Month: May 2006

normally, I wouldn’t, but…

I delete spam 99% of the time. Hell, if I don’t recognize the email or the name, I delete it immediately (so sorry if you sent me a message with HI or whatever in the subject line and I never emailed you back… chances are, I deleted it). But one that just came (HA!) through my inbox was just too good not to check out. The subject line was:

Hi, opium poisoning

Now, that peaked my interest. First of all, who in their right mind would type that out, and then send it, in order to get me to buy a product or check out a website (well, other than a reputable opium dealer)? Why Joseph Hilario, that’s who!! Now seriously, after seeing this “catchy” title, I think to myself, “self, what is in this message? Will it hold the key to larger genitals or miracle weight loss regimens? Will I finally be able to cure that nasty ED?”. Well, none of the above today, kids, instead, I found this, which actually made me snort I laughed so hard:

Within the adlt industry, it’s no secret porn stars use supplements to help them cum more.
Along with numerous stars that use our product, thousands of men
have increased their sperm volume with our formula. If you’ve ever
wanted to cum like a porn star, SPUR-M will get you there.
(We are endorsed by DavyD, renowned in the porn industry
for the amount he ejaculates! this is all thanks to SPUR-M)SPUR-M has an impressive history.

Wow. I can’t even begin to express the true emotions that I feel when I read this. I mean, I have never even heard of a guy that wants to cum more. Maybe if he did, then his porn name could be like Dick Geyser or something clever like that; you know, a play on the whole “Old Faithful” stream of cum, right? I can honestly say, this Joseph Hilario hasn’t managed to convince me that I need to cum more, but he has convinced me to check out more spam emails; perhaps their is something interesting in them after all.

If homosexuality is a choice, then so is heterosexuality; you can’t have it both ways

Basically, this post is a venting that comes from a back and forth “debate” I have been in with someone calling themselves “right winger”, on the Boy Scouts post from a few days ago. Basically, this person has taken it upon themselves to inform me that homosexuality is a choice, and that it is wrong. Even though I have informed right winger that to say that is ignorant and judgemental, s/he still insists that homosexuality is a choice and is, again, wrong (according to his/her beliefs), and that because other people have those beliefs, that is isn’t ignorant or bigoted. Well, this may come as a shock, but I wholeheartedly disagree; and here’s why.

Homosexuality is no more a choice than heterosexuality. I know this, because I didn’t choose to be homosexual; I just am. The same way that people that are heterosexual are just heterosexual. To suggest that homosexuality is a choice, is suggesting that heterosexuality is also a choice, and I don’t think that is something that heterosexuals like right winger are prepared to own up to. Right winger compares the “choice” of homosexuality and the participation in homosexual behavior to things like alcoholism and smoking, but what right winger doesn’t seem to understand, is that even alcoholism has ties to genetics, and it also suggests that if a heterosexual man were given enough penis, and exposure to homosexual activity, then he would potentially develop an addiction (pun definitely intended) to it and “turn” homosexual. I doubt that right winger would want to admit that part, though.

relaxing weekends

I have been decidedly absent from the internets this weekend, in order to get in some much needed relaxation. I even sleep till noon each day. Nice. Nothing going on can be very, very nice.

We went to see the new X-men movie, X3, last night at the drive in. It. Was. Awesome. Seriously, standing ovation to the people who made this movie. BUT… I just want to know why they abandoned pretty well known story lines, and completely went against well known character traits and stories; honestly that part made me a little mad. I am not going to name names, but let’s just say it happens to several different characters, and will leave you wondering, “well, wait a second, that is completely opposite to what happens in the comics!”. Other than that, great action, and great story. The only problem with the changes they made, was it pretty much looks like there won’t be any more X-men movies. Unless they are prequels, or story arcs about one character (Wolverine, etc.). That pretty much sucks, but at least we have 3 great movies to collect and cherish.

Finally, I know I just mentioned it in passing, but the tattoo is done. A painful 3 and 1/2 session on Thursday finished up everything, and even added a little something more; I had him put another ginko leaf on the inside of my arm near my armpit. That shit hurt. It is so bruised and swollen still, so I will take more photos when it is fully healed. Here are some photos that were taken today: (one to tease, and more after the jump)

the 8:26 phenomenon

Okay, so this is something about me that I think is kind of weird, kind of neat, and kind of creepy. Almost every single day, either in the morning or evening (there are no other times possible, yo) I encounter the time 8:26; as in, I see it on the clock just randomly walking by or something. Now, you may not think that is all that weird, but it is always happening to me, enough for me to notice. And I wonder why. See, 8:26 is my birthday, August 26. Isn’t that creepy, weird, and neat at the same time? Do any of you have “things” like this in your life? I wonder if it is an omen… I hope it isn’t a bad one.

Interesting… that my first podcast on the was posted at 8:26pm by Amber! Go see for yourself (click here); weird isn’t it?!

Also, not related, but totally necessary (apparently) for me to stress YET AGAIN… Being gay is not a choice. Period.

there’s a lot, so pay attention…

— Today is my last tattoo appointment. Here’s hoping it is complete and actually IS my last tattoo appointment. Expect me to be in pain tonight. And drinking.
— I have tried everything I can think of (with the help of several others), and the consensus is that I am going to have to give up Tivo, for now. I can’t believe it. I am still in shock. But I will have to live with the shitty UI from Comcast. Damn. Hurry up Tivo series 3!!! We need you! (if anyone can tell me how to get around this… without giving up a clear picture… I am all ears)
— We went to see Wicked on Tuesday night, and it was pretty good. I only say “pretty good”, because I have actually seen it done better. There were a few sour notes, and a few pitch problems, but overall, it was a delight. I also actually saw Wicked on Broadway, and it was just so insanely good there, that it couldn’t of been topped by a traveling company, so no worries. It was still really good. I LOVE that musical, and as such, I have listened to the cast recording a thousand times, so if you are doing that, you may be slightly disappointed by the show; none of those actors (and this is not trying to be mean to them) have the level of talent that Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenowith have. It would be like going to see someone sing Whitney’s songs; while they may be great, they just aren’t Whitney. Finally, this is in no way a negative review of the show or the performance, it was good, and if you can go, I say go. The show will blow you away.
— Apparently, I am not the only one that thinks the media is being too hard on mama Britney. See this article.
— Taylor “soul patrol” Hicks won American Idol. Good for him… and let it be known that when Chris Daughtry was voted off, I totally called this one. I got it right! And don’t worry, McPhee will get a record deal. Chill out.
— We are planning on painting the front of the house this weekend… how are you spending your Memorial Day weekend? Want to come and help?
— Make sure, if you want to that is, to pick up the Dixie Chicks album… it is wonderful.

— It’s official. I am definitely getting a Wii. (article)

Comcast is evil… what do I do now?

Basically, after having the new big ass TV for a few days, I started to regret my purchase; the picture looked like crap. Even on DVDs. Then, I found out that the cable that you connect shit to your TV with makes a difference. So I got component cables. Problem solved. Now, how does Comcast fit in here? Why let me tell you!

First of all, on Saturday, I had to wait 7 hours for them to show up, with them pushing their arrival back by hours at a time every time they reached their “absolutely no later than” time. I got in a fight with the woman in customer service. They didn’t care. I told her it was bullshit. She said she would terminate the call if I used anymore harsh language. Fuck. I got nowhere with that. All in all, we were successfully “upgraded” the the new Comcast DVR receiver, which means, you guessed it… “no more need” for Tivo. Ah Tivo, you have been so good to me all these years; and now I know why I loved you so much. Comcast DVR SUCKS!!! No seriously, Hoover, Dyson, they got nothing on Comcast DVR. The user interface is like taking pieces of construction paper and writing down names of shows, and then making a crappy looking graph out of them for you to browse with your horrible remote. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but it seriously, seriously sucks. I would give ANYTHING to get my Tivo back.

Alias: the final episode

So, as many of you know, I am an avid Alias fan, and have been for many years; always sticking by the show, even though it went slightly awry in season 4. I was upset to learn that this would be last season, not only because it is my favorite show, but because this season has been progressively getting better and better, and has been successful in making me forget about the mess from season 4. With that being said, I must admit that I went into the series finale with a large amount of anticipation, and an equal amount of trepidation about what would happen to the lovely Sydney Bristow. Thankfully, the series finale did a wonderful job of bringing the series full circle, and tied up loose ends that have been dangling since day one. Did the finale have and say everything that die hard Alias fans wanted? Probably not. But, given what they did give us, I have to say, it is probably all for the best. True there were some minor inconsistencies, but overall, no harm no foul. The show definitely ended on a high note.

I have to say that I will miss my Sydney Bristow, and the adventures she took me through. I will miss Rambaldi and the mysteries that surround his prophecies. I will miss Vaughn and Jack. I may even miss Sloane. But I can say without a glimmer of doubt, that I am extremely pleased with how the series ended, and I want to issue a huge thanks to the writers of those last two episodes. I feel like those episodes where everything we could have expected and more! I can’t wait to buy season 5 on DVD!

Now, after the jump, I am going to get into a little more detail about the finale, and I am doing this as not to spoil the episodes for anyone that hasn’t watched their tivos yet.

I support the Dixie Chicks; and a note about mama Britney

I for one, don’t understand why people are STILL “dissing” the Dixie Chicks. Since Natalie Maines made a personal proclamation about the president, an opinion that I in fact share, people have even gone so far as to send them death threats. My problem with this, is that first of all, it shows that free speech gets you in big trouble in parts of this country. But probably the biggest problem I have with this, is that there are a group of people out there (let’s call them country fans) that are still pissed off because someone dissed a shitty president. That goes hand in hand with my state of awe that I go into when I see people with W stickers still on their cars, and people that still say that they support this president. It just blows my mind that someone can continually fuck up, lie, cheat, steal, and break the law, and people still stand behind him. Gives new meaning to the word sheep. Either way, I don’t think that one statement should make or break someone, especially when those someones are as talented as the Dixie Chicks. I for one, will be picking up their album tomorrow. Not ready to make nice girls? I don’t blame you.

Now, I have to say something about the Britney Spears “baby blunders” that have been splashed all over the news lately. First of all, almost all of this stuff is so minuscule and insignificant, it isn’t even funny. This stuff happens to other kids all of the time; especially when the parents are first time parents and are so young. People make mistakes and learn from trial and error during parenting sometimes. That is what Britney is doing, and I honestly don’t see why it is such a big deal. Second, these type of things happen to kids all of the time, and no one even looks twice. For one, the car seat thing, it was recommended he face backwards. Recommended doesn’t mean required. I’m just saying. There are people out there that legitimately beat and abuse their kids all of the time, why not focus on finding them, instead of criticizing Britney, right? Which is more important? Lastly, I just want to say that Britney, sweetie, now is a good time to leave K-Fed, and make a kick ass comeback album. Push that baby out, and let’s get back to being the Britney we are all struggling to remember!

interestingly bittersweet

Last night was the series finale of Will and Grace. I have to admit, that I was a fan of the show, but not so much that I actually watched it regularly. Many times, the show down right infuriated me for one reason or another; Will’s inability/unwillingness to find a boyfriend, Jack’s incessant overly effemininite nature, too many guest stars detracting away from the comedy pairings of the 4 main characters, etc., but I always liked the show, and always ended up watching it. And last night, I have to say, when I sat down to watch the final episode, I was a little bit sad. Sad, mainly because this is one of the first shows I ever saw that even had a glimmer of semblance to someone like me on TV. A gay man as the main character. Groundbreaking, yes, but at the same time, not really. There have been gay characters on TV for years, but what makes this show so special, is that it shows us as just normal people that go on with our lives. It shows Will’s struggle to find happiness amongst all of the chaos in his life, and shows him through what we all want, gay, straight, or whatever in life; to make friends, have relationships with people, be happy, and hopefully find someone that we love that will love us back. Additionally, it offered us his journey in a humorous medium with fantastic characters, and portrayed real bonds between people. Grace is like my ideal example of someone I would be friends with (I even have a Grace), and if I could find her, I would seriously want Karen Walker to become a close friend of mine. To me, this is what was groundbreaking, the fact that these people just were who they were living life, and that Will and Jack just happened to be gay and funny; yes, too gay at times, but what are you going to do… it’s comedy.

With that being said, last night’s episode tried to wrap up the entire series in one hour, which, unlike some shows, where they end with the people just riding off into the sunset or whatever, Will and Grace took us until the end. It showed us what happened with Will and Grace, Jack and Karen, and a couple of other regular characters over the next 20 or so years. And the thing I think that got me the most, and that really threw me while I was watching the finale, was that Will and Grace somehow lost touch, and drifted apart; only to come back together in the end. And you know what, that really got me thinking, it is interesting how people that you know so well, and feel so close to, can drift out of your life almost overnight. At least they were able to come back together in the end, but that final scene, when they all met up in the bar for a drink, it was hard to see people that had spent so much time together, and cared so much about each other, only just then reconnecting after several years apart. It was hard to realize that this is what happens with life, that things change, and that people change, and that sometimes, it works out and sometimes it doesn’t. I know that I am glad that it ended well, with Will and Grace back together, but it was interestingly bittersweet for me, since they had lost touch for almost a lifetime in between. Life imitated for you can truly be accurate sometimes, and it can be hard to watch. I will miss Will and Grace, and I am glad they ended how they did. Hopefully something as good as Will and Grace, or better, will come along to take its place.