Month: October 2004

ding dong the witch is dead… for now?

In a previous post, I went on about how I thought it was absurd that when you googled my name I wasn’t even included on the first few pages (I think that I said 7, but I am not for sure). Well, maybe the folks over at Google saw my post and thought it would be proper to put me on page one, because that is where I am, once again. Here’s hoping that I stay there, because after all, when I google my name, if I wanted to learn something about me, I would want my site to pop up… just a thought.

Google bomb failed. FUCK GOOGLE. THat’s right, google that… FUCK You GOOGLE.

A plea for sanity and change.

Since the debates are over, and we are on the last stops of the campaign trail, I thought that I would speak to something lighter, yet still important to my heart. Something that we all know must be addressed, as it has gone too far, and is certainly spiraling out of control. What is this I speak of, you ask? Simply put: Britney, honey, we need to talk. You and I need to sit down and go through some things, as soon as humanly possible. For you see, you have been left to your own devices, and it has obviously gone horribly wrong.

The third and final… thank goodness

I must admit, I am getting to the point where I am just tired of seeing these debates. I am really tired of seeing Kerry and Bush go back and forth shouting numbers and “facts”. But last night’s debate, while entrenched in fact slinging, was great. It is really one of the times when Kerry looked and acted most presidential. Bush, on the other hand, looked like someone fumbling around, chasing a ball that is obviously out of his control. But aside from the way that the candidates looked or acted, there is one thing that really disturbs me. I read all of the analysis of the debates on all kinds of different news websites, watch CNN, listen to talk radio, but what I am really peeved about is how most reporters and analysts merely point out in happenstance that Bush flat out lies all of the time. Usually, their stance on Kerry is that he may have exaggerated a true fact by increasing numbers or leaving out one particular caveat of the fact, but Kerry doesn’t just flat out lie.