Month: April 2005

an opinion posting, of sorts. (I need your help!)

Turns out that the repairs to my car ended up being way more than $450. More like $2000. But? and here is where you come in? I have a choice to make. See, the remaining $1500 or so has not been spent, and I need some perspective and help to make this next decision:

Should I cut my losses, trade the car in like it is, and get a new one? Or, should I just pay the money to get it fixed, after getting a second or third opinion, of course?

movable type

I just attempted to learn movable type… thinking it would be easy and fun. Wrong. So, I am definitely putting that on hold for now, and will continue to use this version of the blog. Here’s hoping that I actually go back to it… see earlier post… HA!

But at least I get to laugh at this:
mosh girl

I don’t know why, but that is really funny. Poor girl.

Wendy’s chili situation… finger licking good?

Here is a little snip-it of an article related to the Wendy?s finger-thing. (For those of you that don?t know, apparently some woman found a finger in her chili) Although I am not really that intrigued or interested in the whole finger situation (especially since I do not eat the chili at Wendy?s? no offense to Wendy?s chili, of course), I must say that I love the wording that was used in this article.

?Though a subsequent search for the missing finger’s owner turned up nothing, police found answers after digging a bit deeper into the woman who found the object in her chili, Anna Ayala. After analyzing the missing finger CSI-style, the Santa Clara County Medical Examiner determined that some of Ayala’s claims were in fact false, casting doubt on her whole story.? (courtesy of

Honestly, I love that the investigation was done CSI-style. It makes it sound much more hip and very now. They should think of using that on the show.

damn you, Inman Park Festival!!!!

First, let me start by saying that this could have been a potentially great weekend. For you see, Saturday, we decided that we would go the Inman park festival. It sounds all nice and fun, cause, hey, we did go there last year, but for some reason, I knew that the day would not turn out as planned. And boy was I right. I went and picked up my friend Daphne, and upon arrival at her house, I started to smell antifreeze. I honestly thought nothing of it, because sometimes things like that are around, not necessarily your car, but around, you know? So we went on our merry way to the liquor store to pick up some festival essentials. Upon procurement of said essentials, we started driving down the road, when I noticed the heat gauge was almost to the top. So, learning my lesson from the last time this happened to me (which was with my last car, and I kept driving it, thinking it was something with the oil, and that getting an oil change would make things all better; but as we all know that was a $2500 mistake… but anyways), I jerked the car quickly over into a parking lot, and turned the car off. Daphne hightailed it to Kroger, because all I know to do is put more fluid in there, so that is what we did. As the fluid goes in, we notice that it is going straight through to the ground, so basically, I have a busted water pump. Nice. But…

new feature utilization: thanks ipod

I have fallen victim to too many choices, which has led to this utilization of a feature I would normally never think twice about: the shuffle feature on my ipod. Sure, I may sound silly for talking about this, but I really want to comment on how wonderful it can be to have all of your 3000 some odd songs shuffled for you, and you never know what is coming next. It can be a surprise that is good (like hearing a blur song followed by Jessica Folker “To Be Able To Love”) or that is bad(like when the damn iTrip stations play as tracks… I hate that), but it is always nice to have some variety. It is like having your very own radio station, where ipod deejays for you. It saves me from having to make the choice of what to listen to, since I have so many good choices. Thanks ipod.

a wake up call to myself… of sorts

I often find myself wondering why I don?t follow through on things like I ought to. I have all of these things that I like to do, and things that I want to do, but I just talk about how fun or cool it would be to do them, but never actually really get around to doing them. One of those things is posting here as often as possible, but I feel like I have actually managed to make a strong effort on that, and have actually gotten to that. I really do enjoy keeping up on the old website too, but even that wavers at times. (I keep threatening to learn the master of all flash and make a kick ass ALL FLASH * gasp * website version of, but alas, I have not yet?) I am either on or off with that stuff. I really want to be the ultimately creative being that I believe that I am destined to be, or I honestly think that I will perish. I guess that I am the only one that can save myself, but I believe the years of ADD or whatever you want to call it have made it hard to do. So right now, and listen up, cause this is a message for those of you that wonder about these sort of things, I am focused on figuring that out, and working on it. I think that I am going to write a book (finally)? but we will have to see how that goes, and if I can maintain the drive that it will take to finish it, and make it good. Hell, maybe it could get published and make me some money, cause then I know FOR SURE I would be a hell of lot more motivated. Maybe that is my motivation? if my creativity made me money AND happiness, all would be right in the world. So, now is when I will start wishing for that, while you go away and let me wish for it. (But I promise to work on that other crap too).

And Laura, this doesn?t mean that I am contemplating being a creative zombie, or that I am writing a story about zombies, or anything like that. Although, now that I think about it, that may actually be an option. Stay tuned?

the reason your license has been revoked, sir:

This post is in reference to the guy, and anyone else who does this for that matter, who was driving the BMW that barreled through that intersection this morning. You see, the light was out, and it wasn?t blinking or anything. What does that mean? Well let’s see, as we should all know, given that we have a license to drive, and had to pass a test for it, that you must treat this situation as you would treat a four way stop situation. (meaning everyone stops, and everyone goes when it is their turn) So just because you drive a BMW, and think that you are immune to the law because your car is nicer than mine, doesn’t mean that you are immune, in fact, you too must comply with these rules. So stop next time, asshole.

Well, I feel a little better.

fun thoughts for the upcoming weekend!

a couple of fun things:

first: If you have never eaten at Eatzi?s, do yourself and go. And make sure that you get the Caesar salad (I like mine with added garbanzo beans and feta cheese? yum!), with spicy chicken. Get ready for the best meal you have had in a long time. I won?t say ever (let?s not forget sushi), cause you never can know what people have eaten, or will eat, right?

second: In case you are not watching Showdogs Mom?s and Dad?s, please start. It is just the level of drama that borders on ridiculousness, so it is wonderfully enjoyable. And did I mention that I love it? Cause I do.

A dark and sad day…

Today is a dark and sad day for teeny boppers all over the world: an idol has taken the final step into the trailer. Britney has admitted that she is pregnant, and by K-Fed. Yes, it is true that we all knew that this was coming, but none wanted it, at least, not by this boy. Britney has managed to find a man that left his girlfriend while she was pregnant (trailer), to be with her, only to impregnate her shortly after (trailer). Many may ask, ?Didn?t she think that was a bit strange? Couldn?t she see the signs??. Well, apparently not.

I really want to take the time to address the following to Britney:
Brit, honey, what has happened? I put out a plea for you to clean up some months ago, and apparently, you have ignored it. Now that you are going to be a mom, how do you think this will effect your ability to fit in those teeny little outfits we all love to see you in (think back to the ?I?m Not A Girl? video shoot)? Sure, I know you will hire a trainer, and be in better shape than I will ever be in my entire life only a few months after your delivery, but at least think about it. Nine months of carrying a baby? isn?t that more time than you and super hubby have been married? I believe so. But I digress? I guess what I really want to know is this one thing: If you really wanted to just have a kid and be a mom (which I actually do respect) then why did you have to rush it, and why with THIS BOY?? You could have had anyone? you are Britney freaking Spears!! But you chose a backup dancer, yeah, that?s right, a backup dancer. Well, for whatever reason, it is reality, and I guess we will all have to deal with it, as will you. I just hope that you can. And please, for the sake of your unborn child, sell that trailer you have set up camp in over the last several months, and get yourself and Kevin out of the trailer park. You have way to much money to have so little class. That is all, for now.

What a great weekend! Dogwood 2005

Ever since I heard that this man exists, I have been on the prowl to hopefully get a picture with him, and this weekend, a dream became reality. I finally met Baton Bob aka the Ambassador of Mirth. Now, I know what you are thinking, “couldn’t you just get your picture with any old drag queen, any old time of the week?”. Well, yes. But? That drag queen would not be Baton Bob, for you see, he is not a drag queen. He is the Ambassador of Mirth, and rightfully so.
We were walking to the dogwood festival when we spotted him, and I ran across the road in busy traffic just to get a picture with him, and I am so glad that he obliged. Check out the results: Dogwood Pictures (Now, as you can see by these photos, we saw Baton Bob three times. What a lucky day.)
Now, I honestly must say, that I was totally filled with mirth as I walked away that day, and am filled with mirth every time I think about it. Thank you Baton Bob!!! It was a pleasure!

Oh yeah? the dogwood festival was nice too. And James, Josh, and Laura were there, I liked that as well. Hi Laura! Come back soon!