Month: May 2005

I was right!!! (for once)

Now, for the past couple of weeks, as she gotten closer and closer to the top… I started to kind of believe that maybe Carrie would actually make it to the final, but I still insisted that Bo would win… just to throw off my “idol luck”. See, every year that I have been really into once contestant, it has gone awry (see Kimberley Locke and Latoya London). But not this year. It actually worked out!!! Carrie won!! And you can see that I wanted her to win all along, in previous posts!. So take that idol luck!!! Congrats Carrie… and Bo, because you both will have kick-ass contracts, and hopefully decent albums too!!! Can’t wait. (I am a pop-whore, and admitting it is the first step.)

Mr Fangs

I have a new purpose:

Find Mr. Fangs!!!

I have decided that since I love this graffiti so much, I need to go out looking for more (I have some pictures of it already on my site… see the link to the right… use it). I love it! I want to find the place where the main page splash is located at, since I believe it is in Atlanta. Love this!

gay marriage is soooooo powerful!!!!

US Senator Rick Santorum said recently that gay marriage threatens his and all marriages:

From the New York Times: “When I asked [Rick Santorum] if he viewed gay marriage as a threat to his own marriage, he answered quickly. ‘Yes, absolutely,’ he said. ‘It threatens my marriage. It threatens all marriages.'”

Well, really, my question here is… wait for it… HOW???

It’s like, so chaotic, man. (AKA the Britney show)

Being that I am so moved, I felt that this couldn’t wait until I got to work in the morning to post. I just finished watching the premiere episode of Britney and Kevin: Chaotic. Well, naturally, I have a few things to say about the “experience”.

First of all, after taking several pain pills for the headache I am nursing, and downing crackers and ginger ale to calm the nausea, I must calmly request that there be less footage of Britney “filming”. Essentially, she is just spinning the camera around, and all you can look forward to, is every once and a while stopping on her huge ass teeth. Seriously, I knew Brit’s teeth were perfect, but I didn’t know that they were the size of those conversation hearts we all love on Valentine’s. But I am glad that she has chosen to focus this show on her man and her bitchin’ teeth. Cause, hey, if anyone’s teeth are that damn perfect, you should film them. Lots.

Alright Best Buy people, listen up!!

This is an open letter to the employees at the new Best Buy, that just opened in Edgewood; and well, to any Best Buy employee really. This weekend, I was in there, and I realize that this was the first day that you were ever open, but come on. I was looking at DVD’s, trying to let the pure power of consumerism take me over, and persuade me to buy yet another DVD that I didn’t need, and possibly didn’t even want, but still, nonetheless, I was there, and was probably going to get one.

It’s the… BRITNEY SHOW!!!!

Alright, it has happened, Britney has her own reality show, but the question is, should we watch? Should we even take the time to sit down and give this a chance? The only person I can speak for is myself, and all I have to say is this: I will definitely be checking this out. Why? Why would I want to witness a proverbial train wreck in slow motion? Is it because I am a sadist? Maybe. Is it because I love pain? Maybe? But it is more likely because I want to see if you can pinpoint the actual moment where it all went wrong. Before the barefoot bathroom abominations, before the pregnancy. Get to know what went on behind that burlap curtain. So, I will be there on Tuesday night, trying to find which station UPN is on (do we even get UPN?), so that I can watch this atrocity. And worst of all? I am afraid that I might like it.

I lost count at 100 Million…

Like we needed it, but here is more proof that the current administration is filled with nothing but a bunch of fuck ups:

?U.S. government mismanagement of assets in Iraq, from the lack of proper documentation on nearly $100 million in cash to millions of dollars worth of unaccounted-for equipment? The latest indication of that came Wednesday when investigators released a report saying $96.6 million in cash could not be properly accounted for. The total included more than $7 million that was simply gone, according to the report from the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction.? (as written by Matt Kelly, Associated Press.

Fiona Apple’s long awaited third album… for free??

So I know that this is kind of illegal, but still, I think that it is important for people to know. Downloading music “illegally” is bad, yes, this I know, but it is so very, very tempting when it comes to something like this:
Fiona Apple’s shelved album, “Extraordinary Machine”, which apparently was leaked on the internet earlier last month (April).

With that being said, I am not saying whether or not I downloaded it, but I have it upon good authority to mention that the album is damn fine (every one of the 11 tracks!!!), and it should be released… RIGHT NOW. I feel quite confident that when it does come out (whether I have it electronically or not… I am not saying a word), I will go out and buy it THAT DAY. And, based on how it sounds, I think that it would please any Fiona fan… and would bring more fans to the table. So basically, I only have two remaining questions about this:

Review of Kelly Clarkson, at the Fox 5/4/05

I never thought it would be possible, but after last night, I believe it did happen. I like Kelly Clarkson even more than I did before last night. James and I went to the fox last night to check her out, and along with 10,000 other little screaming girls, and a kind of scary guy who looked like he was supposed to be at a Marilyn Manson concert (well, he was wearing a Kelly shirt and head-banging to “Since You Been Gone”), we enjoyed one of the best concerts I have been to in a long time. For me, it is rare to see someone that just simply enjoys doing what they do, and do it well at that. That is pretty much how her concert was. She treated me to most of my favorites, including Because of You, which has certain specific application to my own life, and I totally thank her for putting out a song like that. She kept saying how she felt about each song, and how songs meant a lot to her, which I not only found very endearing, but it made me realize that she was born to do this, an AI winner or not, this is what she is supposed to do.

All that from a tweenie bopper concert, eh?

We’re lucky there’s a Family Guy… again!!!

I know that this is a weird one for me, but I must say one big wonderful THANK YOU to the people at Fox. Granted, it is both for something that is way past due and only for that one reason, cause we all know we can?t trust Fox, but I digress. This past weekend, specifically, May 1, 2005, marked the return of the Family Guy, and the premiere of American Dad; two shows written and produced by the lovely and brilliant Seth MacFarlane.

Now, you see, for those of you that have never seen Family Guy, here is a quick background: being one of the funniest, and daring, shows to ever come on TV, it was quickly shifted around so that it would be difficult to get the ratings to stay alive, and then subsequently cancelled. But? thanks to astronomical DVD sales and a somewhat cult following, thanks to nightly reruns on Adult Swim, it was reconsidered for pick up, and is now back on the air, with fresh episodes. Oh yeah, also to note: it is probably the funniest damn thing you could ever watch, and if you don?t like it, you just probably don?t get it.

So, after watching both shows this weekend (at first I was skeptical about American Dad, but no longer, it is going to be outrageous and great? it was on Sunday), and then re-watching them again last night (like I said, these shows are great!) I issue this thanks to Fox. Thank you for bring my show back, and I honestly know that I speak for many, many others out there when I say: It was definitely the BEST decision you have ever made? and oh yeah, KEEP THEM COMING, you don?t want to fuck it up twice, do you?

Side note: thank goodness for the tivo and DVD burner, cause I am definitely going to have all of these beauties to watch over and over again. If you haven?t seen the shows, do yourself a favor and start watching!!!