is definitely the ONE in my book that I hold to be the top of my attraction, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t find other men attractive; in fact, if I said that I didn’t, that would be a lie. Anyone that says they don’t find other people attractive are lying. It is part of human nature to look for what we find attractive; the line just exists where you should never touch if you are in a relationship (at least, it is present and solid in mine; which may not work for everyone, but it works for us).

Now that I have gotten the formalities out of the way about the relationship thing, I want to talk more about that attraction I mentioned. I find that when I am watching a movie or a show, or anything really (pictures, on the internets, etc.), where I see someone that I find attractive, I usually say so. With James, he likes me to then affirm how much more attractive he is to me, which I honestly don’t mind doing, and usually do without even being asked. I find that I feel the need to say someone is attractive mainly because they are so captivating to me, and are taking up so much of my attention, so much so, that it may be the main thing that I am focused on. Take for instance the guy pictured above. This is Robert Best from this season’s Project Runway. To me, he is very attractive (although, I think he is much cuter with his glasses on. picture from fourfour‘s fabulous PR recap.), so I find myself, when watching the show, constantly looking for him, and when he is on screen, maintaining a constant focus on him. I am even looking forward to watching the show tonight, so that I can see mr. attractive on screen.

Likewise, there is the guy in the Kashi commercial, Greg (pictured here). For some reason, I just find him really attractive, so, even though we have DVR, I always watch that commercial. Now I found it on you tube, and I don’t have to wait for commercial breaks to see him, yay! He is just very attractive to me, and as such, I like to watch. I am definitely one who likes to watch people that I find attractive. And what does that mean, really? Or does it even need to mean anything? Who knows.

Do any of you have a similar response when you see someone attractive? The obvious extreme for me is Jake Gyllenhaal, where I felt the need (and still do) to get every movie he was in, so that I could see him any time I wanted. And I do. I love Jake. LOVE Jake. And I love looking at him and other men that I find attractive. I don’t think that means that I am less attracted to James because of it, but it is something that I think about a lot, so I thought I would share. Attraction is one of the principle keys to my attention, I am a very visual person, and as such, when I see someone attractive, I tend to focus on them.

Who are some of your crushes/attention grabbing people that you find yourself drawn to? Do you have similar relationships with attractiveness? How so? Am I alone on this one? (I doubt it, but just casting a wide net, here). AND, this is not limited to men (for the straight guys), do you think the same about women? Or is it just body parts?