Month: March 2005

my wednesday night TV

First of all, I must say THANK YOU to whomever wrote the Alias episode last night, it was hands down the best of the season. It was full of suspense and action, and it was great (even if I was having a Kill Bill vol. 2 flash back…). If this is the direction the rest of the season is going… shift that into high gear. The third faction? GREAT VILLAIN NAME. Okay, so enough about Alias, but it was great.

After Alias, I was poised to watch a little show on Bravo called Show dogs Mom’s and Dad’s. When I switched over after an exhilarating Alias, I was met with a hilarious show about crazy people and their crazy dogs. This show is being hailed as the “real” Best In Show (which, if you have read my fact file, you would know is one of my favorite movies), and honestly, it delivers. This show is so funny, in most part, because these people are real. You can tell they are not acting, and it is wonderful to think that those people are that crazy… without acting. HA! I have to say right now I have a few favorites:

Here we go again… Idol Fever

Damn you American idol! I swore not to watch, but you have suckered me into it. Sometimes all it takes is an amazing rendition of Heart’s “Alone” to do it. And this year, it was just that. Now I am in it for the long haul. I wonder if I should say anything for fear of another Kimberley Locke or Latoya London incident, but I secretly (for fear that she will come in 3rd or 4th if I love her much as her predecessors) want Carrie Underwood to win. Nuff said.


After consulting with a lawyer regarding our rights when it comes to the MASSIVE termite damage and improper supports that were used to support the floors in our house, we have found out that it is pretty much our responsibility, per se. I talked with some lawyers, and they all said the same thing: fraud has to be intentional, which is hard to prove, and negligence is shaky ground (which is also hard to prove). Also, listen up homebuyers, in Georgia, there is something called a “Buyer Beware” law, which means that it is the buyer’s responsibility to check every potential problem out before closing. Honestly, I believe that this is the worst law ever, and it really does only protect the person who is selling the house. In this case, it protects them from spending the $20,000 to fix what should have been fixed before the house was even put up for sale. This doesn’t mean that it isn’t their fault, and it also doesn’t let them off the hook, but it really does mean that the legal system does not work for the little guy!!

There can only be one Highlander!

I have been buying Pepsi products, almost exclusively, since they started putting those lovely little yellow caps on their products, some of which contain a code for a free song on iTunes. (Diet Mountain Dew is my vice? eww? hate Pepsi) And I honestly must say that I feel like I am pretty lucky, having gotten probably about 10-15 tunes now (my average is pretty good). But, based on the actions of the last four days, I feel I must make a very bold statement: I have mastered you Pepsi, prepare for the Quickening, for there can be only one.

Here’s why: I have noticed that there are less and less DMD’s available with the yellow caps (an obvious signal that the promotion is nearing a close), so it has been harder to get one and “play for a tune”. But, over the last four days, I have gotten four DMD’s, all of which were the last one with the yellow cap, and ALL have had iTunes on them. That is right. I am four for four baby. Oh yeah. So that is why I feel certain that the above statement, applied or otherwise, is definitely necessary. Also, this is to inform you that by getting the last soda with the cap may also signal victory for someone else, and I am here to spread music? free music. That’s right.

A quick little update, kiddies…

I am currently revamping the photos pages on my site. I hate them, and they suck. That is why. Even though it did take me forever to get those little pictures to be equal sizes in those boxes; but I digress. Expect it to go live once I have finished transferring everything over. I am using this amazing program I found called SimpleView. Check it out… Click here to visit

Also, I bought a digital camera. It rocks. I love it. It takes the biggest pictures I have ever seen in my entire life. You would have to get two really big printers to mate in order make a baby printer that was big enough to print out a massive photo like this. And even then, I don’t think that it would be enough. The camera is a Canon Powershot A520. And yes, it is really cool. It is also inspiring. Once the new photo page goes live, I will institute something called “pic of the day”. I think that will be fun, and since I am forcing myself to be more creative with my writing, this will force me to be more creative with taking pictures, something I actually love to do. I love to take pictures, because it forces you to focus on the world in a way that you would normally not. Interesting. Man, there is a lot of forcing going on there. Exciting.

So… that is all for now. Expect great things….

Being home-wise and IRS goodies.

Today we have someone coming out to look at the floors and foundation under our house. Apparently, it is in need of some TLC, ASAP. I have a feeling that this is something that will end up costing more than a thousand dollars, but to be honest, I just want it to be fixed. I heard that this lady is pretty eccentric, so I am actually kind of looking forward to her stopping by. I really hope that it isn’t something too serious. Something to think about before buying a house: make sure that you get a GREAT home inspector; and go under the house with them, even though you may not want to (I didn’t). Make sure that when something is in the contract, like something that the person selling the house to you is supposed to fix, is COMPLETED BEFORE you move in. Otherwise, it will not be done. I repeat: It will not be done.

Also, I hope that these “under the house repairs” don’t really require too much out of me, as I really don’t like going under the house; creepy, crawly things live there. And they want to jump at you. Or on you. Either way, they jump, and I don’t like that. Nothing should be allowed to be creepy, crawly, and have the ability to jump. This is simply a matter of what is fair and what is not. And, creepy, crawly, jumping things like jumping at you when you have no means of escape, like when you are crawling underneath a house. Just so you know.

I have decided today that I need a new camera. A better camera, and I believe I will be getting one with my tax refund. I cannot wait, now. I am also trying to drink a lot more water. Everyone gets on me about it, so this is to let everyone know that at least I am trying. I am going to eat at Jersey Mike’s for the second day in a row. I now love Jersey Mike’s all of a sudden. Go figure.

No more mondays… I want to stay in bed.

No offense Monday, but I simply wish the weekend were a little longer, and there is a simple and effective way we can do that, take Monday and make it an extension of Sunday!

Seriously, this was a nice weekend, relaxing, and beautiful! I decided that this would be the weekend that I would tackle that decoupage project that I have been putting off, and I must say that it did not turn out as I had expected. I think that the end product is okay though, but just okay. I will post pictures of it on my house site, eventually.

Other than that, I went bowling twice in one weekend. Love that. I love bowling. I want to do it more. Seriously. I am going to get my own ball. And shoes. And I don’t care what you think about that.

I want my ALIAS back!!!!!!

It has become a ritual, watching Alias every week. I have been doing it for so long. I even followed it to Wednesdays. But, halfway into the new season, I feel that I must make a statement, rather a plea, to the writers of the show. There are several key things that Alias just doesn’t have, key things that made it my favorite show. These things that I have been sitting and waiting for all this season, hoping each episode that they will appear. So, in a desperate attempt to both vent my frustrations, and pray that somehow, somewhere a writer of the show will hear this, I have decided to spell out what I miss about my favorite show Alias. Here it goes.

to Roth or not to Roth…

In the continuing effort to write more often, which was initiated just yesterday, I would like to talk about the next big step I have chosen to implement in my life, which occurred around 10 am this morning. I have opened my own IRA. Some may say, about time; some may say good for you; hell, some may say so what; and that is all good. But I am pretty jazzed about it, I am on my way to making a future, and there is always something that feels good about that. I have the house, the honey, and the dog… why not retirement? Yeah.

Also, I have decided that I want to work more on recreational writing. This may mean that you see some pretty weird stuff, and I say, go with it. Understand it. Embrace it. Just don’t rub it… too much.

The daily post… HAHAHAHA!

You know, I honestly think that I do not post enough on here, so I am going to start making a concentrated effort, since I seem to get bored so much, so often. This will be my effort to share that boredom with whomever is reading these very words at this very moment. Take today, for instance? I seem to have stumbled on, what appears to me to be one of the most interesting, albeit colorful and colorful, ecommerce websites selling, you guessed it, underwear. Give it a spin? warning, there is nudity. But only if you are lucky.
ginch gonch