Month: February 2006

my recapitulating cycle of numbness

You know, sometimes, I honestly feel like I am drowning, but for one reason or another, I am just too lazy or unmotivated to do anything about it. And it isn’t for lack of trying, either. No matter how hard I try to break through the surface, I stay there, running out of air. I think of what is good in my life, and try to focus on how to get through that situation. I know that all I need to do is take the next step, and actually swim to the surface, but for whatever reason, I can’t. Something in me is comforted by the strange sensation of almost slipping away. Eventually, I do start to realize that I have to surface, but usually, I only come up long enough to get enough air so that I can go under again; and the whole process repeats itself.

That is how I have felt for the last year or so… drifting, treading water underneath the surface, unable to break out of my pattern of lazy desires and no actions. My friends and my partner all joke that I have too many irons on the fire to focus on one cohesive elemental dream to follow. I agree, but still I ponder those changes, underneath the surface.

still obsessing…

I am still looking at what can be done with the razr, so I haven’t given up hope. I also want to say that I think it is hilarious (not sarcastic people… really funny!) when people comment to me about phones they have on other carriers in order to try and get me to just move over, or get one like theirs; I am not switching. That isn’t even an option for me. Verizon may be a bitch when it comes to locking down their already shitty phones, but their service rocks my face off (after all, that is what the phone is for, right?), and their customer service is pretty awesome. So, I am sorry, I will not be able to utilize that advice… even if I really want to (no seriously, after seeing Lori’s razr next to James’s razr… um, yeah… hers is the bomb. almost enough reason to switch. almost.) But I do want to offer up a congrats on your awesome and way more cool phone, though. Seriously… kudos.

What I have learned about the phone, though, is that Verizon is pretty much a greedy corporate money-monger; they locked down the ability to transfer files via bluetooth (which is half the reason any one would want to have a bluetooth capable phone), in order to force you to pay that $3.99 for a ring tone or whatnot. If anyone has any other ideas on how to get around that… again, I am all ears. In the mean time, I am going back to my search. It amazes me how into things I can get some times…

to razr or not to razr: that is my question

Yesterday, James got that new razr phone from Verizon, and much to my dismay, it is practically featureless. See, my dismay comes with his purchase, because I am getting a new phone in a couple of months, and I had my heart set on the razr. But, now that I have had the chance to see his, and try to play around with the features, I am more than disappointed. You give up practically everything that any of those other phones (even the one I currently have) can do. So, now, I am torn between getting the razr, or getting this one, which is an updated version of the phone that I currently have. I think that it would be awesome to have the razr, just because of the sleek design and whatnot, but I would totally miss being able to have my own ringtones (without paying $2.99 a piece for them). My current phone has a memory card, so I can store literally 128mb worth of stuff on there, and if I got the updated version, I could put music videos and stuff like that on there… So what to do? Anyone have an advice? If anyone has the razr with Verizon, and can key me in to the goods that it has locked inside, talk away… I really want to know.

um, did he just do what I think he just did?

James and I were just at Whole Foods getting something to eat (eel sushi makes me happy!), and since it was so packed, we had to eat in the car (fine by us, it was a little like a picnic!). Well, our car was facing the street, so as we were enjoying our delicious goods and beverages, we were talking, and making comments about cars and people walking by and whatnot. Then, a guy with downs syndrome walked by, and even though we weren’t really paying any attention to him, nor were we making any comments about him (even if we were, there was no way he could have heard us… and like I am so heartless that I would say anything about a guy with downs… come on, I do have a heart, you know); he gave us the finger about 9 times in the span of 30 paces as he walked towards the Whole Foods. He wasn’t looking at us or anything, he was just holding up his arm and repeatedly giving us the finger. Of course, that was pretty hilarious to us… James and I wondered if he really even knew he was giving us the finger, or if he was doing it intentionally. Either way, it was pretty interesting to be on the receiving end of a non-hostile middle finger “attack”. Next time, I may vote to eat in the car regardless if the place is packed or not…

universal truths and whatnots!!!

Welcome to Universal Truths and Whatnots!!! Today’s segment is about things that are universally true and not at all false!! That means that they are, you guessed it, true!!! That’s right folks, I am here to bring you things that are true, no matter who says them or believes them! Things like:
–> gravity! (it does exist!)
–> math! (2+2 always = 4! cool huh??)
and one of my personal, all time favorite absolute universal truths:
–> pro-choice and pro-abortion are NOT THE SAME THING! A little known fact, that I have uncovered for today’s segment, is that pro-choice refers to freedom and the RIGHT to CHOOSE; and abortion has to do with what comes out of that choice (but only if you choose to do it! so not in every case, right? right!). Kind of like cause and effect, but only sort of, because sometimes there is no effect!! Kind of like, not wanting to eat chocolate because the effect will be fat thighs, or saying “fuck it, I love chocolate” and enjoying your fat thighs! So if you don’t agree with abortion, you can choose NOT TO HAVE ONE! SWEET!


That concludes this episode of universal truths and whatnots. Thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you next time here on universal truths and whatnots; the place where all that is universally true and whatnot is uncovered!!!

beginning of the end…

I am feeling much better today; it is amazing what a little alcoholic excursion and some trivia can do for ya. More of that (the alcoholic excursions, that is) tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday… so, things are looking up! HA!

Anyway… The reason this post is titled the beginning of the end, is in regards to the ban that lawmakers voted on in South Dakota, which if signed by the governor, will outlaw most abortions in South Dakota. Things like this really scare the shit out of me, and should really strike fear in the hearts of all Americans:

After more than an hour of fierce and emotional debate, the senators rejected pleas to add exceptions for incest or rape or for the health of the pregnant woman and instead voted, 23 to 12, to outlaw all abortions, except those to save the woman’s life.

(from this article)

Now, I have a question here; are they nuts??? We are so worried about our freedoms and liberties that we are willing to wage war wherever we want, and do whatever it takes to secure our national security and safety, but we are unwilling to let women make a choice as to what to do with their own bodies?? I thought we were FOR freedom?!

hump day blues

Apparently, today has decided to be “one of those days”… I will just get through it by listening to lots of Sarah McLachlan and the Carpenters, and hopefully staying dry. Hopefully, we will be back to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.

Till then!

UPDATE: Reading the “best of” on Craigslist can make anyone feel better; even me.

tuesday musings; er, ramblings…

Yesterday was great… It was nice to have a relaxing day to do nothing; even though we did so much. Check out my orchid photos; that place was insane. And James and I were practically the only people there; it was like our own little paradise. It was totally cool. I wish that I knew how to grow all that stuff, because orchids are flipping beautiful, and I would love to just be surrounded by them all of the time.

Also, mad shouts to Lori for her incredible patience. Sorry I was 20 minutes late for meeting you at Sweetwater… I feel like a total tool for that. I will definitely take stock, and work on NOT doing that for the future, mmmkay? Sorry! But hey, at least we got to have several beers together, and that WAS awesome. =o)

I also want to say that I totally need more time off; I am saving up that vacation time, and I may just do something crazy with it when I get enough… I just need to get away; and days off just make me realize that more. I feel like lately that I have had this invisible chip on my shoulder that just comes out at the weirdest times; and it is almost like I am reacting more than thinking some of the time. I really need to watch out for that, because it is making things that are normally nothing, bother the hell out of me. I am seriously thinking that I might want to look into getting counseling or something; for real this time, because I really need something to push me further. I want someone that I can talk with, and who will push me to take steps that I know I should be taking, but for whatever reason, I’m not (which I think is the cause of my “chip). A lot of people will see counseling as a problem, but being a pusher of public health, I see it as a preemptive solution; get in there before there is a real problem. You are as smart as hell if you can bring yourself to do that, after all. So yeah… kind of a rambler today, but eh, it is my Monday; I don’t think that I am supposed to be on point.

And, I gave you a pretty orchid to look at, so shut it.

Tuesday Tunes:
Portishead – It’s a Fire
Everything But the Girl – Good Cop, Bad Cop
Nickel Creek – Jealous of the Moon

presidential shout out

I just want to give a shout out to Washington and Lincoln for making it possible for me to sit on my ass all day at home, instead of work today. You guys rocked!!! I will hopefully fulfill my goal of doing absolutely nothing today.

James and I MAY go to the Atlanta botanical gardens to see the orchid exhibit; since I have gotten Sarah Jessica Parker, my mind has been nothing but orchid this, and orchid that. I have heard that this exhibit is one of the biggest in the country, and that just gives me happy tingles all over, especially in my downtown bonanza. Here’s hoping we actually go, now that I have talked it up so much.

Also, we are planning on hitting up the Sweetwater tour today at 4:20, if anyone wants to join. $6 for 3 beers and a glass you get to take home, is worth hanging out in the cold. And, I get to stand there and gawk at the beer making equipment and wish aloud that this is what I really want to be doing, and how I would love to get started with my own brewery… ah, dreams are great, aren’t they folks?

Oh yeah! AND (as if I am not talking about doing enough, considering that I started with “I will be sitting on my ass all day”, but I digress) I will be going to make a deposit on my tattoo consultation today. I have made the appointment for the tattoo (April 1st), and can’t wait to see what the consultation brings. I have a great idea that I am really pleased with, and can’t wait to see what this guy can do with it. It isn’t the little animals that I posted before; I didn’t feel they had a cohesive enough theme to them, and from the moment I saw them, I liked them, but always had a little reservation. My newest idea is the best I have had, and I am more happy with it now than I was when I first imagined it. I am planning on ginko leaves and 2 koi fish. You will just have to wait and see how it pans out; I know I am waiting with bated breath.

Well, that’s all for this Monday; let’s see how much of this I can actually get done. As usual, if we do anything exciting, there will be photographic evidence. Happy Prez Day folks!

Songs for you Monday (I have been holding onto these for some reason, now it is time to share!):
Morningwood – Nth Degree (TRY not to love this song… I dare you.)
Imogen Heap – Hide and Seek
Daniel Powter – Bad Day
David Gray – Ain’t No Love
Willie Nelson – Cowboys are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each other) (Yes, I went there… but it is well written)

…but it was all worth it.

Here’s the fruits of my labor: (aka, a slideshow of the new living room!!!)
First, let’s start with what it looked like before (circa December 2004… you know, there were changes in the mean time (between 12/04 and last weekend), but I guess I don’t take a lot of photos my house because I see it every day; so just go with it, it is only for comparison purposes anyways!)
To begin: Two living room shots…

And, pictures of the bedroom that would become the new living room…
From Sept 2004…

and December 2004…

Like I said… Apparently, I didn’t take a lot of pictures of things, at least not as much as I would have liked, so perhaps the “change” factor may be lost; especially since I didn’t take before photos (D’OH!). But either way, here is the unveiling; the new salon/sitting parlor photos (which is now the artist formerly known as the living room):

AND!!!!! The NEW living room (which is now the artist formerly known as the bedroom we didn’t really use):

Now, we have a cozy little living room that we can enjoy; a new AWESOME couch we can lounge on; and a sitting parlor/salon to gay up the place a little bit. I can’t wait for the chance to entertain in this place, because it now has so much usable space, people may come out of the kitchen!! I am exhausted, so I am going to go and lounge on my new couch! Happy Sunday everyone!