Month: November 2004

Conservative America…. UGH, pu-lease.

So, it has been a while since my last post, and this is something that I liken only to a mish mash of grief from the travesty towards civil rights that was the election earlier this month, and just sheer boredom, or what I like to call it, the lack of anything important to write. But now I feel that I must come out of my silence, for something , alas, has pissed me off again.
What I speak of is simple, and hey, now that I think about it, it does relate, if even ever so slightly, to one of the major issues that shaped the outcome of the election. What is this he speaks of, you may wonder. Well, I am talking about gay rights, and America’s ass-backward way of looking at homosexuality as a crazy, demented thing that was created to piss off the Christians, for whatever reason. Two things really have shown me how crazy Americans really are, and begs me to ask the question, “Why the hell do you care so much, and why can’t you just leave the homos alone????” So here it goes.

Day of reckoning, indeed.

I haven’t been able to write anything since hearing the news that there will be 4 more years of the same horrible political control, but now, I feel the need to just say a couple of things.

First, what happened? I know that most of the people that voted are just wondering what the hell happened. I am one of those people.

Second, how can this be declared a “victory”?? Bush barely squeaked in, and that is victory? Whatever.

And finally, using “moral” issues (and I use the term moral loosely, because I would think that lying and greed are not moral issues), to divide a nation, and take attention away from your own short comings and putting the focus on gay marriage and abortion is just fucking wrong. It is horrible, and shouldn’t be allowed. Here is hoping that nothing that horrible happens ever again.

As far as I stand, I now have no civil rights, and I take the voting trend to be a pretty clear message that people like me are not wanted here in the south, and many other parts of the country. I hope that times change, I thought that they had, and I hope that people change and begin to accept these moral values: acceptance and understanding. Here’s hoping indeed.

Day of reckoning

We have all waited for so long for this day, and now it is here. This is the day that will determine the course our nation will take over the next four years, and most likely for even longer. It will help us to determine where we stand in the world, and how we will work within the global cultural network. It is also a day that we get to celebrate the election of a new president, or drown our sorrows that the incumbent is re-elected. Here’s hoping that the latter does not happen.