Month: October 2005

It’s official…

Halloween, at least in our neighborhood is now officially renamed, “You Owe Me Something” day. Because, if you aren’t home, your car gets egged (thank GOD it was James’, not mine); and the kids don’t bother to dress up, and still expect the candy. I am still waiting for our drunk neighbor to stumble over. Can’t wait until You Owe Me Something day is over…

happy Halloween, ya’ll!

It is early, and I have a hard time adjusting to change (i.e., daylight savings time ending), so I thought I would just share a Halloween joke my good buddy Josh sent me:

A cab driver picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and the cab driver won’t stop staring at her. So, she asks him why he is staring.

He replies: “I have a question to ask you, but I don’t want to offend you”.

She answers, “My son, you cannot offend me. When you’re as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I’m sure that there’s nothing you could say or ask that I
would find offensive.”

love me, love me, say that you love me…

Everyone has a couple of groups, well at least one, that they think are just fantastic, and no matter what they do, they just love them. One of those groups for me, is the Cardigans. Now, I love all kinds of music, but there is just something about these wonderful Swedes that just do it for me. Maybe it is the sweet delicious voice of Nina Presson, who knows. Maybe it is the bubbly goodness that flows like honey out of the speakers when the CD is playing? Probably! But one this is for sure, they are completely and utterly awesome. In every way.
image from

a halloween/autumn treat

Continue talking about the war in the previous post, okay (seriously, don’t want to interupt…), but I wanted to bring my lovely readers a wonderful gift for Halloween!! I took some pumpkin pictures, and, since my favorite color is orange, I made a desktop background out of one of my favorites, AND, I am bringing it straight to you, so you can enjoy it! No seriously, download the thing and enjoy it. NOW! Just kidding… If you want it, you can get it by clicking on the link below the thumbnail version:

Totally awesome pumpkin desktop (like around 320k or something)

yeah, I know it rocks… Happy Autumn!

And a Taste of More to Come:
Cardigans – Explode
Cardigans – Erase/Rewind
Cardigans – Carnival

enough is enough

Tonight while I was the gym, I saw that there was a protest going on in Downtown Atlanta against the Iraq war. According to, there have been 2,001 Americans and NUMEROUS other people, that have died so far in this war. Enough is enough. And if that weren’t enough motivation to stop this madness, the Iraq war, as of 12:22 am, has cost $203,678,120,890. I think it is time to stop this madness, before these numbers are allowed to go up, and more people lose their lives.

For more statistics regarding soldier’s deaths, please check out this link. There is a complete list of names. Enough is definitely enough.

hump this, hump day… UH!

There really isn’t too much to blog about today, just a few observations and whatnot’s. First of all, I was up to freaking 3 in the morning last night trying to figure out how to size a drop down jump list, for the blogroll, only to come the consensus that it is not possible to size a drop down list, other than by how long the description of the option is. I managed to finish a drop down list for the blogroll, though, and it is now under random linkage. Let me know if you like this format better/worse. Also if you happen to be the fucking pinball wizard, and dance like Elton in tall shoes, as well as have the all seeing knowledge about such html things, be sure to leave your infinite wisdom in the comments; I will make changes as soon as you leave them. Now, on to the acid queen…

Apparently, lots of people hate Madonna; at least, new Madonna. I personally am pretty ambivalent to her myself, I really only have a problem with the song ‘Erotica’. See, I had a friend in high school (see, it is okay to talk about this, we are not really friends anymore), who LOVED Madonna, and absolutely loved that song. Wanted to sing it all the time. Wanted to dance to it even more. It was what she wanted to play like 24-7. Thing is, she couldn’t sing, dance, or really do anything like Madonna, especially be erotic (at least not to me!). So, when I hear that song, I go right back to senior year with that raspy voice gyrating in my ear. No thanks!

a big thanks and big smile

I just want to thank everyone that commented on yesterday’s post about my “day that wouldn’t end”. While I didn’t have such a “bad” day, it certainly wasn’t a good day, but it was one of those days, if you know what I mean. Without being too cryptic, right??? Anyway… Today has been somewhat better, and I think what my issue is, is that I am trying to figure out what I want to do next, i.e. what my next move is going to be. I am thinking about going back to school for possibly another (yikes!) masters, and I am toying with what I really want to do in life; and that is enough to put anyone into “one of those days”. Either way, I am working through it, and feel like I am making some good headway. And to prove that I feel better, I am going to bring some much needed Jake to yours and my rescue. Oliver has it somewhat right; Jake isn’t good… he is great. (And we all know I do like that new Madonna song, but I can’t vouch for the woman… I am staying out of that!) Now on to the Jake shots! (in case you are interested, and liked yesterday’s poem, I wrote another one today… at least the creative juices are flowing!!!)

I made it through yet another one…

Today was especially “Monday” for some reason, but regardless, I made it through. Click read more to read my poem I wrote “about” today, called ‘the day that won’t go away’. Finally, I really one have one thing to “sound off” about today; if you are trying to pass a parked car on your side of the street, STAY ON YOUR GODDAMN SIDE OF THE ROAD, ASSHOLE!!!! IT DOESN’T STICK OUT THAT FAR!!! That is all.

Push Play Already!!!
Weezer – We Are All On Drugs
Cardigans – Sick and Tired
Fall Out Boy – Sugar, We’re Goin Down

Britney, honey, there is no need to worry…

Dear Britney,

I have seen all over the news about your baby pictures being leaked, and I have also seen your reaction to the whole incident. Now, while I do agree that it was unfortunate that you lost control over what happened to pictures of your child, you must understand a couple of fundamental rules of being who you are; Britney Spears.

First of all, whenever you cross the road barefooted and holding a Jamba Juice, the rest of the world wants to know. In fact, we want pictorial evidence that you did said actions. We love you, and that is why we care. We want to document your every move, because you are a superstar, whether everyone wants to admit that or not; including you. You are celebrity, and it is something that come with the territory.
mmmmm.... Jamba Juice! (pic from


I don’t really have a lot for you all today, as it is definitely Friday, and I am having a case of the Fridays. I have also had a ton of work to get done today, as I am the ultimate procrastinator! Nothing is really planed for this weekend either, which should be nice; I need some serious R&R. The one thing that we have to do, is finish painting that porch this weekend… it is driving me nuts. James wants to check out Atlantic Station this weekend; has anyone else been? I can assume that it is crazy, but I hope that it isn’t that bad, because I hate groups of ignorant people!

On a different note, I got bored last night, and ended up wandering around my house for about 2 hours, just taking pictures of things. I found some pretty interesting things too, and you should check out the results: around the house pics . I had a lot of fun doing that. I am also going to get some of them onto flickr, if I could find 15 minutes to do it! HA!