Month: January 2006

it may be old news; but it’s GOOD news!

Yes, I know you all know that Jake was nominated for the supporting Oscar for Brokeback Mountain, but I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t say it one more time: JAKE WAS NOMINATED!!! Woo Hoo! Now, he is now and forever going to be “Oscar Nominated Actor, Jake Gyllenhaal” (if not Oscar winning actor… fingers crossed!); and I didn’t think he could get any sexier. But hell YEAH, he just did!

Also, Brokeback pretty much takes the cake: Best Actor (Heath Ledger), Best Supporting Actor (Jake Gyllenhaal), Best Supporting Actress (Michelle Williams), Cinematography, Director (Ang Lee), Original Score, Adapted Screenplay, AND Best Picture. That’s 8 Nominations bitches; it has got to win at least some. Shove that in your bonnet Christian Right… us gays are moving in and having sex on the mountain. Take it in… take it all in. The homosexualization of America marches proudly on!

I for one, am pulling for you Jake!!! Kiss! Kiss!

[image from]

update: tattoo panel?

Here’s what I am thinking, which is kind of a melding of a few designs, but in a way that they seem connected. Inner arm, right arm. What do you all think?

It would obviously be bigger than this, but this is just to give an idea of what it would look like strung together.

typical monday… but tattoo news (sorta)!

I don’t really have too many thoughts on my mind today, other than, “why am I not still in bed?”, but that is a typical Monday, really. I do have something that I want to talk about, but you will have to wait a day or so for that one, I want to let it marinate before I get into the meat of it. So, I thought, in the meantime, I can ask you some questions, and address the questions that a couple of people have asked about my recent mentioning that I want a new tattoo. I found a pretty cool North American Indian clip art book today, and here are some of the ones I really like: (obviously, I would not be getting the words underneath, as depicted in the pictures. That is just for reference as to where they came from/what they represent)

I was thinking that maybe I should get a bunch of them, and tie them together somehow, as I don’t really want one big ass bird on my arm (inner arm, bicep, btw), but I don’t want them to just look like several different tattoos (which tends to look a little trailer if done wrong). I was thinking of placing them together some fashion and trying to see if a tattoo artist could think of a way to incorporate some or all of them. What do all of you think? Cool? Lame? Cooly Lame? Ah, whatever… I’m just sharing here. There are tons of other cool crap in the book too.

Also, I think that I am going to design some shirts on Cafepress or whatever. I will keep you updated, but you should want to buy one; sydney is now the official mascot of Rock on!

sydney’s thoughts on the year of the dog:

Since today marks the beginning of the lunar new year, and since this is also the Chinese year of the dog, I thought that I would enlist the advice of a close friend, who also happens to be a dog, as to his thoughts on the upcoming year. Here’s what he had to say:
“This year, it would be wise to take posing for pictures seriously. How else will one be able to catch such striking beauty as I portray here? Learn from me. I have much to teach.”
“Hold those you love close to your heart this year. Let them know you love them with lots of hugs. And, feel free to chew on their head if you feel the need to do so.”
“The year of the dog will also be known as “the year of the dog fashion”. I will design a collection, and model it personally. Watch out Project Runway. Watch out New York Fashion week. Next stop, Milan.”
“This year will be all about being outside. I spend too much time couped up in this house. I want to go out there, and run and frolic with the other animals. But not at the dog park. I don’t like being humped.”
“Finally, this year, you should seek enlightenment on all levels. Search within yourself to find a mission of worthy cause, and follow it. I will be here to guide you. I am your Sherpa. I am your strength. Go forth!”

update: Amber alerted me to a major oversight; sydney definitely has thoughts on drinking for this year.
“This year, enjoy the simple things; beer, vodka, gin, rum. They are all strength builders, confidence boosters, and most importantly, hobbies of mine. I enjoy my drinks tall, and always get the last drop. Are you finished with that beer? Mind if I have a sip?”

Happy New Years, everybody.

lazy Saturday; just how I like it.

Today has been awesome. I really haven’t done anything at all. Why can’t every day be like this? James is in Savannah, so I have been lounging at the house alone. I watched Paris is Burning (fantastic documentary), and learned all about the New York City ball scene in the late eighties. It was really interesting to say the least, and it was a real blast from the past to hear names like Alexis Carrington and Christy Brinkley being referred to as fashion icons. I highly recommend it.

Other than that, I just ran some errands, which was pretty uneventful; well, other than the exchange I had when I got my Green Tea Frappuccino from Starbucks (yay! they are back!). I told the barista that I didn’t want the creme on top, and she responded with, “well, I’ll just eat your creme then”. Okay, you do that. I wonder if she got the sexual innuendo she was throwing my way with that one. Green Tea Frappuccino and sex talk. Thank you Starbucks.

I also saw a bunch of guys at the grocery store with prominent and visible tattoos… perhaps my “waiting” for my next one won’t be as long as I had previously thought. I may be getting one very soon. Stay tuned. Happy Weekend bitches! And thanks to Dave, Lori, Barry, and Rebekah for a KICK ASS time last night. I think that I drank my body weight in alcohol… and loved every minute of it. We should definitely do that again soon.

ONE MORE THING: A few people mentioned that they couldn’t tell a difference in my tweaks to the template, so click here to see what it used to look like.

new-ish template?!!

A few people said they liked my template, but I did feel the need to tweak this one a bit… thoughts?? Or do you want the old one back? Or do you want me to change more?! Feedback is appreciated. Thanks! Happy Friday!

UPDATE: For the record, IE sucks ass. SUCKS ASS!!!! I fixed it for all you IE viewers though. Damn!

UPDATE 2: I know that this isn’t the most exciting post, but I did work on it, so I figured I would get you to comment on it. Either way, really. Now, about the drinking stigma post from yesterday; basically, I got the message that I shouldn’t worry about it, because other people feel it too (on both sides of the fence). So to celebrate, I am going to go out drinking tonight with blog buddies. Join us, if you want; but we will be… dare I say it… DRINKING!

take one down, pass ’em around…

Today is kind of all over the place for me… no real ability to concentrate; but hey, we all have those days, right? I have thought about changing my template, but I can’t seem to find anything that I am super happy with. Any suggestions? Anything you like? Don’t like? Anything you just neeeeed? Well, say it here, and I will take it into consideration.

I have kind of been giving some thought to drinking lately; no, not just the usual, “hey, I think I want to drink” stuff, but more about what the act signifies for me and other people around me. I in no way consider myself an alcoholic; mainly because I know that I don’t need to drink to have a good time, and basically because I don’t feel the need to drink every day. I don’t crave alcohol, and I actually know when to stop drinking, as to prevent myself from getting wasted or getting sick. (I just wanted to go ahead and put that out there; before I go any further…)

With that being said, the reason I was thinking about this, is because sometimes I feel like people judge me for enjoying drinking. No, that doesn’t mean that people point and stare, or whatnot, but I do feel like sometimes, some people look at me with a, “I can’t believe you want to drink” or “how can you still be drinking” thought in the backs of their minds.

I’m late!! I’m late! I’m late! (later, latest…)

I was thinking about it this morning just like every morning, as I hit the alarm for the 4th time; there is one thing about me that I really hate, and would love to change, but for some reason, never do. I hate being late, but it seems that I always am. Now, I wasn’t always late, in fact, I used to be known for being a little early. Perhaps I was a little overzealous, but I would always be around 10 minutes early for everything. I do recall that this was mostly during the time I was in college; but nevertheless, I was almost always a little early. But once I got out of college, being late kind of took over. Add a relationship to that, and it kind of spirals out of control from there. Sometimes, I am no more than a few minutes late, which really isn’t that big of a deal; but when you combine James and me together, that few minutes can turn into a long time.

I know that this really bugs people and hell, it even bugs me, but for some reason, I can’t seem to get my ass in gear enough to be early or on time for anything. Does anyone else out there have a similar problem?


For some reason, I really couldn’t fall asleep last night, as I was riddled with anxiety and whatnot; which has led to me feeling kind of down today. I want everyone to keep the abortion talk going though, because I still think that it is a great thread discussion, and I don’t want to kill it. I just kind of feel like the frowning guy here.

Don’t worry, I am not depressed or as Tom Cruise would say, faking it and just needing to get over it. No worries. I am just a little stressed about money and things. But who isn’t right? Well, that’s true, but it doesn’t stop the anxiety, let me tell you. I just wish that for once, I could get a leg up, and finally not feel so inundated with things coming at me left and right sucking all of the money right out of my pockets. I swear, if I could just win that damn lottery, none of this would be a worry to me any more. Or, if I could somehow stumble on a kick ass, really high paying job; that wouldn’t be that bad either. I know that I am very lucky, and definitely know that there are people out there that are way worse off than me; but honestly, that just worries me even more: how do those people make it? How does one survive on anything less than I make, if I am just getting by? I don’t live an extravagant lifestyle, so where is it going?

Ugh. Some days can be frustrating. Maybe I will feel better after the hockey game tonight… If not, at least pay day is on Friday… oh wait… that money is already allocated, shit. Back to the drawing board… Here’s hoping that once I am in my thirties I am more comfortable financially, like all of my other friends are. Yeah! That is something to hope for!!! See?!?! Ending on a positive note here folks! (no seriously, that’s the best you’re going to get today; I suggest you take it.)

pro-choice is NOT pro-abortion

Now, I don’t want to go into a diatribe, but I do want to add to what I was talking about in my post about abortion yesterday. Basically, this desire to continue what I was saying, came from the news coverage of the anti-abortion rallies going on all around the country, right now; but more specifically, it was a comment that I read on Joseph’s blog last night. A blogger commented that he was adopted, and was therefore against abortion, because if abortion were legal, then he may not have been born. Now, I don’t want to single this person out, and I don’t want to say that they are not entitled to there opinion; an old roommate of mine was in the same situation, and held the same point of view. But, I do believe that line of thinking is both misinformed and dangerously ignorant. See, saying that you are for abortion laws, does not mean that you want everyone to get an abortion. Just because people have the right to have an abortion, doesn’t mean they necessarily will; but if they do, it is a decision that they should make, not the government. Many women have the option of abortion right now, and still choose to carry a pregnancy to term, and use adoptive services. The adoption services of this country are overflowing with children right this very moment because of these countless examples of choosing to carry the pregnancy to term; so I believe it is unfair to place the imposition of “abortion right = abortion practice”, on the right to choose. In my opinion, that is taking it a little too far.