Month: September 2005

amber’s analogy

Check out Amber’s post on the hypocrisy of abstinence-only sex education. It is nice to know that other people share my thoughts about teaching abstinence only; and can use comparative analogies so eloquently! If you know anything about me, you know, I love my analogies!!!

And as for my comment, I really did spell check ludicrous, and it changed it to ludacris. Seriously.

cluck cluck cluck! *achoo*

I normally don’t freak out about the insane amount of diseases that we have running rampant throughout the world (keep in mind that right now, there is still bubonic plague in the world…), but this is some scary shit: the Asian bird flu has the potential to begin spreading from human to human, and if it does so, it becomes more likely there will be a pandemic, in which millions of people would die. Bird flu currently kills roughly half of the people that get it. Read: not so good.

we are being “invaded”, and it is actually quite nice…

I honestly don’t know how I feel about the show Invasion yet, but I am sure of one thing:
Hottie, um, yes please!
this. man. is. HOT. Invasion comes on right after Lost, and, is well, kind of an alien show, as the name implies; but, in the true form of an alien show, I cannot really figure out what is going on. I know that is kind of the way the show is supposed to be, because if they gave it all away in the beginning, then no one would watch; which I understand, but I am just saying. Either way, whatever is going on, it is definitely worth watching just for Eddie; but the show is actually kind of interesting as well.

where oh where do I go????

I need some help. I have a tattoo that I want covered up. I wrote about this earlier, but it was more to see WHAT I should get. Now, I want to know if anyone knows WHERE I should get it? as in, what shop, and by whom. (I know, I know, I haven?t gotten it yet, but I am going to, I just need some advice!) If you know someone/somewhere in/around Atlanta that just completely rocks your face off, let me know where this is. Ask your friends, you mom, I just want to know somewhere that is really good. I don?t want to replace a shitty tattoo with a shittier bigger tattoo (for the record, my current one isn’t THAT bad, it just isn’t the best tattoo I have). I want to get it done kind of soon, so let?s move on this, okay people? Also, I want to make sure that this place has a good reputation with not only tattooing, but cover ups for old tattoos as well. Thanks for you input in advance!

the show to watch this fall

Now, of course I mean, the show, OTHER THAN ALIAS, that you must watch this season. In case you are currently, for some reason, not watching Kitchen Confidential; then stop being an idiot, and watch. This show is full of hot actors, great dialogue, and smooth exchanges. It is from the producer of Sex in the City; and one of his last shows, Miss Match, was also a personal favorite (let’s hope this show doesn’t go the way of Miss Match). If you liked either of those shows, chances are, you will love this one. Now, tune in Mondays at 8:30 on Fox. You will be glad you did.

PS: In case that didn’t convince you; Bradley Cooper and Owain Yeoman are HOT!

Monday’s vent: “Intellegent” design in schools – NO WAY!

It is all over the news right now, that there are people fighting to keep intelligent design in schools; and alternatively, people fighting to get it out (since it has no business being there). I absolutely love that there are people out there that not only don’t believe in evolution and want to go so far to push religion down everyone’s throats, but that they will go all “back door” with it and call it intelligent design; only to then insist that we teach it in our schools. Now, stop me if I am wrong, but don’t we “theoretically” live in a country that is supposed to have a separation of church and state?

“no [bleeping] way”; and get off Jolie’s back!

I love Hollywood gossip as much as the next person, but I don’t like to gush too much. Today, is different. I was reading this gossip about Lindsay (who looks so great now! welcome back Linds!), where a certain Ms. Lohan was spotted at a party with Hillary Duff, and the two were reportedly all bitchy. Now, I love a good teen queen feud (who doesn’t?), but what I love even more, is that Lohan was mad at Duff because Linds had called her and said, “Enough?”; to which Duff replied, “No [bleeping] way”. (love it!) An insider blabs, “Hilary’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, so Linds is done.” Oh yeah. This may instantly turn me into a 14 year old girl, but I love every minute of it. Bring it ON DUFF!!!!
Hey Hilary!
F-U Lohan!
I am done.

The other part of my Hollywood gushing is about Angelina Jolie.

happy happy; mad mad

I know that this will probably show that I have been living somewhat in the stone age, but I just decided to join Netflix last night. (obviously, I am not that inept with regards to technology, and I am obviously NOT in the stone age; as I did design and currently run this site… ahem; but anyway) I must say that am excited about the idea of always having new movies around and at my disposal, and considering how many DVD’s I already own, this could prove to be quite fun; maybe I will find some new favorites. James is always complaining that we watch the same ones (I GUESS there are only so many times one can watch Mean Girls or 13 going on 30; but, is there really?), and that we never rent ones he wants to see.

what do people REALLY think?

I was reading someone’s blog about their recent interesting waiter experience, and it reminded me of when I used to be a waiter. Not just the time I was a waiter; specifically one of my funniest/most interesting moments as a waiter:

When I worked at Rock Ola cafe, I decided, why not get my tongue pierced. (I still have the piercing in case you were wondering.) Well, little did I know that when I got it, my tongue would swell to the point where I could not eat (I lost 5 lbs in one week!), and it was very difficult to talk; without sounding like I had a MAJOR speech impediment. But I forged on… I had to work!